Venue: Committee Rooms 1/2 - Port Talbot Civic Centre
No. | Item | ||
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members
were asked to seek approval for a revised staffing structure for the Access
Managed Services Section (AMS) resulting from Early Retirement (ER), Voluntary
Redundancy (VR), staff movements, and the acquisition of new contracts. RESOLVED: . that the following restructure
be approved: Delete the following posts: a) Assistant Cleaning Manager Grade 10 b) Assistant Catering Manager Grade 10 c) Equipment Replacement officer Grade 8. d) Cleaning Supervisor Grade 5 e) Two Catering Supervisors
Grade 6 (Term time only) f) Cleaning Support Officer
Grade 5. (Term time only) Create the following new posts: 1) AMS Operations Manager Grade 11 2) Catering Manager Grade 11 3) Two Cleaning Coordinator posts Grade 7 4) Three Cleaning
Supervisor posts Grade 6 (Term time only) Increase the post grade: 1) Finance Officer Grade 6
to increase to Grade 7 |
Staffing Restructure Transformation Division PDF 147 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The
purpose of this report was to seek Member approval to implement a revised
staffing structure for The Princess Royal Theatre, formalise the structure at
the Croeserw Community Enterprise Centre and to
change the staffing structure at Margam Park. RESOLVED: that the following be approved:- 1. Princess Royal Theatre - delete the Duty Manager Princess Royal
Theatre (Grade 5), delete the two theatre attendant posts (Grade 3), and create
two new Duty Officer posts (Grade 5). 2. Coreserw CEC- The temporary structure
be made permanent and added to the establishment and
the three employees be slotted in to to the permanent
posts. 3. Margam Park - Amend the hours of the
Car Park Attendant (36 hours summer, 30 hours winter) Grade 2. |
Creation of two posts within the Gateway Team PDF 213 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members
were asked to establish one Deputy Manager Post (Grade 10) and one Contact
Officer (Grade 5) within the Gateway Team, Community Care Services Division,
Social Services, Health and Housing Directorate. RESOLVED: that the creation of one Deputy
Manager Post (Grade 10) and one Contact Officer Post (Grade 5) within the
Gateway Team, Community Care Services, Social Services, Health and Housing
Directorate, as detailed in the circulated report be approved. |
Budget Proposals / Voluntary Redundancy Scheme PDF 135 KB Minutes: The
purpose of this report was to seek Member approval in relation to the
employment actions necessary to support the Council’s Budget Planning Process
for 2017 / 2018. RESOLVED: 1. that each Corporate Director, in consultation with the Leader,
relevant Cabinet Member and Head of Human Resources be given authority to make
the necessary decisions in relation to changes to jobs, organisational
structures and/or working practices to facilitate the timely implementation of
all service changes agreed by Members. 2. that each Corporate Director be authorised to implement
these decisions in line with the Council’s Managing Change in Partnership
Policy and other relevant employment policies. 3.that a report be brought back to Personnel Committee early in 2017
summarising all the decisions and actions taken in relation to the foregoing
matters. |
Dying to Work Voluntary Charter PDF 206 KB Minutes: The
purpose of this report is to seek Member approval for the Council to become a
signatory to the ‘Dying to Work’ Charter. Members
were supportive of the proposal because the authority has the correct Policy’s
and Strategies in place to support the proposals. RESOLVED: that
the Council becomes a signatory to the ‘Dying to Work’ Voluntary Charter. |
Soulbury Officers Pay Agreement 2016-2018 PDF 139 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The
purpose of this report is to update Members in relation to national pay
negotiations for Soulbury employees. Members
received an updated version of the report, which was tabled at the meeting. RESOLVED: that the report be noted. |
Voluntary Redundancy Scheme 2016 - Update Report PDF 128 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Members
were provided with an update on expressions of interest submitted and
associated actions to date in relation to the Voluntary Redundancy (VR) Scheme
which was launched on 22nd October 2016. Members
received an updates verison of the Voluntary Redundancy
Scheme 2016/17 Update Expressions of Interests as at 24 November, 2016 and
Progress by Head of Service as at 24 November, 2016, which was tabled at the
meeting. RESOLVED: that the report be noted. |
Access to Meetings Minutes:
Family Support Services - Review of the Family Action Support Team Minutes: The
purpose of this report is to seek Member approval to establish the structure of
the Family Action Support Team (FAST) and Clinical Support Service which will
be provided in house from 1st April 2017. RESOLVED: that Members APPROVE
the structure of the Family Action Support and Clinical Support Service Team
which will be provided in house from 1st April 2017. |
Proposed Change to ER.VR.CR Scheme for Teachers Minutes: The
purpose of this report is to propose amendments to the Early Retirement (ER) /
Voluntary Redundancy (VR) / Compulsory Redundancy (CR) Scheme, for Teachers. RESOLVED: that
the proposed changes to the current ER/VR/CR Scheme for Teachers be approved. that the Head of HR and the
Director of Finance & Corporate Services be authorised to make any
modifications which might be necessary to the ER.VR.CR scheme for Teachers
and/or operating protocols to ensure the effective implementation of the
proposed new arrangements. |