Agenda, decisions and minutes

PSB - Wellbeing Plan, Cabinet Scrutiny Committee - Friday, 13th October, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot & Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Charlotte Davies - 01639 763745 

No. Item


To resolve to exercise the powers set out in Section 35 of the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 being the designated Overview and Scrutiny Committee for this purpose as approved by Council May 2015.


Resolved: to exercise the powers set out in Section 35 of the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 being the designated Overview and Scrutiny Committee for this purpose as approved by Council May 2015.


Resolved: to exercise the powers set out in Section 35 of the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 being the designated Overview and Scrutiny Committee for this purpose as approved by Council May 2015.


Chairs Announcements


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Declarations of Interests


There were no declarations of interest received.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Neath Port Talbot Well-being Plan 2023-28 - Progress Update - Well-being Objective 2 - All our communities will be thriving and sustainable pdf icon PDF 347 KB

Additional documents:


Following scrutiny, members noted the information provided on the progress being made by the PSB on delivering Well-being Objective 2 ‘All our communities will be thriving and sustainable’


The Corporate Director for Strategy and Corporate Services introduced the report which provides an update on the Public Services Board (PSB) Wellbeing Plan.


The Director of Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Services (CVS) / Chair of the Cost of Living and Poverty Prevention Partnership, gave a presentation on progress.


Members were in agreement with the content of the report but questioned if Wellbeing Objective 2 ‘all our communities will be thriving and sustainable’ was achievable and if so, what was the target date. Members suggested amending the statement to ‘All our communities strive/hope to be thriving and sustainable’ and this suggestion was noted by officers.


The Director of Neath Port Talbot CVS acknowledged members concerns and agreed the challenges faced were unchanged over a long time period. The current targets have been set in partnership with agencies and a range of officers, it is important to show ambition and continue to give communities hope. The logic model will help to focus the timescales and targets and it is important to take into account lived experience.


Members referred to feedback from the cost of living workshop referenced on page 35 of the report and commented that feedback from the recently held second workshop would have been valuable. Concern was expressed by members for working residents who are above the threshold for claiming DWP benefits who are not earning enough to survive in the current cost of living crisis. It was noted that the benefit system is outside of the control of the local authority and Welsh Government. The PSB is not funded and receives a minimal amount of grant funding which is not guaranteed going forward. Members commented that it was important to canvass residents to obtain lived experience of poverty.


The Corporate Director for Strategy and Corporate Services confirmed that the results from the most recently held workshop are currently being collated and the data would feed into future reports. The benefits of real life case studies and including individuals with lived experience would be considered for future workshops. The recently held ‘Let’s Keep Talking’ survey resulted in 1600 responses and the top concern of residents is the cost of living crisis. The Corporate Director agreed with members’ comments regarding working families who were unable to claim benefits and living in poverty, this was recognised at the workshop and further focus is needed in this area.


The Director of Neath Port Talbot CVS outlined the challenges of determining the number of people living in poverty but noted that members and third sector partners were well placed to pass on this information due to their links to their communities. Consideration has been given to setting up a Poverty Truth Commission; a similar Commission has been set up in the City and County of Swansea, however, due to high costs the funds will be utilised in other areas. It was noted that Community Development and Local Area Co-ordinators are working within communities but individually no agency can tackle the issues alone.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Urgent Items

Any urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


There were no urgent items.