Venue: Committee Room 1/2 - Port Talbot Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Nicola Headon
No. | Item | ||
Proposal to amend Staffing Structure - Corporate Strategy Team PDF 533 KB Minutes: Members
were asked to approve the amendment of staffing structure within the Corporate
Strategy Team as detailed in the circulated report. RESOLVED: That approval be granted for the amendments to the
Corporate Strategy Team staffing structure as follows: 1.
Re-designate a Performance Management post as a Corporate Policy Officer
post at Grade 8 2.
Delete a Grade 9 Development Officer post 3.
Create a Grade 8 Regional Armed Forces Covenant Liaison Officer post
(Grant funded for two years) 4.
Delete a Grade 4 Research & Analysis Technician post 5.
Delete a Grade 8 Performance Management Officer post 6.
Grade 10 Corporate Strategy & Performance Manager is assimilated to
Grade 10 Corporate Policy & Performance Manager 7.
Grade 8 Performance Management Officer is assimilated to Grade 8
Corporate Performance Management Officer
Grade 8 Equalities & Engagement Officer is assimilated to Grade 8
Corporate Policy Officer (Equalities and Welsh Language) |
Revised Staffing Structure - Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning PDF 464 KB Minutes: Members
were asked to approve the creation of the new post of Planning and Performance
Officer, Grade 9, 37 hours at full time for the Education, Leisure and Lifelong
Learning Directorate. RESOLVED: that the creation of the new
post of Planning and Performance Officer, Grade 9, 37 hours at full time, for
the Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning Directorate, be approved. |
Minutes: Members
were asked to approve the creation of three and a half posts to resource the
new statutory Sustainable Urban Drainage System Approval duties, as detailed in
the circulated report. RESOLVED: that the creation of three and
a half posts to resource the new statutory Sustainable Urban Drainage System
Approval duties, be approved. |
Reinstatement of Tourism Unit within the Regeneration and Economic Development Team PDF 254 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members
were asked to approve the staffing structure of the new Tourism Unit within the
Regeneration and Economic Development Team within the Environment Directorate,
as detailed in the circulated report. RESOLVED: that the staffing structure of
the new Tourism Unit within the Regeneration and Economic Development Team
within the Environment Directorate, including the following posts, be approved. · Destination Management and
Marketing Manager – JEID 3884 (Grade 9) · Destination Management
Officer – JEID 3885 (Grade 6) |
Minutes: Members were asked to approve a re-structure of the
European and Strategic Funding Unit (formerly European and External Funding
Unit) and the Regeneration and Economic Development Unit within the Environment
Directorate through the establishment of two new posts including Strategic
Funding Officer (GR08) and Regeneration Projects Officer (GR08) which will be
100% externally funded on an initial fixed term contract for 2 ½ years. RESOLVED: that a
re-structure of the European and Strategic Funding Unit (formerly European and
External Funding Unit) and the Regeneration and Economic Development Unit
within the Environment Directorate through the establishment of two new posts
including Strategic Funding Officer (GR08) and Regeneration Projects Officer
(GR08), which will be 100% externally funded on an initial fixed term contract
for 2 ½ years, be approved. |
Shared Cost Additional Voluntary Contribution Scheme Implementation PDF 96 KB Minutes: Members
were updated on the implementation of the Salary Sacrifice Scheme for
Additional Voluntary Contributions (SSAVC) as part of the Local Government Pension
Scheme (LGPS) arrangements. RESOLVED: that the report be noted. |
Staffing Arrangements - Creation of Senior Procurement Officer PDF 354 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members
were asked to approve the creation of an additional Senior Procurement Officer
(Grade 7, JEID 1392) within the Corporate Procurement Unit of the Legal Service
Section of the Finance and Corporate Services Directorate. RESOLVED: that the creation of an
additional Senior Procurement Officer (Grade 7, JEID 1392) within the Corporate
Procurement Unit of the Legal Service Section of the Finance and Corporate
Services Directorate, be approved. |
Creation of Posts to address the Councils obligations under GDPR Legislation PDF 71 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members were asked to
approve the creation of two posts for Records Officers (Grade 8 JE ID 3081)
within the ICT Division of the Finance and Corporate Services Directorate. RESOLVED: that the creation of two posts for Records Officers (Grade 8 JE
ID 3081) within the ICT Division of the Finance and Corporate Services
Directorate, be approved. |
Additional documents: Minutes: That
Members approve the Workforce Plan as set out in Appendix 1 of the circulated
report. RESOLVED: that the Workforce Plan as set
out in Appendix 1 of the circulated report, be approved. |
Minutes: Members
were updated in relation to the national pay negotiations. RESOLVED: that the report be noted. |
Creation of Part-time Mental Health Nurse PDF 362 KB Minutes: Members
were asked to approve the creation of a part-time Mental Health Nurse at Grade
8, 0.4 FTE within the Occupational Health Unit. RESOLVED: the creation of a part-time
Mental Health Nurse at Grade 8, 0.4 FTE within the Occupational Health Unit, be
approved. |
Travel and Subsistence Policy PDF 135 KB Minutes: Members
were asked to approve the review of payments made to employees in respect of
travelling, accommodation and meals expenses incurred whilst on business
journeys as part of their role, as detailed in the circulated report. RESOLVED: that the review of payments
made to employees in respect of travelling, accommodation and meals expenses
incurred whilst on business journeys as part of their role, to be effective
from 1 July 2018, be approved. |
Meal Charges in Residential Accommodation PDF 15 KB Minutes: Members
were asked to approve the revised rates for meal charges in residential
accommodation and be effective from 1 July, 2018. RESOLVED: that the revised rates for
meal charges in residential accommodation with effect from 1 July
2018, be approved. |
Access to Meetings That
pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the
public be excluded for the following items of business which involved the
likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 12 and 15 of
Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the above Act. Minutes:
Proposed Restructure Minutes: Members
were asked to approve a proposed restructure, as detailed in the private
circulated report. RESOLVED: that the proposed restructure, be approved. |
Changes to Structure of Participation Management Minutes: Members
were asked to approve changes to the structure of participation, as detailed in
the private circulated report. RESOLVED: that
the changes to the structure of participation, as detailed in the private circulated
report, be approved. |
Access Managed Services Minutes: Members
were asked to approve a staffing structure, as detailed in the private
circulated report. RESOLVED: that the staffing structure as
detailed in the private circulated report, be approved. |
Think Families Minutes: Members
were asked to approve the changes as detailed in the private circulated report. RESOLVED: that the changes as detailed
in the private circulated report, be approved. |
Well Being Manager Minutes: Members
were asked to approve changes to the post as detailed in the private circulated
report. RESOLVED: that changes to the post as
detailed in the private circulated report, be approved. |
Voluntary Redundancy Scheme Update Minutes: Members
were updated on the Voluntary Redundancy (VR) Scheme Update, as outlined in the
private circulated report. RESOLVED: that the report be noted. |