Venue: Multi Location Hyrbid Microsoft Teams/Council Chamber
Contact: Sarah McCluskie
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chairman Minutes: Agreed
that Cllr N Jenkins, be appointed Chairperson of the meeting. |
Chairpersons Announcements Minutes: Cllr
Jenkins welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: No
declarations of interest were received. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 116 KB Minutes: That
the minutes of the previous meeting, held on the 27th September
2022, be approved as an accurate record. |
Forward Work Programme 2022/23 PDF 429 KB Minutes: That
the Education, Skills and Wellbeing Cabinet Board Forward Work Programme be noted. |
Public Question Time Questions
must be submitted in writing to Democratic Services,
no later than noon on the working day prior to the meeting. Questions must relate to items on the
agenda. Questions will be dealt with in
a 10 minute period. Minutes: No
questions from the public were received. |
Christmas/New Year Opening Times (Libraries, Leisure Centres etc) PDF 199 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Decision: That
the Christmas and New Year opening and closing times, for Libraries, Theatres,
Community Centres, Margam Country Park, Leisure Centres and Swimming Pools, be
approved, as detailed in appendix 1 and 2, of the circulated report. Reason for Decision: That
the Councils facilities are available to the public, when there is a demand for
them to be open, and for Managers to make appropriate arrangements with front
line staff. Implementation of Decision: The
decision will be implemented after the three day call in period, which ended at
9.00am on Monday 31st October 2022. Consultation: There
is no requirement for an external consultation of this item. |
Admission to Community Schools Consultation (Out for Consultation) PDF 577 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Decision: That
having due regard to the Integrated Impact Assessment, the Community Schools
admission policy 2024/2025, be approved, for consultation. Reason for Decision: That
the Council meets its statutory duties, and good practice guidelines, in respect
of the admission of pupils to Community Schools. Implementation of Decision: The
decision will be implemented after the three-day call
in period, which ended at 9.00am on Monday 31st October 2022. Consultation: Consultation
is required with, the governing bodies of community schools, the governing
bodies of voluntary aided schools i.e. faith and all neighbouring local
authorities. In addition, the Council will consult the Admission Forum, and the
consultation process will cease on the 30th December 2022. |
Participation and Engagement Strategy (Permission to Consult) PDF 712 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Decision: That
having due regard to the Integrated Impact Assessment, appendix 2 of the
circulated report pack, the Participation and Engagement Strategy, be approved
for consultation. Reason of Decision: That
the Participation and Engagement Strategy be finalised and embedded following
the consultation. Implementation: The
decision will be implemented after the three-day call
in period, which ended 9.00am Monday 31st October 2022. Consultation: Consultation
is to be undertaken with all stakeholders, including
schools, the third sector, partner services, agencies, parents/carers and
children and young people. |
Strategic School Improvement Programme - Naming of a New Welsh Medium School PDF 207 KB Minutes: Decision: 1.
That the instrument of Government, as attached as appendix A, of the
circulated report, be approved, with an incorporation
date of the 1st March 2023, creating a permanent governing body. 2.
That the name of the School, be Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg
Tregeles. Reason of Decision: To
comply with legislative requirements for the establishment of the new school,
namely Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Tregeles. Implementation: The
decision will be implemented after the three-day call
in period, which ended 9.00am on Monday 31st October 2022. |
Pastoral Support Programme PDF 1 MB Minutes: Decision: 1.
That the new Pastoral Support Programme and reduced timetable be approved. 2.
That the alternative provider guidance, be adopted. Reason of decision: That
the Programme and alternative provider guidance will further strengthen arrangements
and monitoring for learners at risk of disengagement. Implementation: The
decision will be implemented after the three-day call
in period, which ended 9.00am on Monday 31st October 2022. Consultation: A
consultation exercise had been undertaken with
relevant stakeholders. |
Welsh Public Library Standards Annual Report 2020-21 PDF 210 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Decision: 1.
That having given due regard, to the first stage integrated Impact
Assessment. The Annual return to Welsh Government, be
approved. 2.
That the contents of the Welsh Libraries report 2020-21,
be noted. Reason of Decision: That
the Council comply with its statutory duty to provide a library service in
Neath Port Talbot. Implementation: The
decision will be implemented after the three-day call
in period, which ended 9.00am on Monday 31st October 2022. Consultation: There
is no requirement for an external consultation. |
West Glamorgan Archives Services PDF 520 KB Minutes: Decision: That
having given due regard to the Integrated Impact
Assessment: 1.
That the West Glamorgan Archive Service be relocated from County Hall,
Swansea to the former British Home Stores and WHAT! Store. 2.
That the Management responsibilities transfer from the Head of Legal and
Democratic Services, to the Head of Support Services and Transformation, be
noted. 3.
That the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, be
granted, delegated Authority to agree and complete a deed of variation,
to the Joint Committee Agreement of the 11th April 2014, and to
implement recommendations 1 and 2. Reason of Decision: That
the residents of Neath Port Talbot gain access to an archive service, pursuant
to the Local Government (Records) Act 1972. Implementation: The
decision will be implemented after the three day call
in period, which ended 9.00am Monday 31st October 2022. Consultation: There
is no requirement for consultation in regard to the
report. Discussions with the City and County of Swansea Council have been
ongoing as part of the development work. |
Curriculum for Wales PDF 344 KB Minutes: Decision: That
the report be noted. |
Quarter 1 Performance Indicators PDF 306 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Decision: That
the report be noted. |
Youth Service Update PDF 998 KB Minutes: Decision: That
the report be noted. |
Leadership Strategy PDF 343 KB Minutes: Decision: That
the report be noted. |
Urgent Items Any urgent items (whether public or exempt) at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 2290 (as amended). |