Agenda and minutes

Personnel Committee - Monday, 29th November, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Via Microsoft Teams

Contact: Naidine Jones 

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting - 20th September 2021 pdf icon PDF 82 KB


That the minutes of 20th September be noted.



Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 419 KB


That the Forward Work Programme be noted.


Christmas & New Holiday 2022 / 23 pdf icon PDF 472 KB

Additional documents:


Officers gave Members an overview of the circulated report.


RESOLVED: That members approved the proposal in relation to Christmas / New Year holiday arrangements for 2022/2023.




Monitoring Report on Agency Usage and Spend pdf icon PDF 508 KB


Officers gave an overview of the circulated report.


Members asked why 88% of agency staff were under Environment and Steetcare. Officers stated that there are always a number of reasons for engaging agency workers to provide short term cover and increase the flexibility of the workforce.  This is one area where it can be  more cost effective  to engage agency workers when there is a short term staffing need – unlike other services, where agency usage is much more expensive than a directly employed workforce. Agency usage had been monitored yearly. Social Services used to have the biggest spend, but has reduced dramatically over the last 5 years. Recycling and waste were always the highest spenders as this is a front line service, delivered by people, and if, for example people are not available for work at short notice, then cover needs to be obtained and quickly.  Officers stated they would reflect the comments back to the relevant head of Service and request that if he can, to provide any further detail to Members on this point.  .


Members asked if COVID had effected this. Officers stated it was a factor, also refuse had a difficult time as social distancing added pressure to the service, and therefore additional people were employed for the social distance to be maintained.


Members thanked the refuse teams throughout the past 18 months and congratulated them on all their efforts.


RESOLVED:   that Members note the information on agency usage and spend report.




Frontline Employees Survey Feedback pdf icon PDF 401 KB

Additional documents:


Officers gave an overview of the circulated report.


RESOLVED: That members note the survey outcomes and associated actions and the update in relation to working practices.





Time to Change Wales Employer Pledge Action Plan Update Report pdf icon PDF 379 KB

Additional documents:


Officers gave an update of the circulated report.


RESOLVED:       That Members note the update in relation to Time to Change Wales Action Plan and receive a further update in six months.  




Removal of Recruitment Restrictions pdf icon PDF 303 KB

Additional documents:


Officers gave an update of the circulated report.


In relation to the posts advertised externally and internally, Members wanted further clarity on page two in relation to a and b. Officers explained that page two stated what was in place at that moment and the proposal was to remove the restrictions.


RESOLVED:   (a) The removal of recruitment restrictions.

(b) Should there be a significant increase in numbers of employees ‘at risk’ the Head of Human and Organisational Development, in consultation with trade unions and the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Equalities will have the authority to re-instate restrictions.




Access to meetings

That pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded for the following items of business which involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 12 and 15 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the above Act.




That pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded for the following items of business which involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 12 and 15 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the above Act.



National Pay Negotiations November 2021


RESOLVED:      That the National Pay Negotiations, as detailed within the private circulated report, be noted.