Venue: Multi-Location Meeting Council Chamber, Port Talbot and Microsoft Teams
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chairperson Minutes: Agreed
that Councillor Llewelyn be appointed Chairperson of the meeting. |
Chairpersons Announcement/s Minutes: There
were none. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There
were none. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting (21st September, 25th January and 2nd February) Additional documents:
Minutes: The
minutes of 21st September 2023, 25th January 2024 and 2nd
February 2024, were approved. |
Forward Work Programme 2023/24 Minutes: The
Forward Work Programme was noted. |
Public Question Time Questions
must be submitted in writing to Democratic Services,
no later than two working days prior to the meeting. Questions must relate to
items on the agenda. Questions will be dealt with in a 10 minute period Minutes: No questions from the public were received. |
Quarterly Performance Report Quarter 3 Additional documents:
Minutes: Decision: That
the report be noted. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Decision: That Members grant permission for Officers to conduct a 90-day public consultation period for Neath Port Talbot draft Strategic Action Plan for Neurodivergence 2024-27 as detailed in Appendix 1. Reasons for Proposed Decision The strategy will promote a cultural shift so that community and services are understanding and welcoming for neurodiverse individuals, families and carers. Â Implementation of Decision The decision is proposed for implementation after the three
day call in period. |
The Corporate Parenting Charter Additional documents:
Minutes: Decision: That having had due regard to the Integrated Impact Assessment it is recommended that Members approve the Council adopting the Corporate Parenting Charter, as detailed in Appendix 3. Reasons for Proposed Decision To ensure that the Council has signed up to Welsh Government’s Charter as a good Corporate Parent. Implementation of Decision The decision is proposed for implementation after the three
day call in period. |
Policy on Financial Contributions for Temporary Accommodation Additional documents:
Minutes: Decision: That having had due regard to the integrated impact assessment, it is recommended that the Council implement a charging policy linked to HLA rates, for the provision of Temporary Accommodation to those households that are not in receipt of Housing Benefit. Reasons for Proposed Decision To ensure that there is a transparent and equitable process to determining fees for the provision of Temporary Accommodation. Implementation of Decision The decision is proposed for implementation after the three
day call in period. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items (whether public or exempt) at the discretion of the Chairperson
pursuant to Regulation 5(4)(b) of Statutory Instrument
2001 No. 2290 (as amended). Minutes: There
were none. |
Access to Meetings - Exclusion of the Public To resolve to exclude the public for the following
items pursuant to Regulation 4 (3) and (5) of Statutory Instrument 2001 No.
2290 and the relevant exempt paragraphs of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local
Government Act 1972. |
Disabled Facilities Grants Minutes: Decision: That
the report be noted. |
Western Bay Area Planning Board: Contractual Arrangements 2024/2025 for a Range of For Substance Use Services Minutes: Decision: That
the report be noted. |
Spot purchase contract for a sole occupancy care and support provision. Minutes: Decision: That
the report be noted. |
The Manager's Report on Hillside Secure Children's Home Minutes: Decision: That
the report be noted. |
The Regulated Service (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (WALES) Regulations 2017 and Hillside Secure Children's Home Update Minutes: Decision: That
the report be noted. |
Commissioning arrangements for developing NPT Mobile Response Service Minutes: Decision: That delegated authority be granted for the Head of Social Services to enter in a contract with Llesiant Delta Wellbeing for the delivery of a further Mobile Response Pilot, from April 2024 to the March 2025 to be provided to all areas of Neath Port Talbot. For information in accordance with Contract Procedure Rule 7.2 that the requirement for competitive tendering is excluded for the direct award to Llesiant Delta Wellbeing, as it is a social care service contract in accordance with Contract Procedure Rule 7.1.11. Reasons for Proposed Decision: Decision on the recommendation is required to enable progression of the NPT agenda for an appropriate and timely response to falls as part of a wider fall's prevention strategy. The tight timescales imposed by the funding arrangements do not allow for procurement via tender at this point. Developing in house service may or may not offer more cost-effective solution, however, is not possible to achieve in the times scale, and we do not currently have the infrastructure to support this safely. Putting out to the open market at this point will cause delay and discontinuity of the developing mobile response service, resulting in a loss of momentum. A direct award for 1 year will ensure continuity and realistic timescale for scoping and implementation of the longer-term solution. Implementation of Decision: The decision is proposed for implementation following the
three-day call-in period. |