Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot & Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Pamela Chivers Email:
No. | Item |
Chair's Announcements Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest received. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting · 19 September 2024 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 19 September 2024 were
approved as an accurate record of proceedings |
To consider items from the Cabinet Forward Work Programme Minutes: Members considered items from the Cabinet Forward Work
Programme |
Minutes: The Director of Social Services, Health and Housing, advised members that the budget setting process had been difficult, the required 5% savings from the directorate amounted to £5.4m at a time of increasing pressures on services and complexities of need. The Director noted that other agencies such as police, prison and probation services as well as some areas of health, were reducing services to vulnerable people which was creating additional demand. The Heads of Service provided of overview of each of the budget proposals contained within the report. Reference SSH&CS-A: The Head of Housing and
Communities advised members that the expected efficiency saving for the
department was £112k which will be achieved through cost reduction in providing
homelessness services through service redesign and preventing people from
requiring temporary accommodation; this is in line with the strategy that was
previously brought to committee. A restructure of the Housing Options Team was carried out in
August and a strategic housing function is in place. The efficiency target is
connected to the teams that are now in place and the work in the strategy is
being progressed. Reference SSH&CS-B. The Head of Children and
Young People Services advised members that the pro-posed saving of £232k
related to a natural reduction in the number of looked after children. There
will be a reduction in the amount of allowances that are currently paid but will
stop when the young person turns 18. Members questioned how this figure would be affected should
there be an increase in young people needing care in the future. The Head of Service confirmed that any child needing care
would be provided for. However, due to the service set up and the quality of
the social work practice, there has been a downward trend over the last 10
years of young people needing care, and although this is a risk, it is
anticipated that the numbers will reduce further. Members asked for clarification of the term non looked-after
children that was used in the report. The Head of Service confirmed that this term related to
previously looked-after young people who ceased being looked-after at 18. Members referred to page 20 of the report and the mention
that ‘historically the underspend for in-house allowances offset the overspend
of external residential provisions’ and asked if the underspend was saved and
was it connected to this budget proposal. The Head of Service confirmed that this could be discussed
under a later budget proposal. Members requested data in relation to the special
guardianship order. The Director of Social Services, Health and Housing,
clarified children who have been adopted or are on special guardianship orders
are no longer looked after by the local authority and are classed as non looked-after. Members questioned whether any of the non
looked-after children required any transport. The Director confirmed that this may be the case, the young
people were supported to stay with their special guardians or adopted parents. SSH&CS-C The Head of ... view the full minutes text for item 4a |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair thanked officers for their comprehensive report. Members referred to the background section on page 20 of the
Cabinet report, and requested that text is added to the report to reflect that
the council will support children to remain with a parent or person with
parental responsibility, where it is safe to do so. It was important to
reference safeguarding as this is the primary focus. Members requested data for
different types of establishment such as foster carers, residential children's
homes or supported accommodation. Officers confirmed that the suggested change would be made to the report and the requested information would be provided to members. Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendation
outlined in the draft Cabinet report. |
To consider items from the Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme |
Update Report on Housing and Communities Transformation Programmes Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Housing and Communities provided members with an
overview of the report contained in the agenda pack and advised members that
satisfactory progress has been achieved against the programs of work. Members referred to page 89 of the report and asked if
Officers could provide examples of the different types of models that have been
analysed. Officers advised members that work was ongoing with
colleagues in commissioning, to review different modelling types. There is a
need to look at full supported range of accommodation options. It was hoped
that this would be moved forward shortly, following events with commissioning colleagues,
service providers and meetings with registered social landlords to advise on property
opportunities. Members questioned whether officers were referring to the
model of the system or different models of housing? Officers confirmed that different models of housing such as
container housing and canal boats have been explored, however, the cost is
high. A briefing paper is being developed. Ongoing work is being undertaken to
understand clients needs to help in profiling the
type of accommodation required. Members referred to the review of the housing options IT
platform and asked how the homeless could access digital information. Members
commented that the page was not user friendly. The Head of Housing and Communities thanked members for the
feedback and confirmed that work was ongoing. Officers advised members that work is ongoing with Digital
Transformation in relation to urgent IT requirements for the service. It was
acknowledged that the information on the webpage was not satisfactory. An
intern from Swansea University is working with the service to enable improved engagement
opportunities. Members stated it was important to consider people’s needs
when accessing information. Members referred to the increasing number of lettings and
the cost of rental properties. There is an issue currently with private
landlords selling rental properties. Members enquired whether there was a
change in the amount of Section 21 notices. Officers confirmed that the situation was stable at present
and there was no increase in Section 21 notice’s, however, the sector is
inaccessible to some clients due to the prohibitive cost of rent. The service
employs a private sector officer who carries out a weekly availability check
but the rental cost does not fall within peoples budgets. Members shared concern regarding the cost of rental
properties. Members referred to page 19 of the report within the agenda pack
and asked if there was an update from the analysis undertaken on temporary
accommodation at the Ambassador and Treetops. The Head of Housing and Communities advised members that
more person centred work has been undertaken to understand the holistic needs
of people in temporary accommodation. There are challenges in obtaining
tenancies due to support needs. Officers advised members that reports on the Ambassador and the Treetops Hotel have been prepared and the cost element to both of those options was considered. Work has been undertaken to understand the potential housing pathways, and to manage people’s expectations to ensure the pathway was ... view the full minutes text for item 5a |
Performance Monitoring There
are no performance monitoring items to be considered. Minutes: The Chair advised committee that Quarter 1 & Quarter 2 performance reports were added to the forward work programme for 12th December, with quarterly performance reports being received for future meetings. There were no performance monitoring reports for
consideration. |
Selections of items for future scrutiny · Cabinet Forward Work Programme · Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: Officers advised members of new items that had been added to the Cabinet Forward Work Programme and changes to the Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme; members were given the opportunity to request further items for consideration. Officers advised members that an All Members Seminar on
Safeguarding would be taking place on 21st November. The Committee had
previously asked for a report on the Child Protection Register and this topic
will be covered in the seminar. If members have further questions on this
topic, a report can be re-programmed into the Forward Work Programme. Members requested data in relation to the Child Protection
Register. The Director of Social Services, Health & Housing confirmed that this data could be sent to the committee in addition to the information provided at the seminar. Members noted the Forward Work Programmes. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Access to meetings Access
to Meetings to resolve to exclude the public for the following item(s) pursuant
to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 and the relevant
exempt paragraphs of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act. Minutes: Resolved: to exclude the public for the following item(s)
pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 and the
relevant exempt paragraphs of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act. |
Scrutiny of Private Items from the Cabinet Forward Work Programme Minutes: Members considered the private items selected from the
Cabinet Forward Work Programme. |
Business Case for Establishing an In-House Short Breaks Service for Children with Disabilities Minutes: Following scrutiny, the recommendation was supported to
Cabinet |
Business Case for Establishing an In-House Family Link Short Breaks Service for Children with Disabilities Minutes: Following scrutiny, the recommendation was supported to
Cabinet |
The Manager's Report on Hillside Secure Children's Home Minutes: Following scrutiny, the report was noted |
The Regulated Service (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) regulations 2017 and Hillside Secure Children's Home update Minutes: Following scrutiny, the report was noted |
Fire Safety Guidance Impact Report Minutes: This
item was deferred. |
Scrutiny of Private Items from the Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme Minutes: Members
considered the private item from the scrutiny committee Forward Work Programme. |
Update Report on the Children and Young People Services Transformation Programme Minutes: Following scrutiny, the report was noted. |