Agenda and minutes

South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Tuesday, 25th January, 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: Via Microsoft Teams

Contact: Naidine Jones 

No. Item


Minutes of Previous Meeting held on January 13th 2022 pdf icon PDF 208 KB


The attendance to be amended for Pembrokeshire Coast National Park to state Tegwyn Jones Chief Executive and Cllr Paul Harries.


Cllr Aled Evans be amended to Aled Edwards.


RESOLVED: with the inclusion of the above amendments, that the minutes of the meeting held on 13th January 2022 be approved.


Budget for Financial year 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 363 KB

Additional documents:


The committee were presented with the proposed budget for the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee for financial year 2022/23 and an amended Appendix A as contained within the circulated report and reminded that they were formally required to set a budget by 31st January 2022.


In its meeting on 13th January 2022 members of the committee had made key decisions in line with legislation and a draft budget was agreed. The levy apportionment on population was confirmed, which allowed the draft budget to be amended and members were asked to note that the proposed budget had dropped from £715,000 to £ 575.000 and certain elements had been moved around slightly. Members’ attention was drawn to the nominal budget amount allocated for sub-committees at this stage as without knowing the exact work programme for the year it was difficult to allocate a precise figure.


The committee was asked to note the assumptions around calculations as detailed on page 13 of the report including that the transitional grant supporting the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee is currently administered by Swansea Council. In addition it was felt that it would be inappropriate to put a levy on National Parks this year as the value is deminimus in terms of a charge.


The committee noted that the budget included provision for administrative support as well as building a reserve.


It was queried if the original grant had been utilised to cover all expenditure and if there was any remaining. It was confirmed that there were elements of the grant still available and that it was administered by Swansea Council as it had been arranged before s.151 responsibility had been discharged to Carmarthenshire and that it will remain vested with Swansea for administration purposes.




-      That the budget set out in the amended appendix A as circulated be approved

-      That the budget requirement for the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee as £575,411 be approved.


-      That the Levy Charge based on population as contained within the report be approved.