Venue: Via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Chloe Plowman Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and Chairs Announcements Minutes: The
Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: There
were no declarations of interests received. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes: The
minutes of the meeting held on 7 May 2024 were approved as an accurate record. |
Regional Transport Plan (RTP) Policy (Draft) and Consultation Update Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee were provided with an update report on the progress of the
Regional Transport Plan (RTP). The report also sought endorsement of the RTP
Policy Framework and revised programme of work to develop and deliver the RTP. Reference was made to the Wales Transport Strategy, Llwybr
Newydd, 2021. It was explained that Officers had been working on interpreting
the Strategy and identifying how it related to the Southwest Wales Region; the
RTP Policy Framework set out the context of how Llwybr
Newydd would be implemented at a regional level. A discussion took place in regard to the timescales of delivering the
RTP. Officers had previously raised concerns in regard to the timescales due to
a number of influences that impacted progress; these were listed within the
circulated report. It was noted that Officers were seeking endorsement to amend
the timeline, specifically, moving final submission from April 2025 to June
2025. Members received the following updates in regard to progression of the
RTP: It was highlighted that a lot of work had been completed in terms of
collecting, interpreting and understanding data; to aid the development of the
RTP, a ‘data book’ had been produced. It was explained that the ‘data book’
included a quantitative analysis of various data sources including Transport
for Wales (TFW) and Census travel data; as well as an assessment of
accessibility by active travel, bus, rail and car to several key destinations
across the region; this mapping exercise provided an overview of some of the
key issues within the region. Officers mentioned that the ‘data book’ could be
circulated to Members if they wanted to view the information in more detail. Officers confirmed that the next step in the process was to start
looking at specific schemes, specifically which schemes could be implemented in
the region over the next five-year period; this time period was the primary
focus of the RTP funding block that will be provided in the next few years. It
was mentioned that the individual Local Authorities across the region were
assisting in this step by bringing forward proposals for various schemes.
Members were informed that an assessment matrix was also being developed in
order to understand how to assess and prioritise the schemes. Continuing on from the above, Officers provided an overview of how the
assessment matrix would work. Firstly, it was noted that a list of schemes
would be collected from various sources such as Local Authorities and TFW; the
list will be subject to a review through an Officer Workshop, in which Officers
will start to remove schemes that were unlikely to be delivered within the
five-year period of the RTP and schemes that could not realistically be
achieved. Once this had been completed, it was explained that the remaining
schemes would be subject to further detailed analysis; this will consist of a
qualitive analysis and a numerical analysis. It was added that the Policy
Framework will guide some of the choices regarding potential schemes. The discussion moved on ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Forward Work Programme Minutes: It
was explained that the scheduled meeting of the Regional Transport
Sub-Committee in October would be utilised as a workshop for Committee Members;
and a special meeting would be arranged for 15 November 2024. The
Regional Transport Sub-Committee Forward Work Programme was noted. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section
100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Minutes: There
were no urgent items received. |