Agenda and minutes

Streetscene and Engineering Scrutiny Committee - Friday, 18th March, 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: Via Teams

No. Item


Chairs Announcements


The Committee was informed of an error in the following report on the Cabinet Board Agenda:


·       Agenda Item 13 - Vehicle and Heavy Plant Fleet Procurement Programme 2022/23


It was noted that point 2 of the ‘purpose of the report’ should read ‘to further approve delegated authority for Head of Service to replace vehicles from future years 23/24 if any Grants become available to assist with the purchase of vehicles’

Following the update, Members noted the error.



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 373 KB

·        17 December 2021

·        28 January 2022

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 17 December 2021 and 28 January 2022 were approved as an accurate record.



Grit Bin Policy Review Task and Finish Group pdf icon PDF 317 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee was provided with the findings of the recent Grit Bin Policy Review Task and Finish Group; the report represented the work that the Group completed, including the background of why the Group was established, the detail of each meeting held, and the survey exercise that all Elected Members were invited to participate in.

It was explained that the survey exercise provided the opportunity for Members to submit requests for additional grit bins in their Ward and for current grit bins to be moved or removed; the findings of this exercise was discussed in the last meeting of the Group, and to conclude the meeting, Officers provided Members with three options.

The Chair of the Task and Finish Group confirmed that during the last meeting of the Group, a vote was undertaken to determine the preferred option to recommend to the Streetscene and Engineering Cabinet Board; the majority were in favour of option 3 which was to recommend that the current list of identified priority needs, as identified by Members in Appendix 2 of the report, would be met and the cap correspondingly increased, but then the level of grit bins would again be subsequently capped.

Following scrutiny, the Committee were supportive of the recommended option 3 to go to Cabinet Board for formal approval.


Maintenance of Safe Routes to Schools pdf icon PDF 294 KB

Additional documents:


Members were presented with information regarding the maintenance of safe routes to schools, including footbridges and subways.

The circulated report highlighted that bridges and subways, that were part of the safe routes to schools, were inspected every two years for structural defects. Members asked if there was scope to make the inspections more frequent due to the importance of keeping the routes safe to use. It was noted that the formal inspection regime, in terms of the structural assets, comply with the statutory requirements; the requirements consist of a two year general inspection, and a principle inspection over a longer period. Officers mentioned that the Zone Supervisors may also identify any hazards on a day to day basis. It was added that the Road Safety Team had a Learner Travel Officer who undertakes a route inspection on an annual basis, specifically the safe routes to schools, to identify any areas of concern; the Officer would report any concerns directly into the system. It was stated that users, parents or Elected Members could report any concerns or hazards to the Team, and they would be responded to appropriately.

It was queried why Bryncoch South wasn’t included on the NPT Safe Routes to School Overview Map, detailed in Appendix A of the circulated report. Officers explained that the route Members were referring to was a new route that was currently being finalised; once the work had been completed, it will be inspected one final time by the Learner Travel Officer, and then added onto the list of safe routes to schools. It was mentioned that the updated route will also be shared with the local college and schools in order for them to update their plans.

Following scrutiny, the report was noted.



Pre-Decision Scrutiny

To select appropriate items from the Cabinet agenda for pre-decision scrutiny (reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members)


The Committee scrutinised the following Cabinet Board items:

Quarter 3 Performance Monitoring 2021/22

Officers updated Members on the quarter 3 performance management data for the period, 1 April 2021 to 31 December 2021.

Following scrutiny, the report was noted.

Traffic Capital Programme and Active Travel Schemes 2022-2023

Members were provided with a report regarding the proposed advertisement of the traffic regulation orders associated with both the Council’s Traffic Capital Programme and the Welsh Government funded Active Travel Programme.

A discussion took place in relation to the summary of the proposed schemes for the Traffic Capital programme 2022-2023; in particular the A4063 Maesteg Road, Croeserw – a reduction in speed limit from 60 mph to 40/30 mph (Cymmer Ward).

Following scrutiny, the Committee were supportive of the recommendation to go to Cabinet Board.

Traffic Regulation Order/s - Goytre, Port Talbot

The Committee were provided with a report to consider the comments and objections received following the advertisement of the (Goytre Road, Goytre Crescent, Emroch Street, Lane rear of Emroch Street and East Street, Goytre) (Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Unloading at Any Time) Order 2022.

The Head of Engineering and Transport explained that the scheme was initially brought to attention by the Community Safety Team, following a meeting with residents in which concerns were raised in connection to this route. Having received the feedback from the Community Safety Team, it was noted that the Road Safety Team carried out inspections of this route; the route was part of the safe routes to schools, therefore it was important to carry out the assessment and respond to the local members of the community.

Following the development of the scheme, it was highlighted that the Traffic Regulation Order was presented to the Streetscene and Engineering Cabined Board in order to seek permission to advertise; this was granted, and the formal process was followed as usual.

Once the three-week consultation exercise had been undertaken, Officers received objections to the scheme which were detailed in the circulated report. In response to the objections, it was stated that Technical Team and the Road Safety Team further reviewed the route, and concluded that the scheme could be revised by way of shortening the Order by approximately 15 meters; this was the minimum proposal that Officers determined would be safe for community use, going forward.

It was highlighted that Local Members had been consulted on this scheme, and support up-holding the objections in part; however, they would like the traffic regulation orders further reduced on the corner of No 1 East Street and Goytre Road. Officers stated that the Road Safety Team reviewed this further, and concluded that furthering reducing the traffic regulation order on the junction would not protect the corner or make it safe for the community. Therefore, Officers were recommending that the revised scheme, as indicated in Appendix B, to be implemented on site in the interest of road safety.

Following scrutiny, the Committee were supportive of the recommendation to go to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.