Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot & Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Charlotte John Email:
No. | Item |
Chair's Announcements Decision: The
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes: The
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Apologies Decision: Democratic
Services confirmed that apologies had been received from from
Cllr R.Sparkes, Cllr J.Curtice
and Cllr J.Beynon. Minutes: Democratic
Services confirmed that apologies had been received from from
Cllr R.Sparkes, Cllr J.Curtice
and Cllr J.Beynon. |
Declarations of Interest Decision: No
declarations were received. Minutes: No
declarations were received. |
Internal Audit Recommendations Report Additional documents: Decision: This
item was not scrutinised. Minutes: This
item was not scrutinised. |
Skills & Talent Programme Update Additional documents: Decision: The
report was noted. Minutes: An overview of the Skills and Talent Programme ass
included in the report was presented by the Skills and Talent Programme Manager
Samantaha Cutlan. Members requested an updated figure in relation to
the aim of creating pathways to 3,000 apprenticeships. Officers stated the
target is challenging but achievable, at present 100 apprentices have been
recruited through the construction phase of several City Deal projects. The
reported figure is lower than the forecasted amount as apprenticeship sign-ups
for this academic calendar are not yet included and a robust reporting
mechanism is needed in order for accurate figures to be reported. A plan of
action is required to improve engagement with other City Deal contracts to
raise awareness of apprenticeships and their benefits. A formal tracking system
is required to ensure there is no duplication in reporting. Members asked is there a list of companies that
supply or help to obtain funding. Officers confirmed there[PC1] are a further six applications being processed
through the approvals process in the coming weeks. The Chair commented that many apprenticeships are
based around private investment and questioned whether there was a place for
apprenticeships within local authorities. Officers confirmed this would be
appropriate if there is a link to any City Deal project especially within the
construction phase. Further support is needed to recruit the right applicant to
the right role. The Chair commented that the City Deal was at the
halfway point and asked what was the timescale in order to achieve the
apprenticeship target? Officers confirmed that output of the Skills and Talent
programme is 5 years after spend is completed and there is another 18 months –
2 years of spend. Other targets are on track and will be exceeded comfortably,
but it was hoped that by 2025 the apprenticeships achieved would be closer to
target. The Chair questioned whether achieving the apprenticeship target of 3,000
after the spend is completed was achievable? Officers confirmed, work with
contractors was due to commence after Christmas which aims to increase the
apprenticeships numbers in the shorter term. In the longer term, ongoing
apprentice creation will be rolled out and the figures will increase. The Director of the Swansea Bay City Deal commented
that the pilots will create a pipeline of apprenticeships, many colleges,
schools, and universities are engaging with industry through this process.
There is demand for upskilling, this will progress through the pilot process
and apprenticeships will be part of the process. It was noted that the Skills
and Talent Programme is not yet halfway through the programme. The Regional and Skills Partnership was the
vehicle of choice to implement the Skills and Talent Programme and will still
exist after the programme has completed, in this way there will continue to be
engagement and monitoring. The report was noted. [PC1]15.33 on
recording… can’t understand |
Digital Infrastructure Update Decision: The
report was noted. Minutes: Dija Oliver, Project Manager for Swansea Bay City
Deal Digital Infrastructure Programme provided members with a presentation on
the Digital Infrastructure Programme as included in the report circulated. Members thanked the officer for the presentation
and commented that this was an important project being undertaken through the
City Deal due to the number of residents with poor connectivity in some parts
of the region. It was noted that good connectivity is vitally important for
businesses and people working from home. Members commented that some areas of the Gower
constituency had no internet connection and there is concern that some
residents will become digitally excluded. There needs to be good communication
in the rural area to promote uptake. Officers confirmed a new team in Swansea
is in place who are in the process of analysing data to understand how many
properties in each ward are affected. The team will plan to meet with members
to identify how the information can be communicated most effectively with constituents.
Communication campaigns will be run in relation to some of the schemes. One
scheme that supports people immediately is the Access Broadband Cymru Scheme
where alternative technology can be used. Many Carmarthenshire residents are
moving to Star Link but the cost is prohibitive and
needs to be more competitive. It was noted that communication is important, as
many people don’t understand what is available and when it is coming, but
expectations need to be set in relation to when fibre will be available. The Chair commented that he was happy that the
Virgin Media total was excluded from the figures as it wasn’t fair. The Chair
asked, apart from giving advice, what is physically being done to address the
issues, as Superfast Cymru and Access Broadband Cymru are Welsh Government
schemes and aren’t City Deal solutions. The chair noted that public sector
organisations should be looking to address issues through UK/Welsh solutions
rather than private companies like Star link due to the controversy around Elon
Musk’s decision to turn off of the service in Ukraine and wanted to know what
physical solutions is city deal bringing. Officers confirmed that capital or revenue
investment is being used to address issues, the Dark Fibre network to 33
strategic sites, initially in the Llanelli/Swansea/Neath area, will bring
additional business grade fibre to those areas, this will also provide
‘Backhaul’ for mobile[PC1] . The Public Sector Broadband Aggregation (PSBA)
order will bring additional fibre to 401 premises. Officers advised that they
are also looking at ensuring they aren’t duplicating funding or prevent
commercial rollout. Officers aren’t able to do
interventions where commercial plans exist but do have the data to understand
where they can intervene. Officers also have the data where Welsh Government
and UK Government plan to intervene but what will remain will likely be hard to
reach premises. These need to be identified and addressed, there is potential to spend City Deal Funding towards this and to move some funding allocation from Connected Places to go ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Swansea Bay City Deal Q4 2022/23 Financial Monitoring Decision: The
report was noted. Minutes: The Chair advised that there have been two
financial monitoring reports due to the gap between meetings and asked Officers
to focus on the Item 8 report but reference Item 7 where appropriate. The report was noted. |
Swansea Bay City Deal Q1 2023/24 Financial Monitoring Decision: The
report was noted. Minutes: Steven Aldred Jones – Regional Finance Manager
provided an update on the Provisional Outturn position for Q1 2023/2024 as
included in the report circulated. Members asked for an explanation why the capital
expenditure to date is so poor over the projection. The Director of the Swansea
Bay City Deal commented that even though we are in year 7 in terms of actual
delivery we are talking about the last 2-3 years. There were several factors
outside of officers control, which combined have caused slippage including
Covid, inflationary pressures, construction costs and rising energy prices.
Mitigations are in place and work is ongoing to ensure the scope of what was planned
is still fitting with purposes. Officers are going through change requests such as
Pembroke Dock Marine with the opportunity for offshore wind, so officers
changed the business case as they did with the Matrix project and with Neath
Port Talbot around the Advanced Manufacturing Production Facility. This means
they are making sure projects are still relevant, but changes take time for
approval. Officers advised that they are also seeking extra
funding largely down to the new deliverers so going down the process of
re-approving a budget can take a long time. Funding agreements is a control
mechanism which take a lot longer as they are legal documents. Officers have
also used value engineering on some projects. It was noted that processing re-approvals is time
intensive, but any slippage will not affect the deliverance of a project, only
the time frame in which it will be delivered. Members commented that the Homes as Power Station
(HAP) project is reliant on house builders and questioned how the project was
affected by the increase in mortgage rates and the slowdown of housebuilding in
other parts of the UK. The Director of the Swansea Bay City Deal stated there
were risks but the Registered Social Landlords (RSL’s) remain committed and are
building/refurbishing. There is local authority housing stock and private
sector builders. The indications are that people are still delivering and using
environmentally friendly fabrication that supports the notion and technology of
Homes as Power Stations. There has been an analysis of the supply chain, and a
staff member has been employed to support and develop the supply chain around
innovation in the homes. Engagement is ongoing with Welsh and UK governments,
RSL’s and other providers. A funding call has recently closed, and several
applications were received in the first round of funding so new and refurbished
homes can be taking into account and captured. Officers advised that there is a lot of parallel
working going on with HAPs homes and these are being monitored and taken into account of as well. The house prices have gone up
so officers believe that the private sector funding will be achieved, even if
less homes are built it may balance out. Members noted that investment over the coming years was a critical part of the City Deal. The Director of the Swansea Bay City Deal clarified ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Swansea Bay City Deal Quarterly Monitoring Report Additional documents:
Decision: The
report was noted. Minutes: The Director of the Swansea Bay City Deal provided
an overview of the Quarterly monitoring report contained within the agenda pack[PC1] . Business engagement and communications – Officers advised that the annual report was
approved and published, and officers were hoping to draw out of that case
studies to make it more real and share benefits realised, so far and progress
updates. Officers are also trying to get out into commercial business-related
communities by taking a showcase event to each of the 4 boroughs. They have
already done one in Pembrokeshire which was well attended. All 9 projects and
programmes attend the showcases. Yr Egin –
Members were told that the 5 year anniversary event is
on the 26th of October to celebrate the success of the project. Pentre Awel –
Officers advised that Zone 1 is moving forward. There are work packages that
have gone on to ‘Sell to Wales’. The apprenticeships aren’t captured yet but they have had work experience placements and school
interactions as well as construction spend monitoring. Pentre Awel have been
successful with a Shared Prosperity Fund Grant, and they are refreshing the
website and posting promotional videos online. They launched in May 2023 a
skills and talent 21st Century skills project. Members were advised
that Pentre Awel have planned activities, in Zone 1 it is focusing on Innovation
and the business network working with North Wales at options for outdoor
activities. They are also looking at the integrated regional care fund capital
bid and looking at networking, engaging, and collaborating and securing
additional funds. Officers explained that for zone 3 Assisted living
accommodation the RIBA stage2 design is complete and officers are scoping and
modelling for zone 2, which is the Nursing home, residential rehabilitation and
extra care facility which are progressing well. Homes As Power Stations HAPS – Members were informed that the supply chain lead
has been recruited and in post. Supply chain engagement has already happened,
and they are looking at the supply and demand and reviewing it across the
region. The incentive fund call had a deadline of the 21st of
September with sift ongoing, that will be the allocation of City Deal funds in
the first round. Officers advised that there had been a showcase event with
Modular in September to show people what HAPS would look like. They also have
the supply chain development fund and are allocating that in the coming weeks. Yr Egin Phase 2-
Officers explained that the University of Wales St David are pursuing a digital
production facility; this will need to go through a change request because it
isn’t in the original business plan as was approved before. Officers are
waiting and supporting them in developing that. Swansea City Digital Waterfront District- Members were informed that the hotel is still under negotiation to secure a developer. The Kingsway Construction is continuing as planned but has had a 2month delay although still on track. The topping out ceremony is ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Forward Work Programme 2022/23 Decision: Members
agreed to request site visits for Pembroke Dock and Homes as Power Stations as part
of the forward work programme. Minutes: Members
agreed to request site visits for Pembroke Dock and Homes as Power Stations as part
of the forward work programme. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Decision: There
were none. Minutes: There
were none. |