Venue: via Teams
Contact: Nicola Headon
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chairperson Minutes: Agreed that Councillor A.
Wingrave be appointed Chairperson for the meeting. |
Welcome and Roll Call Minutes: Councillor
A. Wingrave welcomed all to the meeting and a roll call was completed. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No
Declarations of Interest were received. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 214 KB Minutes: That
the minutes of the meeting held on the 22nd October 2021 be
approved. |
Forward Work Programme 2021/22 PDF 410 KB Minutes: That
the Forward Work Programme be noted. |
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 - Adoption of Taxi Stands PDF 113 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Decision: That
the process to adopt hackney carriage stands be commenced in accordance with
Section 63(1) Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. Reason for Decision: To
enable the Council’s Legal Regulatory Services Manager to carry out the
necessary consultation and advertising prior to a further report being presented
to Cabinet. Implementation of Decision: That
the decision will be implemented after the three day call in period which ends
9am, Tuesday, 7th December 2021. Consultation: Consultation
will be undertaken in accordance with statutory requirements. |
Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Wales) Regulations 2021 PDF 119 KB Minutes: Decisions: 1. That the following powers contained in the
Animal Welfare (Licensing of
Activities involving Animals) (Wales) Regulations
be delegated to the Head of Legal and Democratic
Services and the Legal Regulatory Manager. Power to grant a licence Power to refuse a licence Power to renew a licence Power to vary a licence Power to vary a licence with immediate
effect Power to impose conditions Power to suspend a licence Power to suspend a licence with
immediate effect Power to reinstate a suspended licence Power to revoke a licence. 2. That the Head of Legal and Democratic
Services update the Neath Port Talbot
Council Constitution accordingly. Reason for Decisions: To
enable the Council to deal efficiently with applications and animal welfare
issues under the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities involving Animals)
(Wales) Regulations 2021. Implementation of
Decisions: The
decision is for immediate implementation.
There is no three day call in
on this item. |
Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 - Review of the NPT Active Travel PDF 1013 KB Additional documents: Minutes: It
was highlighted at the meeting that information had been omitted from Appendix
3 of the circulated report. An updated
version was circulated at the meeting and appended to the minutes for
information. Decisions: Having
regard to the report and the first stage Integrated Impact Assessment as
detailed in Appendix 1 to the circulated report: 1. That the responses to the representations received on the
revised Active Travel Network Maps as summarised in the circulated report and
presented in Appendix 2 be approved. 2. That the revised Active Travel Network Maps as presented
electronically to Members prior to the meeting be approved. 3. That the draft classification and prioritisation of the Active
Travel routes as detailed in Appendix 3 and the publication/ consultation
procedures as detailed in the circulated report be approved. 4. That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Planning and
Public Protection in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and
Sustainable Development to decide on the classification and prioritisation of
the Active Travel routes, post consultation. Reason for Decisions: To
ensure that the Council is complying with the requirements of the Active Travel
(Wales) Act 2013. Implementation of
Decisions: The
decision will be implemented after the three day call in period which ends at
9am, Tuesday, 7th December 2021. Consultation: The
revised Active Travel Network Network Map (ATNM) has
undergone two rounds of consultation.
The circulated report outlines the results of the second public
consultation on the ATNM (Stage 2 July 2021 to October 2021) and proposes an
additional consultation on the revised classification and prioritisation of the
ATNM routes. |
Key Performance Indicators 2021 2022 – Quarter 2 PDF 311 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Members
were referred to supplementary information which was omitted from the
circulated report. This was circulated
to Members prior to the meeting. Decision FOR NOTING: That
the Key Performance Indicators 2021 -2022 – Quarter 2 be noted. |
Neath Port Talbot Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) 2021-2036 PDF 9 MB Minutes: Decisions: Having
due regard to the Integrated Impact Assessment the following be commended to
Council for approval: 1. The Replacement Local Development Plan Delivery Agreement as
detailed in Appendix 2 of the circulated report and formally submitted to Welsh
Government for approval. 2. The Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report as
detailed in Appendix 4 of the circulated report. 3. The establishment and Heads of Terms of a Member Working Group
as detailed in Appendix 5 of the circulated report. Reason for Decisions: To
enable the Council to comply with Section 63 of the Planning and Compulsory
Purchase Act 2004; The Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan)
(Wales) (Amendment) Regulation 2015; the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales)
Act (2015); the Equality Act (2010); the Welsh Language Standards (No. 1)
Regulations 2015; Planning Policy Wales 11 (2021) and the Development Plans
Manual Edition 3 (2020). Implementation of
Decisions: The
decision will be implemented after the three day call in period which ends at
9am, Tuesday, 7th December 2021. Consultation: The
draft DA and ISA Scoping Report were subject to a 6 week public consultation,
together with targeted consultations with a range of specific and general
stakeholder bodies and statutory consultees. The formal consultation period
commenced the 16th August to the 27th September 2021. |
Transforming Towns Place Making Grant PDF 151 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Decision FOR NOTING That
the eligible activities and proposed settlement areas for delivery of the grant
be noted. |
Contract Extension in Accordance with Rule 7.2 of the Contract Procedure Rules PDF 852 KB Minutes: Decision FOR NOTING That
the report be noted. |
Urgent Item Minutes: Because
of the need to deal now with the matters contained in Minutes No. 14 below, the
Chairperson agreed that these could be raised at today’s meeting as urgent
items pursuant to Statutory Instrument 2001 No.2290 (as amended). Reason: Due to the time element. |
Delegated Powers for Business Grant Support PDF 114 KB Minutes: Decision: That
the Head of Property and Regeneration’s delegated powers for approving Business
Grants be increased from £25,000 to £50,000 as detailed in the circulated
report. Reason for Decision: To
enable the Economic Development Team to utilise the increased delegated powers
of the Head of Property & Regeneration in administering this funding. Implementation of Decision: The
decision will be implemented after the three day call in period which ends at
9am, Tuesday, 7th December 2021. |
Access to Meetings To
resolve to exclude the public for the following items pursuant to Regulation
4(3) and (5) of Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 2290 and the relevant exempt
paragraphs of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: RESOLVED: That
pursuant to Regulation 4(3) and (5) of Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 2290, the
public be excluded for the following item of business which involved the likely
disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of
Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. |
Rhondda Tunnel (Exempt under Paragraph 14) Minutes: Members
were supportive of the amendment to recommendation B, contained within the
circulated report, proposed by the Regeneration and Sustainable Development
Scrutiny Committee held prior to this meeting. Decision: Approval
be granted, for the time being, the Council retains its current position, in so
much as we will support the project in principle, providing advice where
necessary to any third parties involved in the project, but will not take on
any formal responsibility for future fund raising in respect of potential
match-funding commitments. Neither will
we assume any ownership of the tunnel, shared or otherwise, or accept any
responsibility for future management of the tunnel, including any subsidy
requirements. This position will be kept
under review, and may be amended in the future, should the project progress
towards delivery to the satisfaction of the Council and bring benefit to Neath
Port Talbot County Borough with future reports being brought back to Members as
appropriate. Reason for Decision: In
order for the Council to have a confirmed position in respect of its
association with the Rhondda Tunnel Project going forward. Implementation of Decision: The
decision will be implemented after the three day call in period which ends at
9am, Tuesday, 7th December 2021. |
Proposed Disposal of Property (Exempt under Paragraph 14) Minutes: Decision: Having
due regard to the first stage Integrated Impact Assessment: The
Head of Property and Regeneration be granted delegated authority to proceed
with the disposal of the property to the appropriate tender bid and to pay Tai Tarian the agreed sum out of the proceeds of the sale as
detailed in the private circulated report. Reason for Decision: To
enable the disposal of a surplus property and attain a capital receipt. Implementation of Decision: The
decision will be implemented after the 3 day call in period which ends at 9am,
Tuesday, 7th December 2021. |