Agenda and minutes

Personnel Committee - Monday, 27th November, 2017 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Port Talbot Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Cabinet 

No. Item


Proposal to create two permanent Financial Assessments Officer posts pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Additional documents:


Members were asked to approve the creation of two permanent Financial Assessment Officers Posts (Grade 6) within the Financial Assessments Team.


RESOLVED:      that the creation of two permanent, Financial Assessment Officers Posts, Grade 6 within the Financial Assessment Team, be approved.


Decisions on Eligibility of Staff to join the Teachers' Pension Scheme pdf icon PDF 71 KB


Members received an overview of the circulated report and were asked to approve the proposal that delegated authority be given to the Director of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning in order to make decisions in respect of eligibility of employees for Membership of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme.


RESOLVED:      that delegated authority be given to the Director of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning in order to make decisions in respect of eligibility of employees for Membership of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, as detailed in the circulated report, be approved.


Clinical Support - Family Support Services pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


Members were asked to approve the amendment to the approved structure of the Clinical Support Service to young people and carers within the Family Action Support Team (FAST).


RESOLVED:      that the amendment to the approved structure of the Clinical Support Service within the Family Action Support Team be approved, as follows:


·        create 1 x part time Clinical Psychologist (Grade 12, 18.5 hours per week);


·        create 1 x full time Consultant Social Worker - Therapeutic Placement Support

     (Grade 10);


·        1 x full time Play Therapist (Grade 7).


Amendment to the Staffing Establishment in the Fostering Service pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Additional documents:


Members received an overview of the adjustment to the current staffing structure of the Fostering Service by changing the current Consultant Social Worker post to a Deputy Team Manager post.


RESOLVED:      that the adjustment to the current staffing structure within the Fostering Service, from Consultation Worker post to a Deputy Team Manager post, be approved.


Proposal to Amend the Staffing Structure within Direct Services pdf icon PDF 538 KB


Members received an overview of the circulated report and were asked to approve the amendment to the staffing structure within the Direct Services teams of the Social Services, Health and Housing Directorate.


RESOLVED:        that the amendments within the Direct Services Team of the Social Services, Health and Housing Directorate, be approved, as follows:


·        creating a Grade 11 Operational Manager Direct Services post;

·        delete two Grade 5 Care Worker posts at Abbeyview and Brynamlwg and creating in their place two Grade 6 Senior Specialist Care Worker posts;

·        increase Grade 5 Cook’s post at Brynamlwg from 25 hours per week to 27.5 hours per week;

·        increase Grade 3 Kitchen Assistant’s post at Brynamlwg from 24 hours per week to 27.5 hours per week;

·        delete 55 hours of Grade 5 Community Connecting Team hours, and creating 84 hours of Grade 4 of Night Care Assistant support at Trem y Mor;

·        delete a Grade 5 Care Worker post at Trem y Mor and creating a Grade 7 Residential/Day Service Co-ordinator post at Trem y Mor;

·        create 2 x 24 hour (1.3FTE) Grade 4 Residential Care Assistant posts at Trem y Mor;

·        reduce the hours of a Grade 5 Cooks post at Trem y Mor from 28 hours per week to 18 hours per week;

·        increase the hours of a Grade 3 Kitchen Assistants post at Trem y Mor from 20 hours per week to 24 hours per week.


Menopause Briefing Sessions pdf icon PDF 205 KB

Additional documents:


Members were given an overview of the recent initiative by Human Resources and UNSION, providing menopause briefing sessions to employees.


RESOLVED:       that the report be noted.


Budget Proposals / Voluntary Redundancy Scheme pdf icon PDF 135 KB


Members were asked to approve the employment actions necessary to support the Councils budget planning process for 2018/19.


RESOLVED:  that the following employment actions necessary to support the Council’s budget planning process for 2018/2019, be approved, as follows:


·      that the Corporate Director, in consultation with the Leader, relevant Cabinet Member and Head of Human Resources, make the necessary decisions in relation to changes to jobs, organisational structures and/or working practices to facilitate the timely implementation of all service changes agreed by Members;


·      that each Corporate Director implement these decisions in line with the Council’s Managing Change in Partnership Policy and other relevant employment policies;


·      to receive a report early in 2018 / 2019 summarising all decisions and actions taken in relation to the foregoing matters.