
Environment, Regeneration and Streetscene Services Cabinet Board - Urgency Action - Tuesday, 2nd June, 2020 1.37 pm

No. Item


Outdoor and Town Centre Events During the Current Covid19 Crisis. - 21AM pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To seek Members’ approval for all major events either organised or facilitated by the Council to be cancelled until further notice and specifically, for the cancellation of Neath September Fair and the Neath Food and Drink festival that takes place in October.


That all major events either organised or facilitated by the Council, and specifically Neath September Fair and the Neath Food and Drink Festival, be cancelled until further notice and that delegated authority to be granted to the Director of Environment and Regeneration in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Property and Regeneration to determine when to rescind this order and allow the holding of events.




For Immediate Implementation