Agenda and minutes

South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Tuesday, 11th October, 2022 10.30 am

Venue: Via Microsoft Teams

No. Item


Welcome and Chairs Announcements


The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Declarations of Interests


There were no Declarations of Interests received.


Minutes of Previous Meetings pdf icon PDF 188 KB

·        25 January 2022

·        15 March 2022

·        26 July 2022

Additional documents:


The minutes of the previous meetings held on 25 January 2022, 15 March 2022 and 26 July 2022 were approved as an accurate record.


Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 552 KB


It was noted that the date of the December meeting had changed from 1 December 2022 to a later rescheduled date, and that this would be reflected in the Forward Work Programme.

A brief discussion took place in relation to the funding of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee’s current and proposed work activity. In this regard, the Chairperson confirmed that he had written to the Minister for Finance and Local Government in relation to the Regional Transport Plan (RTP). A response had been received from the Deputy Minister for Climate Change in which it was stated that the Welsh Government will give consideration to providing support as part of the development of guidance, and that it was planned to make technical support available through Transport for Wales. Members opined that whilst funding had been received for the establishment of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee, it will be important to continue to lobby Welsh Government for additional funding to support work activities.


Members were advised that the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) will be included on the agenda of the December meeting of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee; it was intended that this will outline the scope and potential resource implications associated with the preparation of the SDP. It was added that such information could be deemed beneficial and allow for further correspondence with the Welsh Government in regards to requesting financial support.


It was confirmed that further dialogue would be needed with Transport for Wales in regards to their contribution towards the development of the RTP. It was stated that this work would be undertaken over the coming weeks, which will provide further clarity on what the impact and implications will be for the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee. It was mentioned that Officers may need to further contact the Deputy Minister for Climate Change depending on the outcome of those discussions.

A request was made to include an agenda item at the December 2022 meeting on the role and remit of the Brecon Beacons and Pembrokeshire Coast National Parks (the NPAs) in regards to the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee. Reference was made to previous correspondence and clarification issues on this matter, however it was agreed in principle that the matter be listed for discussion in December 2022 if deemed appropriate and if required.

The Forward Work Programme was noted.


Presentation on Investment in Health Estate - Hywel Dda University Health Board pdf icon PDF 7 MB


The Committee received a presentation from Hywel Dda University Health Board which focused on proposed investment in their Estate.

The Executive Director of Strategic Development and Operational Planning at Hywel Dda University Health Board explained that Hywel Dda served a population of around 385,000 across three Counties of West Wales, covering a very large geographical area; the population was noted to not be dissimilar to other Health Boards in terms of size, however it was spread out across an extensive rural area. Due to this, it was noted that there were transport and travel challenges that needed to be addressed. Members were informed that South West Wales did not have a central large town or city to build these services around; this was a key point in terms of the legacy of the configuration of health services that had been inherited, coming into the formation of the Health Board.

Following on from the above, it was stated that the Health Board had a configuration of services that dated back to the 1950s/1960s; a lot of problems and challenges had emerged over the past 20 years as a result of that, including financial challenges and service sustainability and fragility. It was explained that this meant that some services have had to cease or centralise into one location, and some of the other service areas that were continued were on the brink of this. The Committee was informed that this was the background to the development of the ‘Healthier Mid and West Wales Strategy’, which was intended to set a longer term direction for sustainable health services for Mid and West Wales.

It was highlighted that one of the significant challenges going forwarded was the need for investment into the various estates; in particular Glangwili General Hospital and Withybush General Hospital, however investment was needed across all hospitals. It was noted that 40% of Hywel Dda’s estate was over 50 years old; this emphasised the need for investment in these estates and their facilities

Another significant challenge noted was around workforce and the sustainability of the model that was currently being delivered. The Health Board confirmed that they had progressively witnessed an aging population and increase in demand; the older model of care was no longer fit for the modern demands and pressures. It was mentioned that the Strategy set out a shift towards keeping people well, prevention and self-care, with much lower proportions of ill health being managed in acute settings.

In order to support the Strategy and its infrastructure implications, Members were informed that the Health Board had identified there was a need to make some improvements to the facilities that were currently in place. It was noted that over the past few years work had started to develop a network of community facilities; new integrated facilities had been developed in Ceredigion, Aberaeron, and there were plans to develop similar facilities across all key towns and population areas within the Health Board’s region.

In addition to the above, it was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Appointment of Advisers pdf icon PDF 240 KB


Members were informed that there was opportunity to involve private sector advisors so as to inform the work of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee. It was highlighted that the proposals included in the circulated report set out the adoption of a model, similar to Swansea Bay City Region Joint Committee, in which an advisory board be created as part of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee; this board would consist of advisors from the private sector, who would be able to advise on the various duties that the Committee will be undertaking.


Officers stated that the circulated report set out the terms of reference of the advisory group, which were included in Appendix One. It was clarified that Officers were seeking approval to co-opt members in a non-voting capacity on the advisory board, which would also be the same for the Chairperson of the board; they were also seeking for Members to grant delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in collaboration and consultation with the Leaders, to undertake a recruitment exercise to appoint additional advisors going forward, in order to look at the specific work programs of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee.



(a) Members agree the appointment of private sector representatives to an Advisory Board of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee subject to completion of an advisor agreement

(b) Members agree the Terms of Reference of the Advisory Board enclosed at Appendix 1 of the report

(c) Members grant delegated authority to the Chief Executive to undertake a recruitment exercise to appoint additional members of the Advisory Board in respect of the statutory functions of the CJC

(d) Members approve the granting of co-opted status to the chair of the advisory board on a non-voting basis subject to receipt of a signed co-option agreement



Terms of Reference for Sub-Committees pdf icon PDF 597 KB


The Committee received the Terms of Reference for the Sub Committees of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee.


The Chairperson advised that there was an amendment to the published report, which was noted to be as follows:

·       Councillor Darren Price will be the Political Lead on the Regional Transport Planning Sub Committee

·       Councillor Steve Hunt will be the Political Lead on the Strategic Development Planning Sub Committee

It was stated that in a previous meeting, the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee established four separate Sub Committees to look at specific areas of the work programme; one correspondent Sub Committee was set up for each of the four areas of work.


Officers added that the report set out the terms of reference for the Sub Committees which covered elements such as who will be present at the meetings, what the role of the Sub Committee will be, and the remit in which they will function.


It was mentioned that the list of attendees on the Strategic Development Planning Sub Committee contained within the circulated report, detailed that the Regional Directors of Constituent Councils with responsibility for Corporate Joint Committee areas shall be entitled to attend any Sub-Committee Meeting. It was stated that it should be clear that Regional Directors of National Park Authorities would also be included in this. The Chairperson confirmed that this can be clarified going forward, and it was intended that they be able to make representation at the Sub Committee meetings.



That members approve the terms of reference for the CJC Sub-Committees incorporated at Appendix 1.



Information Governance / Data Protection Policies pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Additional documents:


A report detailing the adoption of data protection and information security policies was provided to the Committee.


It was explained that the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee has responsibilities in respect of compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018, and other processes in relation to information governance.


Officers stated that the proposal within the report set out to adopt a suite of documents which would help demonstrate the Committee’s compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018. In addition to this, Members were informed that an additional obligation was the need to delegate a Data Protection Officer; this will be the person who would have responsibility for ensuring compliance with the data protection legislation. It was mentioned that the proposal was to nominate Craig Griffiths, Monitoring Officer, as the Data Protection Officer.



(a)Members designate the Monitoring Officer as the Statutory Data Protection Officer pursuant to the Data Protection Act 2018;

(b)Members adopt the Privacy Statement included at Appendix 1

(c)Members adopt the following policies for usage by the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee included at Appendix 2:

·       Data Protection Policy

·       Acceptable Use Policy

·       Incident Reporting Policy

·       Information Security Policy

·       Information Security Breach Policy

·       IT Security Policy

·       Mobile Device Security Policy

·       Removable Media Policy



Welsh Language Standards - Interim Policy Position pdf icon PDF 202 KB

Additional documents:


Members received a report regarding an interim policy position in respect of Welsh Language Standards.


It was noted that there were a number of public sector duties that were applied to Corporate Joint Committees; one of those duties related to the Welsh language. The Committee were informed that the Chief Executive of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee had already attended a meeting with the Welsh Language Commissioner’s representatives; however, the finalisation of the process for applying specific standards to the Corporate Joint Committee appeared to be some time away. It was confirmed that the Chief Executive would report back to the Committee on the outcome of this process; however as an interim measure, it was considered appropriate to take a proactive approach to this matter in the absence of the imposition of standards upon the Corporate Joint Committee by the Welsh language Commissioner.

The proposals set out in the report recommended that Members adopt the standards that have been applied to Carmarthenshire County Council.



(a) Members note that CJCs are encouraged to proactively embrace the Welsh Government’s policy objectives regarding the Welsh language.

(b) Members agree to adopt the Welsh language standards that have been applied by the Welsh Language Commissioner to Carmarthenshire County Council’s standards as an interim policy position.



Formulation of South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee Corporate Plan pdf icon PDF 186 KB

Additional documents:


Members were briefed on the proposal to formulate a Corporate Plan; this process would incorporate a number of the public sector duties that were imposed upon the Corporate Joint Committees.


The Chief Executive of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee explained that there were a number of public sector duties that applied to all Corporate Joint Committees. It was noted that rather than preparing a series of separate plans and policies, Officers were proposing to incorporate them into one single document which would set out the Corporate Joint Committees objectives and ensure that the public sector duties were suitably embraced in this regard.


It was considered that the formulation of the Corporate Plan would result in an integrated and proportionate approach to meeting the public sector duties, including the setting out of well-being objectives. Officers confirmed they could deliver the draft Corporate Plan to the Committee at the December 2022 meeting.



(a)Members endorse the principle of taking a proportionate and integrated approach to meeting the CJC’s public sector duties through a Corporate Plan.

(b)That a draft Corporate Plan be reported to Members in December with a view to securing Members approval for undertaking a public consultation thereon in early 2023;

(c)Further to (b) above, any consultation responses received will be reported back to Members with a view to informing a final version of the Plan before its formal adoption



Endorsement of South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee Equality Impact Assessment Toolkit pdf icon PDF 157 KB

Additional documents:


Reference was made to the proposal to adopt an Integrated Impact Assessment Toolkit to support the work of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee.


Officers explained that at the point of decision making, it was important to take into account those pertinent legislative and policy related considerations; building such considerations into the decision making process will reduce the risk of legal challenge. 


Rather than having a bespoke Integrated Impact Assessment approach for the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee, it was proposed that the toolkit used by Neath Port Talbot Council be adopted, with typographical and/or non substantive editorial amendments made as appropriate by Officers to reflect its use by the Corporate Joint Committee.


Members highlighted the importance of being mindful of the drivers, particularly in the racial equality plan from Welsh Government, which would require the Committee to go above and beyond compliance. Officers stated that the Corporate Plan would set out some of that more proactive work that the Committee would intend to carry out; this would be demonstrated in elements such as wellbeing objectives and actions that will be set. It was noted that this report focused more on the considerations prior to the point of individual decisions, in order to make sure that all various duties had been covered, which would then help protect the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee from the risk of legal challenge.



(a)Members note the need for the CJC to embrace the public sector duties applied to it.

(b)Members agree to adopt the Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council 2 stage Integrated Impact Assessment Tool to aid the CJC in discharging the public sector duties.



Publication of Freeports Prospectus for Wales pdf icon PDF 175 KB


The circulated report detailed information relating to the publication of the Freeports Prospectus for Wales.


It was explained that there was opportunity to bid for Freeport status within Wales; this was a joint prospectus which had been developed between the Welsh Government and UK Government. Members were informed that a consortium had been formed between Pembrokeshire Council, Neath Port Talbot Council, and the two ports of Milford Haven and Port Talbot; the intent being that the bid will develop a Freeport submission, based on opportunities that were believed to be available in those two port areas around the offshore wind farm turbine opportunity in the Celtic Sea, and the wider renewables agenda.


The proposal contained with the circulated report was to seek Members support in principle, for this submission to be received by Welsh Government; Officers were determined to take the opportunity to deliver wider benefits across the entire region. It was mentioned that the Leaders had asked for further assurances once the bid was further developed, to ensure any risks around the displacement of any economic activity were highlighted and addressed, as part of the bid development submission; Officers confirmed that they would provide these assurances.



(a) Members note the content of the report

(b) Indicate the support of the CJC to the bid being prepared by Pembrokeshire CC, Neath Port Talbot CBC in partnership with the ports of Milford Haven and Port Talbot



Audit Wales - Approach to Auditing Corporate Joint Committees and Understanding their Evolving Arrangements pdf icon PDF 232 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee was provided with an update on the approach that will be undertaken by Audit Wales in regards the undertaking of an early landscape review to understand the evolving arrangements of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee, and in the auditing of the Committee from an accounting perspective for the 2021-22 and 2022-23 financial years.


The letter contained in Appendix 1 of the circulated report set out Audit Wales position in terms of the governance, and the monitoring of that governance; the letter also identified the work they will be carrying out on reviewing the governance this year, and gaining a better understanding of the evolvement of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee.


Another statutory responsibility of Audit Wales was in relation to accounts; the circulated report clarified their position in terms of the 2021-22 accounts, which had previously been reported on; there weren’t any transactions processed for 2021-22, therefore Audit Wales confirmed that they will not be carrying out an audit or review of that particular year.


Reference was made to the proposals set for next year; Audit Wales had reviewed the Committee’s budget and identified that due to the budget being below £2.5million, which was the threshold for small organisations, they will accept an annual return as a full statement of accounts. This was noted to be positive in respect that there would be less administration required around this.


It was explained that the development of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee in the future, will be dependent upon elements such as what happens with some of the work streams and what funding would be received going forward. 


Officers mentioned that the fees for Audit Wales were also contained with the circulated report; there will be a fee of £2,000 chargeable for the work that will be carried out this year around the governance, and that will develop further next year as a consequence of the small audit work that will have to be done on the accounts.



a)Members note the content of this report.

(b)That the CJC Executive Officers respond as appropriate to the requirements as outlined by Audit Wales



Urgent Items


There were no Urgent Items received.