Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Special, South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee - Monday, 14th October, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Via Microsoft Teams

No. Item


Chair's Announcements


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest received.


There were no declarations of interest received.


South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee General Progress Update 2023/2024 pdf icon PDF 213 KB

Additional documents:


Following scrutiny, members note and endorse General Progress of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee 2023/24.


Members considered the report as circulated within the agenda pack.


The officer outlined the content of the report and clarified that it is different to the annual report which includes consideration of financial monitoring.


The report outlines the progress that has been made in 23/24. The report sets out the governance arrangements that are in place and considers partner and external engagement through the co-optees. The reports sets out the progress of the functions of the Corporate Joint Committee, in specific relation to regional transport, energy, economic wellbeing, economic development and strategic planning.


The report also considers priorities for Autumn 2024 onwards. These priorities look at appointing additional advisors for the private sector advisory board. One of the main priorities identified is finalising the Regional Strategic Equality Plan.


Members were also advised that a workshop is going to be held in November to consider what the priorities are going to look like for 25/26.


Following scrutiny, members note and endorse General Progress of the South-West Wales Corporate Joint Committee 2023/24.


Welsh Language Compliance Notice pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Additional documents:


Following scrutiny, Members note the requirements of the Welsh Language Standards Compliance Notice as outlined within the report.


Members considered the report as circulated within the agenda pack. The report outlines what measures have been put in place following the adoption of the compliance notice.


The CJC are complying as far as reasonably practicable and there will be ongoing monitoring of compliance. The officer outlined which standard is excluded from compliance. In terms of implementation, there is a budget in place to ensure this and the CJC actively promote the Welsh language within the organisation and communities.


Members queried if the CJC has its own Welsh language interpretation resource, or if they access the local authority provision and if the CJC are charged for this. The officer confirmed there is a SLA in place with the CJC’s democratic services partner which is overseen in Neath Port Talbot. In terms of the CJC’s strategy for translation services, in terms of correspondence requests etc. this is available under the regional support arrangements through Swansea or Carmarthenshire translation services.  


Following scrutiny, Members note the requirements of the Welsh Language Standards Compliance Notice as outlined within the report.


Workshop Priorities 2025/2026 (to follow)


Following scrutiny, members noted the verbal update.


Members were provided with a verbal update on the 25/26 priorities. The priorities identified are the financial priorities and the delivering of the wellbeing objectives. Members were advised that the workshop will consider an update from the Chief Executive, the Monitoring Officer and the s.151 Officer in terms of the current position of the CJC. The regional directors that cover each of the four functions of the CJC will reflect upon progress for 23/24 and will consider what the priorities are for the forthcoming year. This will aid the budget setting for 25/26. Risk management will also be a key consideration at this workshop. The corporate plan will also be considered to ensure that it is still relevant.


Following this workshop, a paper will be drafted for members to consider outlining the priorities identified. Permission to consult on the Corporate Plan in the Nea Year will also be sought.


Members queried whether the draft Regional Transport Plan will be an outline plan or a full plan. It was confirmed that pre-consultation has already taken place and that this information will be presented with a draft full plan. Permission to consult in the New Year will be sought and it is hoped that the full plan will be submitted to Welsh Government following conclusion of the consultation and collation of the results.  


Following scrutiny, members noted the verbal update.


Forward Work Programme 2024-2025 pdf icon PDF 487 KB

·        South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee Forward Work Programme 2024-2025

·        South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2024-2025 Forward Work Programme

Additional documents:


Members noted the Forward Work Programme.


Members considered the Forward Work Programme of the Corporate Joint Committee. It was agreed to add the following for consideration at the next meeting:


·       Draft Priorities and Budget Options for 2025/26

·       Draft Regional Transport Plan, Integrated Well-being Appraisal and Regional Transport Delivery Plan

·       Quarter 2 Financial Monitoring 2024/25

·       Energy Funding Request


Officers advised that they will liaise with the Chair on any thing further to add to the Forward Work Programme.


Members noted the Forward Work Programme.


Urgent Items

Any urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


There were no urgent items.


There were no urgent items.