Venue: Committee Room 1/2 - Port Talbot Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Cabinet
No. | Item | ||
Senior Management Arrangements PDF 269 KB Minutes: Members
received an overview on proposed changes to senior management
arrangements/structures to respond to changing Council priorities, budgetary
pressures and other factors. RESOLVED: that subject to the required consultation with Trade Unions and the
Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP), the following be approved: · that
the establishment of a new post of Assistant Chief Executive & Chief
Digital Officer, including terms and conditions, also the Chief Executive be
authorised to advertise the post on an internal only basis, as outlined in
Appendix 1, be approved; · that
the deletion of the post of Head of ICT upon the retirement of the current post
holder, with their duties to be incorporated into the responsibilities of the
proposed Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Digital Officer, be approved; · that the
intention to invite Members to confirm these decisions at a subsequent meeting
of the Personnel Committee should the consultation be successfully completed.
Officers to bring to the meeting the Council’s new Workforce Strategy for
consideration/ approval, be noted. · that
the Chief Executive be authorised to advertise a Head of Service post in the
Social Services, Health & Housing Directorate immediately to replace the
new Director, and to include an appropriate market supplement if necessary, be
approved; · that
the Chief Executive advertise the post of Head of Financial Services in due
course to ensure that the current post holder is replaced upon his retirement,
be approved; · that
the Chief Executive transfer, as necessary, some of the Council’s residual
housing responsibilities from the Social Services, Health and Housing
Directorate to the Environment Directorate on a basis to be determined in
consultation with the Leader of Council, the Cabinet Member for Corporate
Services, and Equality, and other
Cabinet Members concerned. Any new arrangements to be subsequently notified to
the Personnel Committee as soon as practicably possible following their implementation,
be approved; · that
delegation to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of Council
and the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Equality, to utilise external
support where necessary up to a limit of £50,000 in any one financial year
within the scope of the Council’s Contracts Procedure Rules, be approved; · that
delegation to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of Council,
the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Equality, plus other relevant
Cabinet Members (depending upon the functions at issue), authority to re-align
responsibilities and line management reporting arrangements within and between
Directorates as a consequence of these proposals. Any new arrangements to be
subsequently notified to the Personnel Committee as soon as practicably
possible following their implementation, be approved. |
Amendment to Staffing Structure of Highways and Drainage Section PDF 968 KB Minutes: Members
received an overview of the circulated report and were asked to approve the
creation of four Streetcare Driving Skilled
Operatives (Non-HGV) (Grade 4 – JE2996) and delete four Roadworkers
posts (Grade 3), within the Highways and Drainage Section of the Environment
Directorate, with effect from 1 April 2018. RESOLVED: that the creation of four Streetcare Driving Skilled Operatives (Non-HGV) (Grade 4 –
JE2996), within the Highways and Drainage Section of the Environment
Directorate, with effect from 1 April 2018, be approved; that the
deletion of four Roadworkers (Grade 3) posts, within the Highways and Drainage
Section of the Environment Directorate, with effect from 1 April 2018, be approved. |
Minor Staffing Changes in the Highways and Drainage Service PDF 360 KB Minutes: Members
were asked to approve a minor staffing change in Highways and Drainage
Services, Environment Directorate by deleting one Operational Support Assistant
(Grade 3) and creating 2 x two year Foundation Apprentices. RESOLVED: that the deletion of one
Operational Support Assistant post (Grade 3), in Highways and Drainage
Services, Environment Directorate, be approved. that the creation of two Foundation Apprentices
in Highways and Drainage Services, Environment Directorate, for the duration of
two years, be approved. |
Minutes: RESOLVED: that the following urgency
decision taken by the Director of Social Services, Health and Housing in
consultation with the requisite Members, be noted:- Urgency Action no. 0416 To establish interim arrangements to cover
the work of the vacant post of Head of Social Work Services pending external
permanent recruitment. |
Access to Meetings Minutes:
Creation of Permanent Training Officer Minutes: Members
were asked to approve the creation of a permanent Training Officer Post, Grade
8 within the Corporate Learning, Training and Development Team and to confirm
the appointment of a seconded member of staff to the post. RESOLVED: that the creation of the post
of Training Officer, Grade 8 on a permanent basis, be approved; that the
permanent appointment of the seconded post holder to this position, be
approved. |
Local Government Pay 2018 / 2019 Update Minutes: Members
were updated on the national pay negotiations for Local Government Services
(LGS) Green Book employees, as detailed in the circulated report. RESOLVED: that the report be noted. |
Proposal to introduce Job Evaluation Minutes: Members
received an overview of the circulated report and were asked to approve to
extend Job Evaluation (JE) arrangements to all employees within the Council,
outside the NJC for Local Government Services (Green Book) negotiating group. Namely, Teachers, the Chief Executive, Chief
Officers, Soulbury and Youth and Community Workers. RESOLVED: that the following, be approved, as follows: · that
consultation takes place with trade unions and employees on the proposal to
introduce Job Evaluation to all employees of the Council excluding Local
Government Services (Green Book) employees and Teachers, be approved; · that the
decision in relation to Soulbury employees be
deferred until the ERW review has been completed, with a further report being
brought to this Committee following the review, be approved; ·
that following
this consultation, HAY be approached with a view to carrying out the JE process
for the Chief Executive and Chief Officers, be approved. |