Venue: Committee Rooms 1/2 - Port Talbot Civic Centre
No. |
Item |
1. |
Homecare Management of Change Update PDF 276 KB
were given an overview of the Homecare Management of Change Update as detailed
in the circulated report.
1. Having given due regard to the Equality Impact Assessment,
approval be granted to issue 12 weeks’ notice to staff in-scope of the introduction
of the new rotational shift patterns as from the 26th September
2. that approval be granted to open the
Early Retirement/Voluntary Redundancy
scheme for those who are unwilling/unable to adapt to the new shift
2. |
Direct Services Community Integrated Model PDF 678 KB
received an overview of the Direct Services Community Integrated Model as
detailed within the circulated report.
were concerned that as identified in the Equality Impact Assessment some carers
would be affected by this proposal.
Officers confirmed that all carers would be offered a carers assessment
which would identify carers needs and circumstances.
1. Having given due regard to the Equality Impact Assessment the
current structure across Care and Support and Older Persons Services be
2. that a new structure for a Community Integrated Model, known
as the Community Connecting team be created;
3. that Early Retirement and Voluntary
Redundancy applications of all affected staff be supported by the 31 August
3. |
Restructure of the Community Mental Health Teams North and South PDF 257 KB
received an overview of the Restructure of the Community Mental Health Teams
North and South as detailed in the circulated report.
1. That approval be granted to create two social work posts (Grade 8/9) 22
hours per week;
2. That two full-time Community Well Being Officer posts (Grade
5) within the Community Mental Health Team, Social Services, Health and
Housing be deleted.
4. |
Participation Services Managerial Re-structure PDF 254 KB
received an overview of the Participation Services Managerial Re-structure as
detailed in the circulated report.
1. That approval be granted for the Strategic Officer and Think Families Partnership Programme
Manager posts to be deleted and to create subject to Job Evaluation a new
post of Participation Manager at Grade 11;
2. that the post of Play Manager
be deleted and a new post of Families First and Play Manager be created
subject to Job Evaluation at Grade 9/10;
3. that the post of Childcare Manager be deleted and a new Flying
Start Manager post be created subject to Job Evaluation at Grade 9/10;
4. that approval be granted to create a new post of Performance
and Monitoring Officer at Grade 7 subject to Job Evaluation;
5. that the Rural Development Plan Manager job description be revised to reflect
enhanced duties and subject to Job Evaluation at Grade 9;
6. that the two Administration Officer
posts be re-designated to Think Family Partnership Support Officer posts.
5. |
Creation of a temporary fixed term post within the Communications and Digital Services Team of the Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services Division PDF 318 KB
received information on the creation of a temporary fixed term post within the
Communications and Digital Services Team of the Corporate Strategy and
Democratic Services Division as detailed in the circulated report.
approval be granted to establish a fixed term (one year)
37 hours per week Communications Business Partner post at Grade 8 in the Communications
and Digital Services Team of the Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services
6. |
Access to Meetings
pursuant to Section 100A (4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded for the
following items of business which involved the likely disclosure of exempt
information as defined in Paragraph 12 and 13 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to
the above Act.
7. |
Continuation of engagement of Interim Commissioning Manager for Commissioning and Support Services
received an overview of the Continuation of Engagement of Interim Commissioning
Manager for Commissioning and Support Services as detailed in the private
circulated report.
approval be granted to extend the existing contractual
term with Odger’s Consultancy to the 31 March 2017
and with all other contractual terms remaining the same (subject to review).
8. |
Voluntary Redundancy (VR) Scheme Update
received an overview of the Voluntary Redundancy Scheme Update as detailed in
the private circulated report.
the report be noted.