
Environment, Regeneration and Streetscene Services Cabinet Board - Urgency Action - Monday, 27th November, 2023 8.36 am

No. Item


Commercial Property Grant: 41 Commercial Road, Taibach - 01CLP pdf icon PDF 728 KB

To part fund external improvements to the front of this derelict and decaying, two-storey, mid-terrace, house with planning consent for conversion to a ground floor restaurant with a flat above. Works include the rebuilding of the front wall, installation of a new aluminium shopfront and first floor windows, as well as replacement of roof coverings, fascias and rainwater goods.

The proposed work will improve the appearance of the building and Commercial Road, as well as bringing a vacant building back in to use. It will increase the local supply of homes and restaurant floorspace, therefore creating opportunity for new business/employment. An additional food and drink establishment will be provided for the locality, that will attract footfall and enhance the vibrancy and vitality of Taibach.


That approval be granted to implement the provisions of the Commercial Property Grant scheme in accordance with the criteria and terms of administration of the grant, in order to contribute to the regeneration of Taibach.


For Immediate Implementation




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