Venue: Via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Chloe Plowman
No. | Item |
Welcome and Chairs Announcements Minutes: The
Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: There
were no declarations of interest received. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes: The
minutes of the meeting held on the 23 January 2024 were approved as
an accurate record. |
Forward Work Programme Minutes: The
Corporate Joint Committee Forward Work Programme was noted. |
Regional Transport Plan - Case for Change Additional documents: Minutes: Members were provided
with the Case for Change, which formed part of the process of developing the
Regional Transport Plan (RTP). Officers explained that
the Case for Change was the next required stage in progressing the RTP; this was
following on from the previous stage of producing the Implementation Plan. It
was stated that the Case for Change was a document which set out the regions
current position and why change was required; throughout the document, Officers
had given consideration to a number of factors, such as the economy and
environmental issues. In regards to why change
was needed, it was noted that the Welsh Government policy was a significant
driver; however, there was also a clear imperative for the transport network to
evolve. It was mentioned that these drivers for change were set out in the
circulated report. The Committee were
informed that the document also set out how Officers will engage with
stakeholders and conduct public consultation on the final RTP; as well as
detail in regards to the integrated impact assessment process, which follows on
from the various consultation exercises. In terms of next steps,
it was confirmed that the Case for Change would need to be submitted to Welsh
Government by the end of February 2024; Officers will then continue the process
of developing the RTP, with the current timescale for completion by spring
2025. The challenging timescales associated with the development of the RTP was
highlighted. A discussion took place
in regards to the confirmed funding that will be provided by Welsh Government;
£125k for the current year, and £100k for next year. It was mentioned that
there will be a need for additional funding to facilitate the number of work
streams and consultation work. Officers stated that
Transport for Wales had identified specific resource to help with the
development of the RTP; in addition to that they've started to develop useful
modelling information, which will assist with the evidence base and testing
interventions for developing the programmes. Another concern raised
by Officers was in regards to the difficulty in working up a capital programme,
as the information to do this will be based on the Plan information. Officers
mentioned that Welsh Government were aware of this challenge. The Committee expressed
the need to develop a sustainable public transport system, considering the
rural areas as well as those which were greatly populated; and the need to
think innovatively in terms of addressing the transport issues that the Region
currently faces. Members asked to be
provided with further explanation in regards to the delivery and prioritisation
of objectives; it was acknowledged that it will be difficult to deliver on all
of the objectives due to funding and resourcing issues. It was intended that as Officers progressed through the stages, there will be a very well developed programme of work; making sure to target each of the interventions. It was mentioned that the transport hierarchy was clear in that sustainable transport was a priority, such as walking, ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Appointment of Deputy Chief Executive Minutes: The Committee received a
report seeking to appoint a Deputy Chief Executive to the South West Wales
Corporate Joint Committee. It was explained that
this appointment would ensure additional resilience in the absence of a
particular Chief Executive, for any fixed period of time; the Chief Executives
from the constituent authorities of Neath Port Talbot, Swansea and
Carmarthenshire would then be capable of exercising the powers in the long term
absence of a Chief Executive. It had previously been
agreed that the Chief Executive role will rotate; Officers confirmed that the
Deputy Chief Executive roles would rotate to correspond with that going
forward. In addition, it was noted that the role will not be remunerated;
therefore there were no financial impacts. RESOLVED: That
the role of Deputy Chief Executives be created to the South West Wales
Corporate Joint Committee; and the Chief Executives of Swansea,
Carmarthenshire, Neath Port Talbot be appointed as Deputy Chief Executives, and
be authorised to act as Chief Executive of the South West Wales Corporate Joint
Committee in the absence of the identified Chief Executive. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Minutes: There
were no urgent items received. |