Venue: Via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Chloe Plowman - Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and Chairs Announcements Minutes: The Chairperson welcomed
everyone to the meeting. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: There
were no declarations of interests received. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes: The
minutes of the meeting held on the 23 May 2024 were approved as an accurate
record. |
Sub-Committee Update - Economic Wellbeing Shared Prosperity Delivery Update Minutes: Members received an update on the implementation of the UK Shared
Prosperity Fund (SPF) in South West Wales, which was a key pillar of delivery
for the Regional Economic Delivery Plan. Officers explained that the delivery mechanism that the South West Wales
region had opted for was to use an anchor project approach, in which each Local
Authority had its indicative allocation. It was noted that trough this
approach, there was a link back to core provision in each Local Authority,
particularly where there was small business support resource available;
building on that core area of working, using Shared Prosperity Funds to augment
the support and create budgets for grants to be used by businesses and
communities. It was highlighted that creating the Economic Delivery Plan assisted
with progress when the Shared Prosperity Fund was announced; it made it easier
to direct the funding into pressures that Officers were aware of across the
region. In regard to the spend figures, Officers confirmed that they were still
working to the original profiles, which were currently out of date; whilst the
spend figures looked as though they were substantially behind, they were
proportionate to the regions current position. It was stated that the delay in
the approval of the programme meant that progress was approximately two
quarters behind; Officers had been verbalising the need to extend the programme
by at least two quarters in order to maximise the outputs and the delivery of
the programme. The Committee was informed that delivery was extensively reported at
local level. It was mentioned that there was a number of outcomes that were
currently being achieved across the region, particularly regarding business
development; there were a large number of businesses that were being directly
supported and the affects were being noticed and felt by the businesses. It was highlighted that the Chair of the South West Wales Corporate
Joint Committee had written to UK Government requesting additional time to
ensure finalisation of the projects. Members expressed that it had been demonstrated regionally how positive
this model was and its suitability for running schemes such as this; it had
been made clear that they did not want to revert back to the previous model
that was used. It was queried if any feedback had been received in regard to amending
the timescales of the programme. It was confirmed that there had been no formal
response as of yet, however the interactions with both Welsh and UK Governments
had been progressive; the Chair could not guarantee an extended timescale,
however was hopeful that the response would be positive. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Corporate Plan 2023-2028 - Corporate Priorities for 2024/25 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received draft version two of the Corporate Plan
2023-2028, which was subject to consultation in January 2024. It was noted that the document was presented to the South
West Wales Overview and Scrutiny Sub Committee on 16 July 2024, and
there had been no significant amendments received as a result of scrutiny. Officers referred to the Corporate Priorities for 2024/25 which were
detailed as an appendix to the circulated report. RESOLVED: That the draft version two
of the Corporate Plan 2023 – 2028 be approved. |
Joint Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (Draft) Additional documents: Minutes: Officers provided an update to the development of the Joint Equality,
Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (Draft) and Regional Strategic Equality Plan
(SEP), which was a requirement of Corporate Joint Committees. It was stated that the Chief Executive of the South West Wales Corporate
Joint Committee had met with the Commissioner to go through the Strategy; the
Strategic Equality Plans of the four Local Authorities had been used to
underpin this document. Members were informed that the version of the Strategy contained within
the circulated report was draft, as it required further development; Officers
will be keeping in contact with the Commissioner to make sure that they were
content with the way in which the Strategy was being developed. It was
confirmed that once completed, the Strategy will be brought back to a future
meeting for endorsement. Members welcomed the blending of aspirations of Welsh speakers within the
document. RESOLVED:
That the
report be noted. |
South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Appointment of the Chief Executive Officer Minutes: Members received a report regarding the appointment of the Chief
Executive Officer for the South West Wales Corporate
Joint Committee. It was explained that it had previously been agreed that the role of the
Chief Executive Officer would rotate between the current Chief Executives of
the four Local Authorities within the region. Officers highlighted that William
Bramble, of Pembrokeshire County Council, had undertaken the role of Chief
Executive Officer for the previous year; it was proposed that Wendy Walters, of
Carmarthenshire County Council, be appointed as Chief Executive Officer from 1
November 2024. The Committee expressed their thanks to Will
Bramble for the support and efforts over the last year. RESOLVED: That Wendy Walters, Chief
Executive of Carmarthenshire County Council, be appointed as Chief Executive of
the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee from
the 1st November 2024. |
Quarter 1 Financial Monitoring 2024/25 Minutes: Officers presented the Quarter 1 Financial Monitoring for year ended
2024/25. It was highlighted that the budget set for the financial year required a
levy on the individual Local Authorities, which was allocated on a population
basis; the total combined levy was set at £555,978. Members were informed that the forecast outturn, as detailed in Appendix
A of the circulated report, identified a total surplus of £132,673. It was noted that there was a predicated underspend regarding the
financial services of the Corporate Joint Committee; this wasn’t originally
anticipated and may change in the future as the various work streams progress
and the workload increases. A discussion took place in regard to the four work streams; it was
currently predicated that the workstreams will commit the full expenditure that
had been allocated. However, it was noted that this was difficult to accurately
judge this early on in the year. Reference was made to the additional funding
from Welsh Government to support the delivery of the Regional Transport Plan;
the transport work stream was noted to be delivering a significant amount
through the year. Officers confirmed that projecting a surplus was a positive position to
be in as it allows for further development of the South West
Wales Corporate Joint Committee going forward. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Forecast Outturn and Pre-Audit Annual Return 2023/24 Minutes: The Committee received the Forecast Outturn and the Pre-Audit annual
return for year ended 2023/24. It was explained that Corporate Joint Committees were obligated, under
legislation, to produce annual accounts; however, due the size of the turnover
of the organisation, which was below £2.5million, it meant that there were
fewer reporting requirements, and a full statement of accounts was not needed. Appendix A of the circulated report detailed the Forecast Outturn
summary. It was noted that the four workstreams did not draw on as much budget
last year as they were still developing at the time; there were also
underspends in other areas which were highlighted in the report. Officers explained that the current financial position of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee meant that as the
workstreams develop further, there were reasonable provisions already in place
for them to draw on; this will help to avoid a significant increase of the
Local Authority levy, whilst still supporting the development of the South West
Wales Corporate Joint Committee. A discussion took place in regard to the Annual Return, which was
detailed in Appendix B of the circulated report; this was a replication of the
figures that were report in Appendix A, however it was detailed in the required
Annual Return format. It was highlighted that the Annual Return required
auditing and verification; firstly, through internal verification, which had
been completed by Pembrokeshire Councils internal audit team. The next stage
was for this to be sent onto Audit Wales for an overall verification; once
completed they will issue an audit certificate and it will be brought to a
future meeting. Officers mentioned that by internal audit starting the bulk of
this work, it reduced the level of work required to be carried out by external
audit and also helped financially. RESOLVED: That the receipt of the
Forecast Outturn and the Pre-Audit annual return for year ended 2023/24, be
approved. |
Private Sector Advisory Board Update - Recruitment of Advisors Additional documents:
Minutes: An update was provided to Members on the status to recruit additional
advisors to form the Private Sector Advisory Board (PSAB) to the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee. The circulated report included the names of the private sector advisors
that were appointed, in October 2022, to sit on the PSAB; the aim was to
populate the Board up to its full extent of 12 members. It was noted that
Officers had sought expressions of interest from constituent Local Authorities
and by way of advert; at the time of this meeting, the advert was closed. The
Committee was informed that a number of expressions of interest had been
received, and Officers were currently going through the longlist to shortlist
process; this process was likely to be completed shortly, and the details of
the shortlist will be presented at the September 2024 meeting of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee for formal
endorsement. It was added that once this had been completed, the PSAB can be
utilised to its potential going forward. It was highlighted that the hopes were to have a full spread of advisors
from all of the key sectors to ensure that the South West
Wales Corporate Joint Committee received a range of advice. The Chief Executive
of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee
mentioned that this was achievable based on the expression of interest that had
been received. Members were informed that the next step following this process was to
identify a representative from the South West Wales
Corporate Joint Committee for the Western Gateway Partnership. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Forward Work Programme Minutes: A discussion
took place in regard to the transport workstream, specifically the link between
the Regional Transport Plan and the bus franchising process. Concerns were
raised in regard to the timeframes of these pieces of work, and the need for
Officers to look into when information is presented to Members. The
Forward Work Programme was noted. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Minutes: There
were no urgent items received. |