
Cabinet - Urgency Action - Tuesday, 12th May, 2020 4.10 pm

No. Item


NPT Safe and Well - Humanitarian Assistance Provided by the Council in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic - 18AM pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To confirm the arrangements established by the Council to provide humanitarian assistance to the residents of Neath Port Talbot which is operating within the framework created by the United Kingdom and Welsh governments.





That the Cabinet endorses the actions taken to set up and operate the NPT Safe and Well Service in response to requests received from the UK and Welsh governments to mobilise a humanitarian assistance service.


That the Cabinet notes that additional costs have been incurred to set up the service and that officers were seeking to recover these costs by offsetting them against uncommitted grant income where this is feasible or making representation to the Welsh Government to recover any remaining balance.


That the Cabinet supports the proposal to establish a plan to transition residents from the crisis service to more sustainable alternative arrangements during the recovery phase based on the involvement of the community and ensuring local Members can play a full and active part in recovery planning activities.




For Immediate Implementation




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