
Environment, Regeneration and Streetscene Services Cabinet Board - Urgency Action - Friday, 16th September, 2022 10.31 am

No. Item


Swansea Bay City Deal - Supporting Innovation and Low Carbon Growth programme - South Wales Industrial Transition from Carbon Hub (SWITCH) Project - Procurement Strategy (Exempt under Paragraph 14) - 1CLP

Neath Port Talbot Council will be commencing the procurement process to design and construct the open access industrial research facility. This report provides details on the project and an overview of the financial and legal implications.


That approval be granted to

1.    Provide delegated authority to the Head of Property and Regeneration to commence and subsequently award the two stage design and build construction contract via the South West Wales Regional Contractors Framework.

2.    To note a further report will be presented at a future Cabinet Board meeting to review and approve the Heads of Terms in respect of Swansea University’s role as tenant for the SWITCH facility.



For Immediate Implementation