Agenda and draft minutes

Joint Meeting of the Cabinet / Education Skills and Culture Scrutiny Committees - Tuesday, 1st February, 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: Via Microsoft Teams

No. Item


Appointment of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson


It was proposed and seconded and resolved that Cllr Sonia Reynolds be appointed Chairperson for the meeting.


It was proposed and seconded and resolved that Cllr Saifur Rahaman be the Vice-Chairperson for the meeting.


Declarations of Interest


The following Members made a declaration of interest at the commencement of the meeting:

Cllr Wyndham Griffiths


Future Delivery of Leisure Services as he is a Members at Celtic Leisure but has dispensation to speak and vote.

Cllr Simon Knoyle


Future Delivery of Leisure Services as he is a Members at Celtic Leisure but has dispensation to speak and vote.

Cllr Rebecca Phillips


Future Delivery of Leisure Services as she is a Members at Celtic Leisure but has dispensation to speak and vote.

Cllr Arwyn Woolcock


Future Delivery of Leisure Services as he is the National Chair of APSE but has dispensation to speak and vote.

Cllr Nigel Hunt


Future Delivery of Leisure Services as he is a Members at Celtic Leisure but has dispensation to speak and vote.

Cllr Alan Lockyer


Future Delivery of Leisure Services as he is a Members at Celtic Leisure. This was a prejudicial interest and therefore withdrew from the meeting.



Future Provision of Indoor Leisure Services (enclosed within Cabinet Papers)


Cllr. Lockyer re-affirmed his interest and withdrew from the meeting


Members of scrutiny considered the options available for the future delivery of indoor leisure services across the county borough.


Members of scrutiny received a verbal briefing from the Section 151 Officer who stated that he has a statutory responsibility to advise Cabinet members in relation to the financial impacts of the various options being considered today.


It was highlighted that options A and C could not be delivered within the current £1.5 million base budget available for running indoor leisure services.


It was also reiterated that there were only three ways that a gap in funding could be met as presently there was no identified funding strategy for any costs over and above £1.5 million. The three ways of closing a funding gap were outlined as being one of or a combination of:


·        Identify permanent savings elsewhere in the Council’s budget

·        Generate additional income or reduce the current cost of running indoor leisure services

·        Increase council tax


Members of scrutiny were pleased to see the report in front of them at the meeting and felt that following the Task and Finish Group they had received sufficient information to make a decision.


The following proposal was proposed and seconded:


·        That the Cabinet consider that Indoor Leisure Services be brought back to Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council to operate.

A recorded vote was proposed and seconded and agreed in line with required procedures.


The vote was undertaken to determine which Members were for against and abstaining from the proposed motion. The results of the vote were as follows:


For The Proposal

Councillors - Mathew Crowley, Sharon Freeguard, Wyndham Griffiths, Jo Hale, Sian Harris, Nigel Hunt, Steve Hunt, Jane Jones, Dennis Keogh, Simon Knoyle, Alun Llewelyn, Sandra Miller, Rhydian Mizzen, Suzanne Paddison, Rebecca Phillips, Mark Protheroe, Saifur Rahaman, Susanne Renkes, Sonia Reynolds, Anthony Richards, Marcia Spooner, Rachel Taylor, David Whitelock, Rob Wood, Arwyn Woolcock, Chris James,


Against The Proposal






Following scrutiny, the majority of the Committee was supportive of the following proposal to be considered by the Cabinet Board:

·        That the Cabinet consider that Indoor Leisure Services be brought back to Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council to operate.