Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot & Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Alison Thomas Email:
No. | Item |
Chair's Announcements Decision: The
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. It was confirmed that the committee would be
scrutinising items 7, 8, 9 and 10 from the Cabinet Board Agenda. |
Declarations of Interest Decision: There
were no declarations of interest received. Minutes: There
were no declarations of interest received. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting Decision: The
minutes of the meeting held on 8th June 2023 were approved as a true
and accurate record. Minutes: The
minutes of the meeting held on 8th June 2023 were approved as a true
and accurate record. |
Pre-Decision Scrutiny To
select appropriate items from the Cabinet Board agenda for Pre-Decision
Scrutiny (Cabinet Board reports included for Scrutiny Members) Decision: Neath Port Talbot Adult Social Care Strategy 2023 -
2026 Following scrutiny, the recommendation was
supported to Cabinet Board. Draft Housing and Homelessness Strategic Plan
2023-26 Following scrutiny, the recommendation was
supported to Cabinet Board. Neath Port Talbot Children & Young People
Social Care Strategic Plan 2023 – 2026 Following scrutiny, the recommendation was
supported to Cabinet Board. Children
& Young People Services, Adult Services and Housing & Community Safety
- 4th Quarter (April 2022- March 2023) Performance Report Following
scrutiny, the report was noted. Minutes: Neath Port Talbot
Adult Social Care Strategy 2023 - 2026 The Head of Adult
Services delivered a presentation outlining the pressures faced by the
directorate and highlighted why and how Neath Port Talbot will need to work
differently going forward. Members welcomed the
content of the presentation but commented that transport could present an issue
when promoting social networks and self-management; members questioned if
community transport was being considered as part of the future plans? Officers
responded that the plans are only achievable if they are part of a council wide
approach. When discussing the preventative agenda, solutions need to be broader
than just through the Social Services directorate. With reference to
the mention of sensory adaptations in the report, members felt that in order to
reach more people the sensory adaptation service needed further promotion to
GPs; members questioned if there are there are any plans to work more closely
with Health Care services to promote this service? Officers responded that the
three staff in the Sensory Team are attached to the Community Occupational
Therapy Team, working with hearing and visual impairments. The experienced team
work closely with health services, but further work can be undertaken to
improve on this. Officers advised there is a Welsh Government initiative working
alongside Health Board services to improve sensory impairment services. Members asked how
the service will measure results and report back to the committee going
forward. Officers responded that costed business cases have been developed for
every scheme and these will be presented to committee when appropriate. Results
will be measured as the schemes progress and any required information will be
provided, as requested. Members queried the
timeline for community hubs and raised concern that any potential suitable
empty buildings may fall into disrepair if the timeline was too great. Officers
confirmed that this issue has been raised with Cabinet and Corporate Directors;
there is presently regional and council capital money available and any plans
need to progress quickly to take advantage of this funding. Work will be
carried out over the summer with decisions starting to be made in late August/
early September. Some plans need to progress imminently but other potential
schemes such as the Older Person Village and Gelligron may need to be discussed
over a longer timeframe. Following scrutiny,
the recommendation was supported to Cabinet Board. Draft Housing and
Homelessness Strategic Plan 2023-26 The Head of Housing
and Communities delivered a presentation on the draft Housing and Homelessness
Strategic Plan 2023-2026, reiterating that there is currently a high degree of
pressure on the housing system and the scale of change required cannot be underestimated. Members thanked the officer for the interesting presentation and queried if consideration had been given to a model where the council purchased houses where adaptations were not possible and re-homing residents in adapted social housing as a means of increasing the council housing stock. The officer advised that this approach had not been considered but could be discussed further outside of the meeting ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Forward Work Programme 2023/24 Decision: This
item was noted. Minutes: This
item was noted. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Decision: There
were none. Minutes: There
were none. |
Access to meetings Access
to Meetings to resolve to exclude the public for the following item(s) pursuant
to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 and the relevant
exempt paragraphs of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act. Decision: Resolved: to exclude the public for the following
item(s) pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the
Local Government Act 1972 and the relevant exempt paragraphs of Part 4 of
Schedule 12A to the above Act. Minutes: Resolved: to exclude the public for the following
item(s) pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the
Local Government Act 1972 and the relevant exempt paragraphs of Part 4 of
Schedule 12A to the above Act. |
Asylum Dispersal and Refugee Settlement Decision: Following
scrutiny, the report was noted. Minutes: Following
scrutiny, the report was noted. |
Pre-Decision Scrutiny of Private Item/s To
select appropriate private items from the Cabinet Board agenda for Pre-Decision
Scrutiny (Cabinet Board reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members) Decision: There
were no items scrutinised. Minutes: There
were no items scrutinised. |