Agenda and minutes

Social Services, Housing and Community Safety Cabinet Board - Thursday, 21st September, 2023 2.05 pm

Venue: Multi-Location Meeting Council Chamber, Port Talbot and Microsoft Teams

No. Item


Appointment of Chairperson


Agreed that Councillor Harris be appointed Chairperson of the meeting


Chairpersons Announcement/s


There were none.


Declarations of Interest


There were none.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 21 KB


The minutes of the 13th July 2023 were noted.



Forward Work Programme 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 576 KB


The Forward Work Programme was noted.


Public Question Time

Questions must be submitted in writing to Democratic Services, no later than noon on the working day prior to the meeting. Questions must relate to items on the agenda. Questions will be dealt with in a 10 minute period.


No questions from the public were received.



Healthy Relationships for Stronger Communities Strategy pdf icon PDF 499 KB

Additional documents:


That the content and publication of the final Healthy Relationships for Stronger Communities Strategy be approved.


Commissioning of Care And Support Services For Three Supported Living Schemes pdf icon PDF 327 KB

Additional documents:


That having had due regard to the integrated impact assessment, and providing First Choice Housing Association be granted the relevant planning permissions to take forward the construction of the accommodation (as detailed in the circulated report)


a) The undertaking of a procurement exercise to commission care and support services to people living in the Supported Living Schemes, be approved.

b) Following the procurement process, the Head of Adult Services, in conjunction with the relevant cabinet member/s, be granted delegated authority to enter into a contract with the successful bidder, for the provision of care and support to people residing in the Supported Living Schemes.


Delegation under Local Government Legislation to Briton Ferry Town Council regarding the provision of a day service pdf icon PDF 256 KB


a)    That having had due regard to the integrated impact screening assessment, that Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council grant a one year delegation to Briton Ferry Town Council pursuant to section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 and section 19 of the Local Government Act 2000 to operate a community meals service at Liberty Hall, Briton Ferry, in accordance with the Health and Social Services and Social Security Adjudications Act 1983 and Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970.


b)    That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Adult Services in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to enter into a suitable agreement to document this delegation.


Children & Young People, Adult Services and Housing & Community Safety - 1st Quarter (April 2023- June 2023) Performance Report pdf icon PDF 322 KB

Additional documents:


That the report be noted.


Urgent Items

Any urgent items (whether public or exempt) at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Regulation 5(4)(b) of Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 2290 (as amended).


There were none.


Access to Meetings - Exclusion of the Public pdf icon PDF 244 KB

To resolve to exclude the public for the following items pursuant to Regulation 4 (3) and (5) of Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 2290 and the relevant exempt paragraphs of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



Business Case For Establishing An In-House Adult Family Placement Service


That permission be granted for Officers to:

a)     Conduct a 30 day consultation exercise.


b)     Negotiate a contract end date with the existing Provider to cover the timeline of bringing the service in house.


c)     Recruit an in-house team with a view to expanding uptake of Adult Family Placements and explore different client groups and support needs.


d)     Implement a Host payment banding system.


e)     Utilise the profiling tool to assess new and existing clients.


f)      Once agreed, phase in new rates to existing client/host combinations over a two-year period, but implement immediately for any new combinations.


In-house delivery of Assistive Technology Installations, Maintenance and Removals


That having had due regard to the integrated impact screening assessment:


a)     The proposal for Installations, Maintenance and Removals services to be provided in-house by Assistive Technology Service, be approved.


b)     Delegated authority be granted to the Head of Adult Services to issue a notice of termination to Care and Repair Western Bay terminating the Assistive Technology contract.


c)     Delegated authority be granted to the Head of Adult Services in consultation with the Head of People and Organisational Development, to facilitate any TUPE transfer that may be applicable between Care and Repair Western Bay and Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council.


Audit Report No. 13 - Hillside Secure Children's Home.


That the report be noted.