Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot & Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Chloe Plowman
No. | Item | ||||
Appointment of Chair and Deputy Chair for the Civic Year 2023/24 Minutes: RESOLVED: ·
That Lay Member, Joanna Jenkins, be appointed Chairperson of the
Committee for the 2023/24 Civic Year ·
That Lay Member, Helen Griffiths, be appointed Deputy Chairperson of the
Committee for the 2023/24 Civic Year |
Chairperson's Announcement/s Minutes: The
Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: The
following Declarations of Interests were receiving during the discussion of the
relevant agenda item:
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 253 KB Minutes: The
minutes of the previous meeting held on the 17th March 2023 were
approved as an accurate record. |
Forward Work Programme PDF 530 KB Minutes: The
Forward Work Programme was noted. |
Audit Wales Register of Regulators Reports and Recommendations PDF 464 KB Additional documents: Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: Members
were provided with an updated version of the Register of Regulators Reports and
Recommendations. It
was highlighted that the circulated report detailed an overview of the
Regulators Reports that had been received since the last meeting of the
Governance and Audit Committee; and where, if any, action had been taken on recommendations
contained in those reports. RESOLVED: That
the report be noted. |
Draft Annual Governance Statement 2022-2023 PDF 392 KB Additional documents: Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: The
Council’s draft Annual Governance Statement 2022-2023 was presented to the
Committee. It
was explained that the report was brought to the attention of the Governance
and Audit Committee in order for the Committee to review the information, and to
take assurance that the Council had robust governance procedures in place. Members
queried why the Governance Improvement Action Plan for 2023/24 had been signed
by the Chief Executive and Leader of Neath Port Talbot Council, but not dated.
Officers confirmed that the circulated report was a draft version for review;
and will be dated once approved by Cabinet. RESOLVED: That
the report be noted. |
Corporate Risk Management Policy PDF 377 KB Additional documents: Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: Officers
presented the Corporate Risk Management Policy to the Committee. RESOLVED: That
the report be noted. |
Draft Statement of Accounts for 2022/23 PDF 142 KB Additional documents: Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: Members
were presented with the Draft Statement of Accounts for 2022/23. It
was highlighted that the Draft Statement of Accounts had been provided to Audit
Wales in order for them to commence their audit work; the accounts will be brought
back to the Committee once this work had been completed. RESOLVED: That
the report be noted. |
Revised Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy PDF 571 KB Additional documents: Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: The
revised version of the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy was brought before
the Committee, in order for Members to assist in discharging their duties in
respect of audit services. RESOLVED: That
the report be noted. |
Internal Audit Update Report PDF 783 KB Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: The
circulated report provided details of the internal audit work that had been
undertaken since the last Governance and Audit Committee meeting on 17th
March 2023. It
was confirmed that out of all of the reports that had been issued, only one
report was issued with limited assurance, detailed in the circulated report as ‘Council
Buildings’. Officers mentioned that most of the building checks that were required
were being carried out and that it was given a limited assurance based on administration. RESOLVED: That
the report be noted. |
Internal Audit Annual Report 2022/23 PDF 562 KB Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: The
Committee received the Internal Audit Annual Report 2022/23. It
was noted that the circulated report provided assurances on the audit work
undertaken and the governance arrangements. Officers confirmed that this year the
Head of Internal Audit had issued a reasonable assurance rating; assurance can
never be absolute, and this rating is the highest that could be provided. RESOLVED: That
the report be noted. |
Draft Governance and Audit Committee Annual Report 2022/23 PDF 784 KB Decision: That
the draft Governance and Audit Committee Annual report 2022-23, be reviewed and
approved by Members, prior to presentation to Full Council. Minutes: The
draft version of the Governance and Audit Committee Annual Report 2022/23 was
presented to Members; the circulated report had been produced by the Chair of
the Committee. RESOLVED: That
the draft Governance and Audit Committee Annual report 2022-23, be reviewed and
approved by Members, prior to presentation to Full Council. |
Urgent Items Minutes: No
urgent items were received. |
Access to Meetings That
pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the
public be excluded for the following items of business which involved the
likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 12 and 15 of
Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the above Act. Minutes: RESOLVED: That pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act
1972, the public be excluded for the following items of business which involved
the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 12, 13 and
14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act. |
Internal Audit - Special Investigations (Exempt Under Paragraph 14) Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: Officers
provided an update on all special investigations reports issued since the last
meeting; including details of all current special investigations. RESOLVED: That
the report be noted. |