Venue: Committee Rooms 1/2 - Port Talbot Civic Centre
No. | Item | ||
Budget Proposals/Voluntary Redundancy Scheme PDF 132 KB Minutes: Members
were asked for the approval in relation to the employment actions necessary to
support the Council’s budget planning process for 2016 / 2017. As
a result of the scale of the consultations required, and the need for urgency
in relation to the actions needed to deliver a balanced budget for 2016 / 2017
Members were asked to delegate authority to each Corporate Director, in
consultation with the Leader, relevant Cabinet Member and Head of Human
Resources, to make the necessary decisions in relation to those changes to
jobs, organisational structures and/or working practices which will be needed
to implement the service changes which are approved by Members
Voluntary Redundancy Scheme 2015 - Update Report PDF 358 KB Minutes: To
provide Members with an update on expressions of interest submitted and
associated actions to date in relation to the Voluntary Redundancy Scheme which
was launched on 30 September 2015. An updated
version of appendix 1 and 2 was handed out at the meeting, to provide Members
with an update on the figures of the Voluntary Redundancy Scheme Expressions of
Interest Progress by Heads of Service as at 23 November 2015.
Urgent Items Minutes: Because
of the need to deal now with the matter contained in Minute No. 4 below, the
Chairman agreed that this could be raised at today’s meeting as an Urgent Item
pursuant to Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Reason: Due to the time element. |
Minutes: Members
were asked to seek approval for the recruitment of 5 peripatetic, Bilingual
Teaching Assistants Grade 5 scp
20-24. The posts will be temporary full time posts, 39 weeks per year and will
sit in the Minority Ethnic Achievement Support team.
Access to Meetings Minutes:
Creation of staffing structure to deliver the in-house advice and development areas of Direct Payments Minutes: Members
were asked to seek approval to implement a staffing structure for the in house
advice and development areas of Direct Payments subject to approval being given
by the Social Services, Health and Housing Cabinet Board on 26th November 2015
that this service is brought in house.