Agenda, decisions and minutes

Environment, Regeneration and Streetscene Services Scrutiny Committee - Friday, 22nd March, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot & Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Charlotte John  Email:

No. Item


Chair's Announcements


The Chair noted that the Members of the Scrutiny Committee had agreed to scrutinise the following items from the Scrutiny and Cabinet Board agendas:


-      3. Verbal Update - Waste Strategy Action Plan Measure 11 (pursuant to rule 10.1 of the scrutiny procedure rules)

-      7. Healthy Travel Charter

-      8. Performance Measures 2023/2024 – Quarter 3

-      13. Highways Works Programme 2024/25

-      14. Street Lighting Energy - Consultation Response

-      17. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Camera Request (Exempt under Paragraph 18)

-      18. Proposed lifting of Restrictive Covenants and sale of a small area of land at The Former Four Winds Hotel, Princess Margaret Way, Port Talbot (Exempt under Paragraph 14)



The Chair noted that the Members of the Scrutiny Committee had agreed to scrutinise the following items from the Scrutiny and Cabinet Board agendas:


       3. Verbal Update - Waste Strategy Action Plan Measure 11 (pursuant to rule 10.1 of the scrutiny procedure rules)

       7. Healthy Travel Charter

       8. Performance Measures 2023/2024 – Quarter 3

       13. Highways Works Programme 2024/25

       14. Street Lighting Energy - Consultation Response

       17. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Camera Request (Exempt under Paragraph 18)

       18. Proposed lifting of Restrictive Covenants and sale of a small area of land at The Former Four Winds Hotel, Princess Margaret Way, Port Talbot (Exempt under Paragraph 14)



Declarations of Interest


Cllr Stephanie Grimshaw declared an interest in Item 14 as she works for Welsh Women’s Aid.


Cllr Stephanie Grimshaw declared an interest in Item 14 as she works for Welsh Women’s Aid.


Verbal Update - Waste Strategy Action Plan Measure 11 (pursuant to rule 10.1 of the scrutiny procedure rules)


The update was noted.


Officers apologised that they were unable to provide a full report in time for the meeting as requested by the chair due to time constraints but confirmed that there will be a full report going to the next meeting covering the waste strategy.


Members were reminded that the Waste Strategy Action Plan as approved in April 2023, included Measure 11 - to conduct formal consultation on moving to three weekly collections of non-recyclable waste with the existing three-bag (140 litre wheely bin) limit, alongside continuing with weekly collections of recyclable waste including, food, paper, and card as well as plastic, metals and household batteries and glass. The consultation to explore the way forward with green waste and nappy collection frequencies.

Officers advised that consultation on three weekly collections is programmed to start week commencing 6th of May and run for six weeks and a briefing note is being prepared to be sent out to all members as per the original report. Any proposals further to the consultation would be bought back to Members for decision.


The Chair thanked officers for the update and understood the difficulties in providing the report at short notice and welcomed the opportunity to look at the detail of all the measures that were included in the waste strategy in the next meeting.


Members raised concerns regarding how it would impact Aberavon and Baglan Moors as the area is struggling with fly tipping and extra bin waste that needs to be addressed first.


Members stated that public engagement is often low with consultations and that there are people who don’t use the internet who won’t be able to respond. Members also raised concerns that even if there is poor feedback that the authority will still go ahead anyway.


The Chair asked the cabinet member for Streetscene if he wanted to comment on the current cabinet policy position as the Chair felt that there been some confusion from different statements from members of the cabinet on this policy.


The Cabinet member for Streetscene advised at this stage the recommendation is an officer's recommendation and is not a cabinet recommendation. At such time that it comes before the cabinet then the cabinet will make a decision. The cabinet member advised that the cabinet are very keen to make sure that a consultation is undertaken widely across the county Borough.


The Chair noted that a decision hasn't been made on whether to implement three weekly bin collections, but a decision has been made by the cabinet board to consider and move forward towards that, as part of the waste strategy. The Chair stated that he wished to make it clear that it is not just an officer proposal, it has had the endorsement of the cabinet board.


The Director of Environment clarified that the cabinet member is correct that the cabinet have endorsed the need to go out to consultation and that there has been an endorsement of the recommendation as part of a wider suite of recommendations  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Pre-Decision Scrutiny

To select appropriate items from the Cabinet Board agenda for Pre-Decision Scrutiny (Cabinet Board reports included for Scrutiny Members)


7. Healthy Travel Charter


The report was noted.


8. Performance Measures 2023/2024 – Quarter 3


The report was noted.


13. Highways Works Programme 2024/25


Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendations to Cabinet Board.


14. Street Lighting Energy - Consultation Response


Following scrutiny recommendation 1 was noted.


Following scrutiny, recommendation 2 was supported to Cabinet Board.


Following scrutiny, an amendment was put forward in relation to recommendation 3. The amended recommendation as set out below was supported to Cabinet Board.


3. Approve a pilot study of part nighttime lighting to gain a better understanding of the impacts of such saving strategies and thereby enable evidence-based decisions to be made in the future, if considered appropriate. Prior to such a pilot taking place, a further report is brought before Members giving details of the geographical location of the proposed pilot study, the duration of the pilot study, and the times when the lights will be turned off/on, all to be agreed by Members prior to any pilot being undertaken. The results of pilot scheme then being referred to Members to inform any future decisions, if considered necessary. Consultation shall be undertaken as part of the pilot study and shall include an assessment of the impacts upon women and young girls in terms of violence, domestic abuse and sexual violence. The results of that consultation shall be reported to members following the completion of the pilot and consultation.



7. Healthy Travel Charter


Officers introduced the report and reminded members that the activity the authority has taken on board in entering the Healthy Travel Charter is on the basis that there was no budget made available for its delivery.


Officers pointed out that the work that has been done has been absorbed by the Road Safety Team and is on top of the other activities in this area.


Officers advised that the Healthy Travel Charter is complementary to and supports the authorities’ other activities around this subject matter. The Healthy Travel Charter supports the authority’s decarbonisation plans, wider modal shift, behavioural change and contributes to the health and well-being agenda that set out within the corporate plan.


Members raised concerns that the peer assessment has been generous with some of the scores.

Members acknowledged that although progress has been made and that the authority is doing some of the things the charter asked it to do, they didn’t believe that the authority was ‘leading the way’ on some of the issues.


Officers agreed that the authority was not ‘leading the way’ but is making good strides in taking the agenda forward but with more to do.


Officers explained that the delivery of some elements they are trying to improve on are reliant upon securing grants, funding, and support from other agencies.


Members were advised that the authority will get to a point within the criterion of assessment before the authority has to decide that it needs to invest itself, especially if it wants to lead the way.

Officers agreed that peer assessment has been a little generous but advised that it is strict criterion, and it scores within the metrics that are used for that purpose. Officers confirmed they will always strive to improve all activities around the action plan.


The report was noted.


8. Performance Measures 2023/2024 – Quarter 3


Members noted that there are staffing issues that have affected indicator 4: ‘major planning decisions’ but were worried that it has been below target for a year. Members sought reassurance on time scales in terms of the recruitment process to tackle the problem.


Officers noted members concerns and stated that recruitment was in a much-improved position with a successful recruitment drive over recent months including internal promotions and external appointments. Members were advised that the external appointments are currently working notice periods with their current employers and will join in the next four weeks.

Officers explained that the senior planning officer positions deal with the complex, contentious and major applications that that this Key Performance Indicator (KPI) relates to and that once the new officers start, there will be a full complement of five senior planning officers to deal with those applications. These have been difficult roles to fill due to the level of expertise required.

Members were informed that there is currently only one vacancy for an enforcement officer which is on advert and closes in mid-April.


Officers advised that they believe the wording of this KPI  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Committee Action Log pdf icon PDF 475 KB

For the Committee to comment on and note the actions and the progress from the previous meetings.


The Members of the Committee noted the Action Log.


The Members of the Committee noted the Action Log.


Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 448 KB

For the Committee to receive the Forward Work Programme of the Environment, Regeneration & Streetscene Services Scrutiny Committee for 2023-24.


The Members of the Committee noted the Forward Work Programme.


The Members of the Committee noted the Forward Work Programme.


Urgent Items

Any urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


There were none.


There was none.


Access to Meetings

Access to Meetings to resolve to exclude the public for the following item(s) pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 and the relevant exempt paragraphs of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act.


That pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded for the following items of business which involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act.


That pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded for the following items of business which involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act.


Pre-Decision Scrutiny of Private Item/s

To select appropriate private items from the Cabinet Board agenda for Pre-Decision Scrutiny (Cabinet Board reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members).


17. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Camera Request (Exempt under Paragraph 18)


Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendations to Cabinet Board.


18. Proposed lifting of Restrictive Covenants and sale of a small area of land at The Former Four Winds Hotel, Princess Margaret Way, Port Talbot (Exempt under Paragraph 14)


Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendations to Cabinet Board.



17. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Camera Request (Exempt under Paragraph 18)


Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendations to Cabinet Board.


18. Proposed lifting of Restrictive Covenants and sale of a small area of land at The Former Four Winds Hotel, Princess Margaret Way, Port Talbot (Exempt under Paragraph 14)


Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendations to Cabinet Board.