
Cabinet - Urgency Action - Friday, 8th April, 2022 2.12 pm

No. Item


Home to School Transport Fuel Costs - 108TD - Private Urgency Action (Exempt under Paragraph 14)

To seek Members approval to uplift contracted prices to reflect the increased fuel costs faced by Bus and Taxi operators who are contracted to provide transport services to the Council.


1.   Having due regard to the first stage integrated impact assessment the proposal to increase payments to operators be approved. 


2.   That delegated power be granted to the Head of Engineering and Transport, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member, to vary the contract rates to operators on a Monthly basis in line with the price of fuel, until such time as the market stabilises.


3.   That payments be made retrospectively for the months of February and March 2022 in line with the fuel prices at that time.



For Immediate Implementation