Venue: Committee Room 1/2 - Port Talbot Civic Centre. View directions
No. | Item |
Welcome and Roll Call Minutes: The
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Chairs Announcements Minutes: The
Chair outlined the items that would be scrutinised during the meeting – namely items
6,7 and 8 on the agenda. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There
were no declarations of interest received. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 201 KB Minutes: The
minute of the meeting held on 17th December 2021 were approved as a
true and accurate record. |
Officer's Announcements Minutes: Members
were informed that Angharad Metcalfe from the Police & Crime Commissioner’s
Office was attending the meeting to provide a presentation later in the
meeting. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Members
received the Quarter 4 Performance Management Data, for the period 1st October
2021 to 31st December 2021, for Education, Leisure and Lifelong
Learning Directorate relating to Community Safety and Public Protection. Member
queried the item relating to the Information Management System and whether
officers had resolved the ongoing issues with the systems in place. Officers
advised that there is a new information sharing system across the region (Neath
Port Talbot and Swansea) in relation to information pertaining to drug misuse.
It shares information between the relevant bodies, including Local Authorities
and the Health Boards. Officers advised that the system has been piloted across
the region the last year. The issues associated with the pilot scheme were
mostly resolved. With regards to the figures reported, officers and the
relevant monitoring officer for the service, were confident that these were
correct. The service is confident that as an APB that they are delivering the
services that are required. However where they are not, the sub groups are
informed and remedies are put in place to make sure that the services can be
taken forward. Three services were outlined in the report that are under
performing and remedies have been put in place to ensure that these services
improve. Members
raised the figures on page 13 with regards to violence against women, domestic
abuse and sexual violence and queried if the figures had dropped in the latter
part of the pandemic. Members referenced the high increase in figures at the
start of the pandemic. Officers confirmed that whilst figures are levelling
off, they are not showing the decrease that was expected. It is very difficult
to try and identify patterns and trends. This was previously attributed to
specific calendar events i.e. rugby matches etc. However, the overall picture
now presents a higher number of high, medium and low risk referrals being seen
by the Teams. Members
queried the figures relating to repeat victims. It was noted that the PI was
decreasing, yes the figure was still marked as red. Officers outlined what the
figure represented and that it can be interpreted in two ways. From an ideal
perspective it could represent that there are less repeats victims as they have
successfully moved out of the service. Or it could also represent that less
repeat victims are engaging with the services. Members were informed that for
Quarter 4 these figures would be broken down further and more narrative added
to ensure that a more detailed explanation is provided. It
was suggested that a very early Members seminar should take place for members
following the election, which focuses on domestic abuse, its complexities and
the services in place. Officers confirmed that there was something already
planned. The officer outlined what would be discussed during this session. Officers
noted the uplifts of funding that has been received to assist with the response
to COVID and the affect that this has had on the services, with demand increasing.
scrutiny, the report was noted. |
Substance Misuse Update (Area Planning Board) - Presentation PDF 483 KB Minutes: Officers
provided a presentation on the Area Planning Board (APB). Members were provided
with a copy of the presentation in their agenda packs. Members
thanked officers for the detailed presentation. Members
noted the complexity of the arrangements in place for the APB. Members noted
that the review of the prescribing service would take place before the end of
the summer. Members
raised the increased reported on drug related deaths and queried if the profile
could yet be established as to why these had occurred or if it was still being
analysed? Officers noted that the APB is a leader across Wales in collating the
information and how it is obtained. There is a dedicated officer who collates
all the necessary information. In comparison to past reports, the information
is now more intelligence led and there is more information available. This
could be attributed to the figures that are reported. In relation to the
profile, it is noted that things are changing and poly drug use was highlighted
in the presentation. On average, there
are 5 drugs present in a drug related death. There is no pattern that can be
established with regards to why this is. Officers highlighted that 80% of the
data now matches with the coroner’s inquest report. There can be confidence in
the data obtained. It is hoped that next year this will be improved and a
profile can be formatted. Members
queried the perceived lack of join up between substance misuse services and
mental health provision. Officers confirmed that they are working hard to join
up the approach through the integrated public health approach. Welsh Government
have released a strategy around linking health and substance misuse services
together. Welsh Government expect every APB to produce their own local strategy
which will implement the recommendations of Welsh Government. In 2019 the APB
agreed that the Health Board would lead on this piece of work. This work did
start, but was stopped in March 2020 and the Health Board has had to prioritise
other items. The first meeting to restart the work happened last week. Members
noted that historically Neath Port Talbot has had one of the highest substance
misuse death rates in the UK and that this hasn’t changed. Officers confirmed
that the substance Misuse action fund that is in place has had an increase in
funding for this year. It is imperative that the best use is made of this
funding so that the best outcomes can be achieved. Following
scrutiny, Members noted the report. |
ADDER Project, A Swansea Bay Perspective - Presentation PDF 1 MB Minutes: Angharad Metcalfe from the Police
& Crime Commissioner’s Office provided a presentation on the Project ADDER.
Members were provided with a copy of the presentation in their agenda packs. Members
were pleased to see the additional funding to assist with ongoing goals.
However concerns were expressed with the longevity of the project, in that
there is currently an end date for funding. The aim for the project should be
that it continues as an everyday service that is part of ongoing services
offered. Frustrations of members were expressed as the project appears to be a
response to structural problems within the health service. Officers
were in general agreement with the members. Officers advised that the evidence
from all the small projects that are being funded should be used to create a
services that meets all the required needs identified. Officers advised that
current funding is being utilised to address gaps in current services within
criminal justice. Following
scrutiny, Members noted the presentation. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items (whether public or exempt) at the discretion of the Chairperson
pursuant to Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972 Minutes: There
were no urgent items. |