Venue: Committee Rooms 1/2 - Port Talbot Civic Centre
Contact: Cabinet
No. | Item |
following Members made declarations of interest at the commencement of the
meeting: Councillor S.Miller Reports
of the Director of Social Services, Health and Housing, any items relating to Social
Services –niece employed within the Social Services Directorate Councillor D.Cawsey Reports
of the Director of Social Services, Health and Housing, any items relating to
Social Services – wife employed within the Social Services Directorate |
Local Government Pay Update PDF 187 KB Minutes: Members
received an update in relation to the national pay negotiations for Local
Government Services (Green Book) employees. RESOLVED: that the report be
noted. |
Meal Charges in Residential Accommodation PDF 15 KB Minutes: Members
were asked to approve the revised rates for Meal Charges in Residential
Accommodation which would be applied with effect from 1July 2017. RESOLVED: that
the revised rates for Meal Charges in Residential Accommodation, as detailed in
the circulated report, be approved. |
Review of Payments for Travel and Subsistence PDF 136 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members
received an overview of the revised Travel and Subsistence Payments Policy,
which would be implemented with effect from 1July 2017. Members
were asked to approve the circulated report, in respect of the review of payments
made to employees in relation to travel, accommodation and meal expenses
incurred whilst on business journeys. Officers
clarified that car allowance payments shown in the Policy remain unchanged,
although Motorcycle allowances had increased in line with the HMRC Rates. Members
requested that a checklist should be added into the Travel and Subsistence Payments
Policy. Committee
also noted a typographical error on the Travel and Subsistence Payments Policy
document, point 12, page 25, section heading which should read “Parking Fees”. RESOLVED: that the payments made to
employees in respect of travelling, accommodation and meals expenses whilst on
business journeys as part of their role, be approved, as detailed in the
circulated report. |
Emergency Planning Team PDF 161 KB Minutes: Members
were asked to approve an additional temporary position of Exercise Co-ordinator
(Grade 6), fixed term for twelve months, within Neath Port Talbot County
Borough Council’s Emergency Planning Team. RESOLVED: that the creation of an
additional temporary position of Exercise Co-ordinator (Grade 6) based in the
Emergency Planning Team, as detailed in the circulated report, be approved. |
Amendment to the Established Structure within the Community Reablement Team PDF 322 KB Minutes: Members received an overview of
the circulated report and were asked to approve the creation of five Trainee
Personal Assistant Posts (Grade 1, Scp
6-8) as detailed within the circulated report. RESOLVED: that
the five Trainee Personal Assistant Posts (Grade1, Scp 6-8) within the Community Reablement
Team Service of the Social Service Health and Housing Directorate, be approved. |
Staffing Arrangements - Register Office PDF 353 KB Minutes: Members
received information on the creation of a permanent post of Deputy Registrar of
Births and Deaths to the existing structure of the Registration Office. RESOLVED: that the
permanent post of Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths, be approved. |
Urgency Action No. 0415 PDF 5 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: that the following urgency
decision taken by the Head of Adult Services in consultation with the requisite
Members, be noted:- Urgency Action no. 0415 Establish six permanent Community Social
Worker Posts. |
Access to Meetings Minutes: RESOLVED: that pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local
Government Act 1972, the public be excluded for the following items of business
which involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in
Paragraphs 12 and 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act. |
Urgency Action 0016 Minutes: RESOLVED: that the following urgency
decision taken by the Head of Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services in consultation
with the requisite Members, be noted:- Urgency Action no. 0016 Changes to the
Communications Team Establishment. |
Direct Payments Staffing Structure Minutes: Members
were asked to approve changes to the Direct Payments Staffing Structure to
deliver in-house advice and to further develop the service. RESOLVED: that the
changes to Direct Payments Staffing Structure, as detailed in the circulated
report, be approved. |
Head of Legal Services Minutes: Members
were updated on the retirement plans of the Head of Legal Services. Members
were asked to approve the advertisement of the post of Head of Legal Services in
the autumn via external advertisement. RESOLVED: that the Director of Finance
and Corporate Services be given authority to fill the post of Head of Legal
Services by way of external advertisement. |
Voluntary Redundancy Scheme Update Minutes: Members
were provided with details of all posts deleted from the Council’s
establishment on the grounds of Voluntary Redundancy (VR), together with
details of all consequential job/organisational structure changes. RESOLVED: that the report be noted. |