Venue: Committee Rooms 1/2 - Port Talbot Civic Centre
No. | Item | ||
Member's Declaration of Interest Minutes: The
following Member made a declaration of interest at Minute number 11:-
Restructure of Play Team PDF 281 KB Minutes: Members
received an overview of the proposal to restructure the Neath Port Talbot Play
Team which was required to establish clear management responsibilities and to
reinforce other roles and responsibilities against the team’s outcomes, as
detailed in the circulated report.
Restructure of Trunk Road Services PDF 233 KB Minutes: Members
received an overview of a revised structure in the Trunk Road Service as
detailed within the circulated report.
Restructure of Team Around the Family (TAF) PDF 226 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members
were given an overview of the restructure of the Team Around the Family, (TAF)
as detailed in the circulated report.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members
received an overview of the Foundation Apprentices Scheme which has been
adopted within Business Support Services, of the Social Services, Health and
Housing Directorate as detailed in the circulated report. Also,
Members welcomed two apprentices who had previously worked with Business
Support Services under the scheme to today’s meeting to discuss with Members
how effective they found the scheme. It
was highlighted that currently both apprentices had found permanent posts
within the Authority and had received a very positive learning experience,
gaining confidence and an insight into a future career path, a lot of support
given from the individual teams they worked with. They were also given the
opportunity to undertake NVQ’s as part of their work. Trade
Unions were very supportive of the scheme as it did not have an impact on
employees on the prior consideration list and it was hoped that it would be
rolled out to other Directorates in future. The
Chairperson on behalf of Members thanked both apprentices for attending today’s
meeting and this was an excellent example of the authority developing its own
Local Government Pay 2016 - Update PDF 125 KB Minutes: Members
received a verbal update on the Local Government Pay 2016. Confirmation had been received that the
National Joint Council Trade Union Side have accepted
the Employers’ two year pay offer for 2016-18.
Settlement Agreement PDF 129 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members
were given an overview of the proposal to provide Corporate Directors with
delegated authority to make the necessary decisions in relation to the use of
Settlement Agreements when dealing with workplace problems as detailed in the
circulated report. It
was confirmed that a business case would have to be completed by Corporate
Directors to show it was the best course of action. It would also have to undertaken
in consultation with the Director of Finance and Corporate Services and the Head
of Human Resources. Members
requested that the relevant Cabinet Member be consulted by Corporate Directors
in relation to each settlement agreement.
BUSINESS PLAN 2016/2017 - HUMAN RESOURCES PDF 302 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Members
received an overview of the Human Resources Division Business Plan for the
period 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 which would be considered by Policy and
Resources Cabinet Board on the 19 May 2016. It
was confirmed that the training in regard to the preparation of the social care
workforce for the introduction of the Social Services and Wellbeing Act (Wales)
2014 would be ongoing throughout the next 12 month period due to the large
number of people and variety of training needs. Also,
Members noted the implementation of the Long Term Sickness Absence in Schools
project, led by the Director of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning which was
being piloted in selected schools. A
dedicated Human Resource Officer has been appointed on a temporary basis to
provide schools with training support as well as additional guidance and
advice. Funding for this officer has
been provided until 2017.
Access to Meetings Minutes:
Hillside Secure Children's Home Minutes: (Cllr.P.A.Rees declared an interest at this point and
withdrew from the meeting). Members
received an overview of the proposed change in relation to the education
provision within Hillside Secure Children’s Home Education Department. Members
received a verbal amendment from the Manager of Hillside Secure Children’s Home
to the recommendations as detailed
Voluntary Redundancy (VR) Scheme Update Minutes: Members
received details of all the posts to be deleted from the Council’s
establishment on the grounds of Voluntary Redundancy (VR), together with
details of all consequential job/organisational structure changes.
Staff Council Minutes of the 13 July 2015, 19 October 2015 and 18 January 2016 Minutes: