Venue: Microsoft Teams
Contact: Alison Thomas Email:
No. | Item |
Chair's Announcements Decision: The
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes: The
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Decision: There
were no declarations of interest. Minutes: There
were no declarations of interest. |
Regional Transport Plan - Case for Change Additional documents: Decision: This
item was noted. Minutes: Officers gave a brief overview to the report
contained within the agenda pack. Members asked for clarification regarding the
timescale for the budget spend, and an indication of a final cost to develop
the plan. Officers confirmed that some of the budget had
already been spent and there is flexibility on how the money is utilised. Work
has already been undertaken around the Metro proposals, it may be appropriate
to replace the Metro spend with RTP funding and carry the Metro spend over for
development next year. It is ambitious to commission and complete within the
current timescale. The outline indicative cost is estimated to be less than
£400k. Members questioned the reference in the report
to the use of electric vehicles (EV’s) to tackle pollution and noted the
difficulties in this approach in urban areas, due to the high cost of vehicles
and the limited charging infrastructure. Members asked how ambitions for a
pollution free transport system could be achieved taking into account these
factors. Officers confirmed that the principle of the RTP
hinged around a transport hierarchy, with priority given to cycling, walking
and public transport. How the infrastructure will be provided is challenging
and will be included in work undertaken in relation to the development of the
metro proposals, and considered as part of the wider RTP. The RTP will be used
as a bid document for leveraging funding for delivering transport
interventions. Officers confirmed that a Low Emission Vehicle
Strategy has already been produced which will feed into the RTP work. Current
focus has included work on converting the council’s fleet and identifying any
implications. Work is on-going in relation to investigating the use of
technology and proposals for on street charging. It was noted that Transport
for Wales will be able to help with some of the supporting work related to the
plan. Members questioned if consideration had been
given to overnight charging for fleet vehicles to make use of lower cost
tariffs. Officers confirmed that this was not the case in
Pembrokeshire and the production of the Fleet Transition Strategy was currently
ongoing. Pembrokeshire Council have looked at hydrogen vehicles rather than
electric but EV’s may still be considered. Officers confirmed that an EV
Strategic Plan was available for the region. Welsh Government and Transport for
Wales (TFW) are carrying out pilots in other local authorities in relation to
options for on street charging; more information will be available following
the pilot. The Welsh Government Energy Service have carried out studies with a
view to setting out high level strategic infrastructure requirements to support
transition. Public Bodies can support their employees with salary sacrifice
schemes for EV purchase. Officers from Neath Port Talbot Council, confirmed
that EV’s will predominantly be charged overnight, but some vehicles may also
require daytime charges. There are benefits in having a solar infrastructure
alongside charging facilities that can offset to supply power to buildings by
day and charge vehicles at night. Members commented on gaps in the report, there ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Decision: There
were no urgent items. Minutes: There
were no urgent items. |