Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot and Microsoft Teams
Contact: Charlotte Davies - 01639 763745
No. | Item |
Chairs Announcements Decision: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting
including Mr Noelwyn Daniel, Director of Strategic and Corporate Services who
had recently commenced in post. It was confirmed that the committee would be scrutinising items 9, 12, 13, 14, 17 and 18 from the Cabinet Board Agenda. |
Declarations of Interests Decision: Cllr. P Rogers - Cabinet Agenda item 18 –
personal non-prejudicial Cllr. H. C Clarke – Cabinet Agenda item 17 –
personal non-prejudicial Minutes: Cllr. P Rogers - Cabinet Agenda item 18 –
personal non-prejudicial Cllr. H. C Clarke – Cabinet Agenda item 17 –
personal non-prejudicial |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 202 KB ·
25th April 2022 ·
10th May 2022 ·
17th May 2022 ·
24th May 2022 Additional documents:
Decision: The minutes of the meetings held on 25th May 2023,
10th May 2023, 17th May 2023, 24th May 2023 were approved as a true and
accurate record. Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 25th April
2023, 10th May 2023, 17th May 2023, 24th May 2023 were approved as a true and
accurate record. |
Report of the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy Task and Finish Group PDF 224 KB Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet Scrutiny Committee agreed to commend
the findings of the Task & Finish Group as well as the amended Welsh
Language Promotion Strategy to Cabinet. Minutes: Members commented that the Task & Finish
Group had been productive and produced interesting ideas, and expressed their
interest in continuing to have a member involvement in the Welsh language going
forward. The strategy should be a living document and subject to regular
review, monitoring and updating to strengthen awareness and use of the language
across our communities and in the work of the council. It was noted that the
strategy was important across the whole of the council but particularly within
Social Services. Members commented that it had been difficult for the
authority, partners and community organisations to progress the previous
strategy due to the disruption caused by the pandemic. The Cabinet Scrutiny Committee agreed to commend
the findings of the Task & Finish Group as well as the amended Welsh
Language Promotion Strategy to Cabinet. |
Pre-decision Scrutiny ·
To select appropriate items from the Cabinet agenda for pre-decision
scrutiny (cabinet reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members) Decision: Council Tax Premiums – Long Term Empty Homes and
Second Homes Following scrutiny the recommendations were
supported to Cabinet. Quarter 4 Performance Monitoring Following scrutiny the report was noted. Revenue Outturn and Reserves Position Statement
2022 23 Following scrutiny the report was noted Welsh Language Standards Annual Report Following scrutiny the report was noted Minutes: Council Tax Premiums – Long Term Empty Homes and
Second Homes Members asked that the current financial
environment is taken into account when any decisions are made. Members added there was a financial impact and
income could be generated if the policy was implemented. Following
consultation, a report will be brought back to committee before the final
decision is made. Any decision will not be implemented until the financial year
the year after next. Following scrutiny the recommendations were
supported to Cabinet. Quarter 4 Performance Monitoring Members requested further information on the
average call handling waiting times. Officers confirmed that a detailed report
concerning Customer Services and Performance was given at a members seminar
earlier this year. As Customer Services is now part of People and
Organisational Development a full review is planned and this will be the first
task of the newly appointed Customer Services Manager and members will be
involved in the review process. There are many factors that affect call
handling performance, the current performance indicator target is 40 seconds
which is a short amount of time when staff are completing other tasks. Members
queried whether the call timing started following the recorded Welsh/English
message or when the phone call was answered? Officers confirmed that the timing
commenced following the recorded message.
Members re-iterated their offer to be involved in the review process. Members questioned why the mandatory
safeguarding training completion rate was not higher. Officers will obtain
further information from HR and this item will be added to the next Scrutiny
meeting agenda. Following scrutiny the report was noted. Revenue Outturn and Reserves Position Statement 2022
23 In relation to the home to school transport
budget, members asked if any work had been carried out during the budget
setting process in relation to the overspend and whether there were other
innovative ways of providing this service. Officers confirmed a range of
strategic reviews on transport were ongoing; the outcome of which will be
reported to members as part of the budget setting process for this year.
Officers are equally concerned regarding the overspend and pressures on the
home to school budget. Members thanked staff for their hard work and the issues
they had recently overcome. Members were pleased that in relation to out of
county placements, that young people are being educated closer to home and also
commented that it was pleasing to see additional funding for the School Based
Counselling Service. Members asked for clarification on the movement of underspend to reserve pots and the reference in the report to ‘capacity to support regeneration projects’ and queried what the reserve might be used for. Officers confirmed that the funding could potentially be used for employing additional staff to assist in temporary pressures. There are various projects ongoing; these projects include Freeport, Wild Fox and the Global Centre of Rail Excellence so the funding could be used to provide support for these areas. There is also the possibility that it could be used for commissioning external ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Forward Work Programme 2023-2024 PDF 413 KB Decision: This item was noted. Minutes: This item was noted. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Decision: There were no urgent items. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Access to Meetings To
resolve to exclude the public for the following items pursuant to Regulation 4
(3) and (5) of Statutory Instrument 2001 No.2290 and the relevant exempt
paragraphs of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 Decision: Resolved: to exclude the public for the following items pursuant to Regulation 4 (3) and (5) of Statutory Instrument
2001 No.2290 and the relevant exempt paragraphs of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 Minutes: Resolved: to exclude the public for the following items pursuant to Regulation 4 (3) and (5) of Statutory Instrument
2001 No.2290 and the relevant exempt paragraphs of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 |
Pre-Decision Scrutiny of Private Item/s ·
To select appropriate items from the Cabinet agenda for pre-decision
scrutiny (cabinet reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members) Decision: UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) (Exempt under
Paragraph 14) Following scrutiny the recommendations were
supported to Cabinet. Former Neath Leisure
Centre at Dyfed Road, Neath (Exemot under Paragraph
14) Following scrutiny the recommendations were
supported to Cabinet. Minutes: UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) (Exempt under
Paragraph 14) Following scrutiny the recommendations were
supported to Cabinet. Former Neath Leisure
Centre at Dyfed Road, Neath (Exempt under Paragraph 14) Following scrutiny the recommendations were supported
to Cabinet. |