Venue: Council Chamber - Port Talbot Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Tammie Davies
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chairperson Minutes: Agreed
that Councillor D.Jones be appointed Chairperson for the meeting. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 54 KB Minutes: Decision: That
the Minutes of the previous meeting of Cabinet (Finance) Sub Committee held on 31
July, 2019, be approved. |
Access to Meetings That
pursuant to Regulation 4 (3) and (5) of Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 2290, the
public be excluded for the following item of business which involved the likely
disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 or Part 4 of
Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: Decision: That
pursuant to Regulation 4 (3) and (5) of Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 2290, the
public be excluded for the following items of business which involved the
likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of
Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. |
Council Tax Write Offs Private Report of the Head
of Finance Minutes: Decision: That
the Council Tax Write Offs, for the amounts described in the private circulated
report, be agreed. Reason for Decision: As
the council tax accounts are irrecoverable. Implementation of Decision: The
decision will be implemented after the three day call in period. |
Hardship Relief Private Report of the Head
of Finance Minutes: Decision: That
the application for Business Rates Hardship Relief as detailed within the
private, circulated report, be refused. Reason for Decision: As
the business has previously received Business Rates Hardship Relief and there are
other avenues of financial assistance available to the business. Implementation of Decision: The
decision will be implemented after the three day call in period. |
Housing Benefits Write Offs Private Report of the Head
of Finance Minutes: Decision: That
the Housing Benefit Write Offs, for the amounts described in the private,
circulated report, be agreed. Reason for Decision: As
the accounts are irrecoverable. Implementation of Decision: The
decision will be implemented after the three day call in period |
Sundry Debtor Write Offs Private Report of the Head
of Finance Minutes: Decision: That
the Sundry Debtor Write Offs, for the amounts described in the private,
circulated report, be agreed. Reason for Decision: The
amounts due are irrecoverable. Implementation of Decision: The
decision will be implemented after the three day call in period. |