Agenda and minutes

Social Care Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 2nd November, 2017 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms A/B - Neath Civic Centre. View directions

No. Item


Minutes of the Social Care, Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee held on 5th October 17 pdf icon PDF 88 KB


The Committee noted the minutes.


Scrutiny Forward Work Programme and Actions Register 2017/18. pdf icon PDF 185 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee requested that Adult Safeguarding and Quality Assurance be added to the Forward Work Programme.


The Committee requested that a Task and Finish Group in relation to Direct Payments be undertaken by the Committee.


The Committee then noted the Forward Work Programme.




Because of the need to deal now with the matter contained within Minute No 3 below, the Chairman agreed that this could be raised at today’s meeting as an urgent item pursuant to Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972.




Due to the time element.


3.      Urgent Report of the Head of Social Work Services and the Western Bay Programme Director on the Western Bay Health and Social Care Programme Update.


Members asked whether the Multi Agency Placement Support Service (MAPPS) would work in a similar way to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and if service users could expect to experience the same delays in accessing the service? Officers explained that they are working closely with ABMU to try to resolve the issues with the CAMHS service but that MAPPS is for children who are in the care of the Local Authority only so there should not be the same issues. Officers agreed to submit a report by the end of the financial year detailing what the MAPPS remit is.


Members asked how the progress of the Integrated Autism Service is monitored. It was explained that the reports on the different workstreams would be brought to Committee to assist Members understand the progress. Members enquired if the development work of the Integrated Autism Service included the involvement of Swansea University. It was stated that they have not been involved but confirmed that they would be contacted to discuss potential for future engagement.


The report states that the Western Bay Programme mirrors the footprint of the Health Board and the Committee sought assurance that this did not mean a duplication of work. Officers explained that continuous discussion takes place to ensure that this is not the case and clarified that the Western Bay Programme covers the same demographical area as the Health Board.


Members asked for further information in relation to the mechanisms that are in place for ensuing that decisions are being taken forward locally. It was clarified that all decisions are subject to each Council/Health Board individual scrutiny processes and issues are escalated to the Officer and Cabinet Members representatives on the Regional Board.

The Committee wondered what the situation would be in the event that a Local Authority did not agreeing with decisions taken by partner Authorities.Officers explained that discussion would take place between partners and a compromise and solution agreed.


Members expressed concern at the potential impact on the Western Bay partnership if Bridgend leaves the Western Bay Partnership as is proposed. Officers stated that the Partnership would need to adjust within the parameters of its remaining partners and presently a mapping out exercise is taking place. It was noted that nothing has been confirmed at the moment in relation to the position of Bridgend and that some of the collaborative projects would continue as they are currently.


Members asked for clarification on what the word ‘frail’ means in the context of the circulated report. Officers agreed that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.




The Committee scrutinised the following matters:


Cabinet Board Proposals


3.1    Western Bay Commissioning Strategy for Care Homes for Older People 2016-2025


The Committee received the proposed Western Bay Commissioning Strategy for Care Homes for Older People for 2016-2025 as contained within the circulated report.


The Committee initially queried why paragraphs had been omitted in the report before them at this meeting that had been contained within the previous report for their consideration in September 2017 which referred to the closure and new build of residential care homes. Officers explained that in the original report references were made to information that was not for consideration at that meeting in September and had caused overall confusion so the information was omitted from the report in front of Members at this meeting.


The Committee queried what was meant by ‘Quality of Life’ as mentioned throughout the circulated report. Officers explained that part of the initial assessment that is carried out by Social Workers of the needs of service users include consideration of their quality of life and it was agreed that this is different for all people.  It is used as part of the measure for monitoring purposes and is contained in the regional quality framework guidance which is set across the region.


Members asked what measures monitored whether the workforce was strong and motivated as stated in the circulated report. They learnt that retention and recruitment of staff is a measure; Members noted the difficulties in maintaining a strong workforce and that work is needed to encourage people to work in the sector and that an action plan has been developed to specifically target recruitment as a regional initiative.  

It was highlighted that presently there is a shortage of specialist care facilities within Neath Port Talbot and work is progressing with private providers to try to resolve this. In addition, there is a piece of work being undertaken locally to explore what service users or families need to contribute to care costs.  A report will be brought to a future meeting for Members consideration.


Members agreed that there is a need to consider all alternative ways of delivering care and officers explained that any parties interested in providing models of care or taking over any vacant residential care buildings to provide that care would be considered.  Focus is presently on developing a marketing strategy which will include working with social enterprise ventures and Members were pleased to note that discussions are currently taking place with Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Service.


Members queried how the Authority monitors services users whose care is provided via independent living and whether there was any data highlighting the outcomes experienced. Officers explained that presently there are no indicators to capture this data and there is no evidence available to identify what measure could be put in place to capture the data.  Also, the majority of service users choose to have their care provided at home to enable them remain independent.  Members asked that this be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.