Agenda and minutes

Personnel Committee - Monday, 22nd February, 2016 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms 1/2 - Port Talbot Civic Centre

No. Item


Creation of a Caretaker post at Trem-y-mor Respite Centre pdf icon PDF 331 KB


Members’ approval was sought to establish the post of 37 hours Caretaker/Domestic Grade 3 (JEID 3605) at Trem Y Mor Respite Service as detailed in the circulated report.


The Director of Social Services Health and Housing gave Members a background to the Trem y Mor Respite service which has been operational since April 2014 and is a brand new purpose built facility within Community Care. There is currently no caretaker post in the unit.  The proposed post would greatly benefit the unit due its size and would meet the building maintenance requirements in the building. The post holder would also undertake general maintenance work at two other Special Needs Day Services comprising of Brynamlwg in Port Talbot and Abbey View in Neath Abbey.



that the post of 37 hours Caretaker/Domestic Grade 3 (JEID 3605) at Trem Y Mor Respite Service as detailed in the circulated report, be approved.






Proposal for the Creation of an In house advocate post in children and young people services pdf icon PDF 107 KB


Members received a report from the Head of Children and Young People Services informing them of the savings made by the Service in 2014/15 and to date in 2015/16, regarding the cost of instructing external barristers to appear in complex child protection cases through the piloting of an In-House Advocate at fixed cost.  Members approval was sought for the creation of an employed In- House Advocate Role using funds previously spent on external Barristers, and to give Authority to the Head of Human Resources to approve a market supplement of up to £15k to attract candidates of the calibre required,in order to conduct lengthy and complex child protection cases if the post cannot be filled at Grade 11.


Members also noted the details of a pilot utilising a Barrister working exclusively for the Council on child protection matters, which has run since 1.4.2014, and which had produced significant savings against the spend on external counsel, excluding QCs, by Children and Young People Services in 2013/14. In 2014/15 the saving was around £48k and a similar saving was projected for 2015/16, with a Financial Impact Assessment attached at Appendix 1 to the circulated report.  This demonstrated the desirability of putting in place more permanent arrangements to secure savings for the future.


Following discussions the Chairperson requested that once the appointment process had concluded, that an update report be brought back to Committee regarding the appointment.





(a)      that an In-House Advocate role be created  within Children’s Services at Grade 11 and advertised on this basis as detailed within the circulated report.


 (b)  that the that the Head of Human Resources be given delegated authority to approve the payment of a market supplement if there was evidence that the post could not  be appointed at the Grade 11.














Increasing the hours for Polish and Bengali Bilingual Teaching Assistants pdf icon PDF 173 KB

Additional documents:


Members’ approval was sought to increase the hours of the MEAS fixed term contract Bilingual Teaching Assistants (BTAs) Grade 5 scp 20-24. The posts would be fixed term for a year, 39 weeks per year in the Minority Ethnic Achievement Support (MEAS) team.  1 x Polish speaking full time 37 hours, 1 x Bengali speaking part time 18 ½ hours, as detailed within the circulated report. 


Officers advised Members that Bengali and Polish were the highest number of first languages spoken by pupils with English as an Additional Language in the area. A 2014-15 survey showed 68 Polish pupils and 108 Bengali speaking pupils. There had been more new arrivals for both groups since this survey.


The pupils and their families would need considerable support with interpreting/translation, induction, integration, mentoring, advocacy and issues relating to safety and well-being. The class teachers need the Polish and Bengali Bilingual Teaching Assistants to support the pupils in class and liaise with the schools/families, as well as supporting them to learn English as an Additional Language (EAL).



that the increase in hours of the MEAS fixed term contract Bilingual Teaching Assistants (BTAs) Grade 5 scp 20-24,as detailed within the circulated report be approved as follows:


1 x Polish speaking BTA – hours to increase from 30 hours per week to 37 hours per week.


1 x Bengali speaking BTA – hours to increase from 15 hours per week to 18.5 hours per week.



Christmas and New Year Holiday Arrangements 2016/2017 pdf icon PDF 195 KB


Members received a report outlining the proposed opening/closing arrangements for the main Civic Offices during the Christmas and New Year Holiday Period 2016/2017.



that the following Christmas/New Year holiday arrangements as detailed in the circulated report, be approved:


Monday – Thursday


19th – 22nd December 2016

Normal working days



23rd December 2016

Offices close at 1 pm Special leave granted



26th December 2016

Christmas Day bank holiday



27th December 2016

Boxing Day bank holiday



28th December 2016

Extra Statutory Day



29th December 2016

Additional annual leave day (*)


30th December 2016

Offices closed – all employees required to use one day of annual leave (*)



2nd January 2017

New Years’ Day Bank Holiday



Chief Executive and Chief Officer Pay 2016 - Update pdf icon PDF 201 KB

Additional documents:


Members were updated in relation to the 2016 national pay negotiations for JNC for the Chief Executive and JNC for Chief Officers.


 It was noted that the National Employers wished to make a final offer, a two year arrangement, which was 1% on basic salary with effect from 1st April 2016, and 1% on basic salary with effect from 1st April 2017. Further information for members was attached at Appendices 1 and 2, to the circulated report.



that the report be noted.





Local Government Pay 2016 - Update pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Additional documents:


Members received an update in relation to national pay negotiations for Local Government Pay 2016 and the introduction of the national Living Wage on 1st April 2016 as detailed in the circulated report.



that the report be noted.



Registration of School Learning Support Workers pdf icon PDF 152 KB


Members’ approval was sought to approve the reimbursement to School Learning Support Workers for payment of the registration fee, set at £15.00 per registrant, for the registration year 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017, as detailed within the circulated report.


Members were advised that from 1st April 2016, under the Education Wales Act 2014 and the Education Workforce Council (Main Functions) (Wales) Regulations 2015 (as amended), the requirement for professional registration would be extended to learning support workers in both school and Further Education settings in Wales.  This means that in order to work as a learning support worker in Wales, a person must be registered with the Education Workforce Council (EWC).



that the reimbursement to School Learning Support Workers for payment of the registration fee, set at £15.00 per registrant, for the registration year 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017, and a review of statutory registration fees across the Council, as detailed within the circulated report be approved.







Head of Service Job Title pdf icon PDF 123 KB


Members received a brief report seeking approval to change the Job Title - “Head of Business Strategy” following organisational changes, as outlined in the circulated report.



that the for the Job Title of “Head of Business Strategy” be amended to “Head of Commissioning and Support Services”, as detailed in the circulated report.



Introduction of a Performance Appraisal Process pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Additional documents:


Members received  a report seeking approval for the introduction of an Authority wide Performance Appraisal process following a review of the existing process.


Members noted that the Council already had performance appraisal arrangements in place at Chief Officer and Accountable Manager level. Before rolling out arrangements to all employees within the Council, a review of these arrangements was carried out to take into account recommendations from the Wales Audit Office.


The new Performance Appraisal Procedure was attached at Appendix 1 to the circulated report. Members were advised that this new Procedure had been trialled in two service areas, with feedback from managers and employees being built into the final document. Consultation also took place with employees via the recognised Trade Unions and the Trade Unions had confirmed that they were supportive of the new arrangements. Members noted that two Performance Appraisals forms had been developed, recognising that for some jobs, the approach to objective setting will be more straightforward than others. The more basic form for Members’ information was shown in Appendix 2 of the circulated report.


Following discussions Members confirmed the importance of a robust appraisal system encompassing opportunities for benefits to the individual and the organisation as a whole including training for managers.



1.          that the introduction of the new Performance Appraisal process as detailed within the circulated report, be approved.



Access to Meetings



that pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded for the following items of business which involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 15 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act.




Community Care Management Arrangements


Members received a private report from the Director of Social Services Health and Housing seeking to approve proposals for the management of Community Care on an interim basis, following the resignation of the Head of Community Care and Commissioning in October 2015.


Members noted that since October 2015 three other key resignations had taken place (two Principal Officers and the interim Acting Head of Integrated Community Services) which naturally had placed more challenges upon the management of the Adult Social Care Service. Following discussions, it was noted that the current Head of Children and Young People Services (CYPS) had played a pivotal role in successfully leading the improvements within the CYPS, having developed a suitably qualified and competent workforce. The Director of Social Services Health and Housing  reiterated that this experience resonated with what would now be required in the Community Care Services and confirmed that approval was sought  so that the Head of Children and Young People Services could assume interim responsibility for Community Care Services for up to 12 months as detailed within the private circulated report.



that the Head of Children and Young People Services assumes interim responsibility for Community Care Services for up to 12 months, with effect from 1st March 2016, and the receipt of an honorarium payment of £8,000 per annum pro rata as detailed within the private circulated report. 






Management of Margam Country Park


Members received an update report regarding the revised staffing structure for Margam Country Park as attached at Appendix 1 to the circulated private report.


Members were informed that the amendments to the staffing structure were required due to the fact that the Park Management was now responsible for the Orangery and Charlotte’s Pantry, which would assist the park in achieving cost savings and increase income in order to meet financial targets.



that the revised staffing structure as attached at Appendix 1 to the private circulated report, be approved.



Holiday Payments and Overtime


Members received a report seeking approval regarding changes to the way in which holiday payments were calculated, agree changes to the Council Policy to ensure compliance with the recent change to case law, and address the Council’s back pay liability in settlement of potential litigation action as detailed in the private circulated report.



(a)          that the payment of holiday pay on overtime with effect from 1st January 2016, as detailed within the private circulated report, be approved;


(b)          that  6 months back pay be offered in settlement to relevant employees calculated on hours paid over the 6 month period during June to December 2015, to mitigate any future claims in relation to back pay, as detailed within the private circulated report.