Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot & Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Naidine Jones Email:
No. | Item |
Chairperson's Announcement/s Minutes: The
Chairperson welcomed all to the meeting. The
Chair mentioned that they have a Lay Member vacancy available and will be interviewing
for the post on the 6th December, 2024. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There
were no Declarations of Interest received. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes: The
minutes of the previous meeting held on the 12th July, 2024, were
approved as a true and accurate account. There
was an error in the minutes, it was mentioned that Joanna Jenkins and Mark Owen
were referred to as Councillors instead of Lay Members. |
Forward Work Programme Minutes: Decision: That the forward work programme 2024/ 2025 be noted. |
Closure of Accounts 2023/2024 Additional documents:
Decision: That Members of
the Governance and Audit Committee: ·
Approve the Letter of representation, included in Appendix
1. ·
Approve the final 2023/24 Statement of Accounts as included
in Appendix 2. ·
Note the Annual Governance Statement included in Appendix 3.
· Authorise the
Chair of Governance and Audit Committee to provide their electronic signature
for both the Letter of Representation and the Statement of Accounts. Minutes: Officers
provided an overview to the circulated report. Officers
thanked Audit Wales and Officers from Neath Port Talbot Council for all the
work they have done with preparing the accounts. |
Audit Wales - Closure of Accounts 2023/2024 Additional documents: Decision: That the report be noted. Minutes: Officers from Audit Wales provided an overview to the circulated report. Officers mentioned they intend to issue an unqualified audit opinion, once
they have received the signed letter of representation. During the audit, two further risks were identified which Audit Wales
were required to report to Committee. The first risk was around internal
charges which had been made throughout the year. Additional Work was required to be undertaken by
the Finance team although the accounts were found to be correctly stated. Audit
Wales have made a recommendation for the Council to review the relevant
policies and procedures around the presentation of internal recharges. The second risk identified was a risk around the classification of
surplus assets. The initial testing found that an asset had been duplicated and
was within both surplus assets and in other land and buildings. There were
further errors noted in the report and Audit Wales recommended the Council
review the remaining balance during 2024/2025. There were two errors that had not been amended and management had
agreed to amend these in 2024/25. |
Audit Wales - Programme & Timetable - Quarter 2 Update April to September 2024 Additional documents: Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: Officers
provided an overview to the circulated report. Officers
explained this is the timetable for Audit Wales work, Quarter 1 has been superseded
with Quarter 2 update, which was brought to the meeting in October 2024, which
was postponed. Members
asked what the acronym AOLE means. Officers explained it stands for Areas of
Learning and Experience. |
Corporate Risk Management Arrangements Additional documents:
Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: Officers
provided an overview to the circulated report. Officers
explained there had been significant improvements made to the Strategic Risk
Register which has made it more presentable. A risk appetite statement has been
added to this also, which is a work in progress. Officers
explained they have improved on the inherent risk score and residual risk
score. Whether it was high, medium or low risk, (red, amber or green) Members
asked in relation to SR21 – Hotel Accommodation, there is reference to the
possibility of there being a legal challenge, members asked who the legal
challenge is from. Officers
explained that, looking from a planning perspective is how the planning
obligations is balanced in respect of hotel accommodation, against the
overwhelming need at present to provide the temporary accommodation, because of
the additional responsibilities placed on Local Authorities from Welsh
Government. If there was a challenge where temporary accommodation was being
used and the appropriate planning elements haven’t been complied with, where
permitted development rights are used, there would be some opportunities to
clarify and address that. In
relation to ‘has there been any change in risk rating since last report’,
Members asked why the box has been ticked. Officers
explained in relation to appendix 3, it indicates graphically whether the
residual risk has reduced or stayed the same, the box indicates whether it has
changed since the last report. Officers accept they can’t see if it has
increased or decreased, therefore Officers stated they can strengthen as a
visual for the Committee in the future. In
relation to target risk, Members asked when they will be populated. Officers
explained when the residual and the inherent risk scores are looked at, is the
risk score low enough or should it be lower again. Officers would be challenged
to see what else could be done to minimise the risk. Officers
mentioned this report will be brought back in six months’ time. |
Progress Update - Use of Performance Information: Service User Perspective and Outcomes Additional documents: Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: Officers
provided an overview to the circulated report. Recommendation
one - Officers mentioned this report was brought to Governance & Audit
Committee on the 12th July, 2024. The appendix of the management response
form that was submitted to Audit Wales with comments, work has been ongoing
since the report has been received from Audit Wales, to look at embedding
service user perspective across the Corporate Plan and the performance
monitoring throughout the year. Recommendation
two – Officers explained they are making good progress, they have introduced
the strategic planning and performance group, where there are senior officers
sitting on that group, that both feed into senior management team meetings and
engaging with accountable managers and performance officers. Recommendation
three - In relation to the accuracy of data, it is on the internal audit plan
going forward to check the data that is being used, is accurate. Members
asked if there was a completion date for the three recommendations. Officers
explained it’s a work in progress and in the New Year the Corporate Performance
Management Framework is looking to be signed off. At the end of the financial
year, Officers are looking to have more of a robust use of Service User
Perspective. |
Register of Regulators Reports & Recommendations Additional documents: Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: Officers
provided an overview to the circulated report. Since
this report came to Committee previously, there had been four national reports
produced by Audit Wales. Officers mentioned that the Neath Port Talbot Financial
Sustainability report and also the Digital by Design report will be going to
Governance and Audit Committee on the 21st February,
2025. |
Public Service Ombudsman for Wales Annual Report 2023/2024 Additional documents: Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: Officers
provided an overview to the circulated report. Members
asked in relation to the Town and Community Council Appendix G information, why
isn’t Neath stated. Officers
mentioned there has been no complaints in respect of a Neath Council member
referred to the ombudsman office, there are 16 Town and Community Councils all
in the Neath Port Talbot area. |
Internal Audit Update Report 2024/25 Additional documents:
Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: Officers
provided an overview to the circulated report. Members asked for a fuller
response in the future with regards to the letters. Officers thanked members for
feedback and assured members that there will be more information and detail
within the template to provide context to the committee, which will include -
original audit report date, assurance rating, number of recommendations raised
and the post audit review dates. Officers mentioned there has
been sick leave in the team and will ensure that they have an update on audit
resourcing within the committee pack. The team has delivered a strong level of
plan delivery to date. Members asked in relation to
mandatory training engineering services, it has raised from 33% to 73.4%, but
still a lot of staff haven’t had mandatory training. Officers explained the
audit plan had a spot check approach per directorate, to look at this area to
assess the completion rate for specific teams, they are being reviewed and
managed by relevant senior management teams for progression and to achieve the
completion rate. |
Access to Meetings That
pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the
public be excluded for the following items of business which involved the
likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 12 and 15 of
Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the above Act. Minutes: RESOLVED: that pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of
the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded for the following items
of business which involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as
defined in Paragraphs 12, 13 and 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act. |
Special Investigations Update Report Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: Officers
provided an overview to the private circulated report. |