Venue: Microsft Teams Meeting/ Hybrid Meeting in Council Chamber
Contact: Charlotte John 01639 673745
No. | Item |
Chairs Announcements Decision: The
chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes: The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. It was confirmed that the committee would be
scrutinising items 7, 8 and 12 from the Cabinet Board Agenda. |
Declarations of Interests Decision: There
were no declarations of interest recorded. Minutes: There
were no declarations of interest recorded. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting ·
24 January 2023 ·
7 March 2023 ·
18 April 2023 Additional documents: Decision: The
minutes of the meetings held on the 24th January 2023, 7th
March 2023 and 18th April 2023 were approved as a
true and accurate record. Minutes: The
minutes of the meetings held on the 24th January 2023, 7th
March 2023 and 18th April 2023 were approved as a
true and accurate record. |
Pre-decision Scrutiny ·
To select appropriate items from the Cabinet (Policy and Resources) Sub
agenda for pre-decision scrutiny (cabinet reports enclosed for Scrutiny
Members) Decision: Registry
Office - Celebrants Service Following
scrutiny, the report was supported to cabinet board. Neath
Port Talbot Welsh Church Act Trust Fund - Annual Report 2022-23 Following
scrutiny, the report was supported to cabinet board. Update
on the Ongoing Work to Support the Armed Forces Community
in Neath Port Talbot Following
scrutiny, the report was noted. Minutes: Registry
Office – Celebrants Service Members complimented the report and commented
that the service was well-run and supported the plans for expansion. However,
members questioned the accuracy of the information contained within the
Integrated Impact Assessment; the narrative of items 3, 4, 5, 7 & 10 on
pages 15-19 stated there was no impact but the corresponding matrix showed a
positive impact. The Head of Legal and Democratic Services
confirmed that the matrix should have shown a neutral impact. The Integrated Impact Assessment is an important
part of the decision-making process for members and officers will be reminded
of the importance of ensuring that any narrative and text corresponds. Members thanked the officers in the Registry
service for their work in recent years on income generation. Members questioned whether there was a need for
officers to receive further Integrated Impact Assessment training. The Head of
Service confirmed that a work programme was being developed, and work is
ongoing within the Corporate Policy Team to embed the training and principles. Following scrutiny, the report was supported to
cabinet board. Neath
Port Talbot Welsh Church Act Trust Fund – Annual Report 2022 – 2023 The Head of Legal and Democratic Services
brought members attention to information missing from the table of approved
applications on 31 of the agenda pack. The reference to The Rectorial Benefice should
state The Rectorial Benefice of Aberafan St Marys Church and the reference to
Sardis English Baptist Church should read Sardis English Baptist Church
Resolven. Members questioned the table on page 25 of the
agenda pack which did not include figures relating to re-evaluation, members
requested this is added to the table for clarity. The Head of Service confirmed that this request
would be forwarded to the Chief Finance Officer and in future any
re-evaluations would be reported. Members questioned the inclusion of an
application from 2004/2005 in the table on page 31 and queried whether it
should be included due to the time period elapsed. Members also questioned
whether the organisation was still active. The Head of Service confirmed that the funds are
still available but haven’t been drawn down by the organisation and therefore
the application remains on record. If the organisation wished to claim the
funds, additional due diligence may be required due to the time elapsed. There
has been no contact from the organisation in recent times; once addressed the
money can be removed from the system should the organisation no longer be in
existence. Members commented that they were content with the situation as long
as due diligence is carried out going forward. Members questioned the table on page 25 of the
report pack and commented that the summary did not clearly show that income is
coming from investment. The Head of Legal and Democratic Services confirmed
that this narrative will be included in future reports. Following scrutiny, the report was supported to
cabinet board. Update
on the ongoing work to support the Armed Forces Community in Neath Port Talbot The Officer commented ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Forward Work Programme 2023/24 Decision: The
Forward Work Programme 203/24 was noted. Minutes: The Forward Work Programme 2023/24 was noted. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Decision: There
were none. Minutes: There
were none. |