
Cabinet - Urgency Action - Thursday, 28th May, 2020 9.28 am

No. Item


Truck Cartel - Collective Action for Compensation. (Exempt under Paragraph 14) - 19AM

RESOLVED:   That, in consultation with the Leader and relevant    Cabinet Member,

(a)  Members note the Truck Cartel update.

(b)  Members endorse continuing with the collective action for compensation.

(c) The Director of Environment and Regeneration, Head of Engineering and Transport, Director of Finance and Corporate Services and Head of Legal Services be delegated authority to enter into the necessary agreements in pursuance of the collective compensation claim and to liaise with the Local Government Association on the conduct of the claim.

(d) A report be brought back to members following the outcome of any litigation to advise on any sums received.




For Immediate Implementation




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