Agenda and minutes

Cabinet (Finance) Sub Committee - Wednesday, 28th July, 2021 2.02 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Port Talbot Civic Centre

Contact: Tammie Davies 

No. Item


Appointment of Chairperson


Agreed that Councillor C.Clement-Williams be appointed Chairperson for the meeting.


Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were received.


Miscellaneous Grant Fund Applications pdf icon PDF 72 KB




That having had due regard to the first stage integrated impact assessment:


1.           £6,400 pa be granted until 5 June 2022, thereafter a grant of £6,720 pa will be provided until the next rent review, to the Trustees of Cwmafan Community Engagement CIC, towards the Lease of Cwmafan Community Engagement Centre. 


2.           £200 pa be granted until the next rent review, to the Trustees of Cwmafan Bowls Club towards the lease of Pavilion at Parc Siencyn Powell Cwmafan. 


3.           £1,850 pa be granted until 31 March 2022, and then £1,935 pa until the next rent review, to The Trustees of Pontardawe Community and Recreation  Association towards the lease of Pontardawe Recreation Ground Playing Fields and Pavilion. 


Reason for Decisions:


To decide on the amount of financial support in respect of the grant application received.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decisions will be implemented after the three day call in period.


Welsh Church Act Trust Fund pdf icon PDF 143 KB




1.           That the draft annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2021, as detailed in the circulated report, be approved.


2.           That the draft annual report and financial statements be submitted to the Wales Audit Office for independent examination.


3.           That the submission of the accounts to the Charity Commission, should no material changes bee identified by Wales Audit Office, be approved.


Reason for Decisions:


To approve the draft annual report and financial statements for the Welsh Church Act Trust Fund 2020/21.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decisions will be implemented after the three day call in period.


Access to Meetings

That pursuant to Regulation 4 (3) and (5) of Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 2290, the public be excluded for the following item of business which involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 or Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.





That pursuant to Regulation 4 (3) and (5) of Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 2290, the public be excluded for the following items of business which involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.




Council Tax Write Offs




That having had due regard to the first stage integrated impact assessment, the Council Tax Write Offs, for the amounts described in the private, circulated report, be agreed.


Reason for Decision:


The accounts are irrecoverable for the reasons given in the private, circulated report.


Implementation of Decision:


The decision will be implemented after the three day call in period.



Debtor Write Offs




That having had due regard to the first stage integrated impact assessment, the Debtor Write Offs, for the amounts described in the private, circulated report, be agreed.


Reason for Decision:


The accounts are irrecoverable for the reasons given in the private, circulated report.


Implementation of Decision:


The decision will be implemented after the three day call in period.