Venue: Via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Charlotte Davies / Chloe Plowman - 01639 763745 / 01639 763301
No. | Item | ||
Chairs Announcements Minutes: The
Committee was informed of a change to the following report on the Cabinet Board
Agenda: ·
Agenda Item 7 – Capital Programme Monitoring Report
2021/2022 – The Reason for Decision and the Implementation of Decision had been
excluded from the report. The Director of Finance and
Corporate Services explained that the Reason for Decision was to ensure that
the Council was compliant with the Constitution and that the budget was
updated, and the Implementation of Decision would be after the three day call
in period. Following
the update, Members were happy with the changes, therefore chose not to
scrutinise the report. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: The
following Members made a declaration of interest: Cllr. S. Rahaman - Re. Urgent Item 12 –
Proposal to provide free town centre car parking for the month of August 2021 as
he owns a business within the affected areas mentioned in the report. Cllr. N. Hunt - Re. Urgent
Item 12 – Proposal to provide free town centre car parking for the month of
August 2021 as he owns a business within the affected areas mentioned in the
report. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 63 KB ·
12 May 2021 ·
2 June 2021 Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the
following meetings were approved: · 12 May 2021 · 2 June 2021 |
Pre-decision Scrutiny ·
To select appropriate items from the Cabinet agenda for pre-decision
scrutiny (cabinet reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members) ·
To select appropriate items from the Cabinet (Finance) Sub Committee
agenda for pre-decision scrutiny (Cabinet Finance Sub - Committee reports
enclosed for Scrutiny Members) Minutes: The Committee
scrutinised the following Cabinet Board items: Budget Monitoring and
Update Report 2021/22 Members were provided
with an update in relation to current budget projections for the 2021/22
financial year. Officers highlighted
that the Council was very early on in the 2021/22 financial year and that the
report was a budget monitoring update position calculated as at the end of May
2021 and projected to the end of March 2022. It was stated that at present, it
was forecasted that the Net Authority budget will underspend this year by
£178k; there were some variations reflected in the report, along with a number
of assumptions that Welsh Government would continue to provide monies from the
Local Authority Hardship Fund to support both increase costs and loss of
income. It was mentioned that Officers were still waiting for clarification on
some of those monies and Members will be updated on the position on a
by-monthly basis. The circulated report
predicted that there would be an increased number of children having to go into
residential care; Members asked if this was as a result of the lockdown
pressures on vulnerable families. The Director of Social Services, Health and
Housing confirmed that there was a significant increase in mental health issues
amongst young people as a result of the lockdown pressures; there was also an
increase in the number of families that were in significant distress as a
result of being confined together for long periods of time. It was stated that
there was a protracted period in which the Council wasn’t able to provide its
intensive support packages to families within their homes, due to the virus and
the safety issues around doing so; the normal outlets that families had to
reduce stresses, such as children going to school, also weren’t available. The
Committee was informed that as a result of this, there was an increased
pressure across the Looked after Children sector and in particular the
residential care sector; it was predicted that 3 or more extra placements would
be needed this year. Members were reassured that where children need to be
taken into care or have their needs met within residential care settings, this
will be done; and also when appropriate, reuniting children with their
families. In relation to elderly residential care, the report stated that from September 2021 there could be a reduction in the amount of financial support which could impact on the viability of some care settings and providers. Members expressed their concerns with this and asked if Officers could expand on this statement further, elaborating on what the consequences would be for the Directorate and the wider Council. Members were informed that Welsh Government had been providing financial support to residential care homes that were below the threshold of 90% occupancy; in September 2021, Welsh Government planned to reduce this. It was mentioned that there were some caveats to this, however Officers weren’t aware of the details as of yet. The report highlighted that if the ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Forward Work Programme 2021/22 PDF 90 KB Minutes: The
Committee noted the Cabinet Scrutiny Forward Work Programme 2021/22. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items (whether public or exempt) at the discretion of the Chairman
pursuant to Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972 Minutes: Because
of the need to deal now with the matters contained in Minute No. 7 and 9 below,
the Chairperson agreed that these could be raised at today’ s meeting as urgent
items pursuant to Statutory Instrument No.2290 (as amended). Reason
for Urgency: Due
to the time element. |
Proposal to provide free town centre car parking for the month of August 2021 Minutes: (Cllr. S.Rahaman and
Cllr. N.Hunt re-affirmed their interest at this point and withdrew from the
meeting) Members were presented
with a report which set out proposals to provide free town centre car parking
within Neath Port Talbot during the month of August 2021. Officers were asked to
provide confirmation on how the fees would be funded. It was confirmed that the
fees would be reimbursed from the Councils existing budget or reserves. It was queried whether
there was a way to monitor the impact of the use of car parks during this
period and a way to capture any feedback from businesses. Officers stated that
they would need to compare pre Covid data, and the current year’s data for the
first quarter, and monitor the monthly income that was received from each car
park across the County Borough; this would be the most efficient way to do
this, as carrying out surveys on the ground would require a large resource. It
was suggested that after the Christmas period, a report be presented to Members
to show some trends in how the scheme performed in terms of its income. It was agreed that the
Head of Transport and Engineering would liaise with colleagues in the
Regeneration Team, specifically the Town Centre Managers, to identify a way to
obtain feedback from the town centre businesses. A discussion took place in relation to the pilot project on free town centre parking that Welsh Government agreed to a few years ago; Members asked if there was any information available on the outcome of that pilot and the prospects of it being rolled out more consistently. Officers stated that not all Authorities participated in this initiative; Neath Port Talbot Council had some experience from what offers the Council had introduced, and at the time that was linked with the former Neath Business Improvement District (BID). It was mentioned that they introduced footfall counters and had dialogue with the businesses to identify how those initiatives worked, and the Council received some initial feedback from that. Historically, it was noted that Neath Port Talbot Council had always offered free Christmas parking; before the pandemic, Officers received some evidence from the Aberavon Shopping Centre Manager which indicted an 11% increase in footfall at that time. Officers added that it was very difficult for the Council to make a clear statement around what factual difference it made to the high street and prosperity. Members were informed of the Portas Review that was carried out, and from that a number of studies were undertaken about the re-thinking of parking on the high street; town centres have suffered pre-pandemic and even more so now, as a result of the pandemic. It was stated that car parking was a key aspect that affected how a town centre performed and was very much at the forefront of it; however, parking income was only one aspect of the issue, there were serval others which the Recover, Reset, Renew agenda will consider going forward, as ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Access to Meetings To
resolve to exclude the public for the following items pursuant to Regulation 4
(3) and (5) of Statutory Instrument 2001 No.2290 and the relevant exempt
paragraphs of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 Minutes:
Ground Lease of Land and Buildings at Neath Abbey Industrial Estate Neath - Proposed Purchase of Freehold Reversionary Interest Minutes: Members were provided with a report which
detailed the proposed purchase of freehold reversionary interest related to the
ground lease of land and buildings at Neath Abbey Industrial Estate in Neath. Following
scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposal to be considered by the
Cabinet Board. |