Venue: Multi Location Microsoft Teams/Council Chamber
Contact: Sarah Mccluskie
No. | Item |
Chairs Announcements Decision: The
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes: Councillor
Knoyle welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Decision: There
were none. Minutes: No
declarations of interest were received. |
Minutes of the previous meeting Decision: The
minutes of the previous meeting, held on the 22nd May 2023, were approved
as an accurate record. Minutes: The
minutes of the previous meeting, held on the 22nd May 2023, were
approved as a true and accurate record. |
Forward Work Programme 2023 2024 Decision: The
Forward Work Programme for 2023 2024 be noted. Minutes: That
the Forward Work Programme for 2023 2024 be noted. |
Revised Special Leave Scheme Additional documents:
Decision: Decision: That
having due regard to the circulated report, along with the integrated impact
assessment and appendices, Members determined to approve the revised special
leave scheme. Minutes: Decision: That having due regard to the circulated report, along with the
integrated impact assessment and appendices, Members determined to approve the
revised special leave scheme. Reason for Decision: To comply with employment legislation and law. To ensure the Council is
being promoted as the ‘employer of choice’. And to promote best practice. Implementation of Decision: The decision is to be implemented after the three-day call-in period
which ended at 9.00am Friday 29th September 2023. Consultation: There is no requirement to undertake external consultation. |
Menopause Workplace Pledge Additional documents: Decision: Decision: That
having due regard to the circulated report, integrated impact assessment and
appendices, Members determined to approve signing the Menopause Workplace
Pledge. The
pledge would commit to supporting employees affected by the Menopause within
the workplace. Minutes: Decision: That having due regard to the circulated report, integrated impact
assessment and appendices, Members determined to approve signing the Menopause
Workplace Pledge. The pledge would commit to supporting employees affected by the
Menopause within the workplace. Reason for Decision: To support and commit to supporting employees affected by the menopause
in the workplace. By signing the pledge, the Council demonstrates it’s committed
to employees who are in stages of peri-menopausal and menopause. It will also
enhance the Council’s ‘employer of choice’ reputation. Mostly, it will
strengthen work to raise awareness of the Menopause. Implementation of Decision: The decision is to be implemented after the three-day call-in period,
which ended at 9.00am on Friday 29th September 2023. Consultation: The National Education Union requested that the Council consider signing
the pledge, however there was no requirement to consult externally on this
item. |
Anti-Racism Charter Additional documents: Decision: Decision: That
having due regard to the integrated impact assessment and the circulated report,
Members determined to approve and commit to the Anti-Racism Charter. That
the commitment commences over a 12-month period, and that Charter aligns with
the Future of Work Strategy. Minutes: Decision: That having due regard to the integrated impact assessment and the
circulated report, Members determined to approve and commit to the Anti-Racism
Charter. That the commitment commences over a 12-month period, and that the
Charter aligns with the Future of Work Strategy. Reason for Decision: When pledging the Councils commits its dedication in taking Anti-Racism
seriously. Implementation of Decision: The decision is to be implemented after the three-day call-in period
which ended at 9.00am on Friday 29th September 2023 Consultation: There is no requirement to undertake external consultation. |
Financial Well-Being Strategy Additional documents:
Decision: Decision: That
having due regard to the circulated report, integrated impact assessment and appendices,
Members determined to approve and support the proposed Employee Financial
Well-being Strategy. Minutes: Decision: That having due regard to the circulated report, integrated impact
assessment and appendices, Members determined to approve and support the
proposed Employee Financial Well-being Strategy. Reason for Decision: To support Council employees faced with increased risks of financial
adversity due to extensive economic and social implications. Implementation of Decision: The decision is to be implemented after the three-day call-in period
which ended at 9.00am on Friday 29th September 2023. Consultation: There is no requirement to undertake an external consultation. |
Salary Finance Portal Decision: Decision: That
having due regard to the circulated report, the report be noted for information. Minutes: Decision: That
having due regard to the circulated report, the report be noted for information. |
Workforce Information Report 23/24 Quarter 1 Additional documents: Decision: Decision: That
having due regard to the circulated report, the report be noted for information. Minutes: Decision: That
having due regard to the circulated report, the report be noted for information. |
Employee Assistance Programme Decision: Decision: That
having due regard to the circulated report, the report be noted for information. Minutes: Decision: That
having due regard to the circulated report, the report be noted for information. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Decision: There
were no urgent items. Minutes: There
were no urgent items. |