Venue: Via Micrsosot Teams
Contact: Nicola Headon
No. | Item |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Transformation gave Members an overview of the
circulated report. Members questioned the figure of 48% of the ‘early years’
who were not ready to learn and if it was known what schools this referred to. Officers
explained that baseline data provided them with a full picture of school
information and the full picture was known. It was explained with regards to
0-3 year olds, the Council is responsible for identifying any additional needs
providing for them. Going forward, when the children enter school and have had
their needs met, that was the one key aspect of making sure that children are
more prepared to learn when they go to school. Members asked what improvements there were going to be in
relation to Flying Start and what the relationship was with the Council.
Officers explained there was over-provision in some flying start areas in terms
of certain services and there was under provision within the non-flying start
areas where they have deprivation and high levels of need. One of the roles
would be to bring partners together to make sure that the amount of resource
was available to ensure equitable provision across the county borough. Members referred to the Financial Impact mentioned in the
report namely: “No additional funding is sought to enable the proposed
restructuring as the additional Head of Service Post will be funded from the
deletion of a senior post within the Inclusion Service and the deletion of the
Finance and Date Co-ordinator post”. Officers explained there was to be a
deletion of the current post and there would be a creation of two Heads of
Service. They confirmed that there would be a small budget saving and that the
posts would be advertised externally. Members queried the extra funding for additional learning
needs and if any consideration had been given to temporary cover for the post.. Also in relation to flying start, members queried if by
creating a new post they would be able to fill the gaps where children were not
able to currently access these services. Officers explained that a permanent
post was more attractive in terms of a job offer. They confirmed that
arrangements do not affect the way the foundation phase is delivered in
schools, and this post was to ensure that the ‘postcode lottery’ issue is
addressed and that there is a more equitable offer of support for young people
preparing them for the life in education, understanding the issues and making
sure challenges are addressed. Members asked if the workloads were manageable and would the post look at parental help and support. Officers explained the post would be looking at all aspects of support for young people and families. The proposals bring together a range of early years services within the directorate, one of them is ‘think families first’, which give families the support they need. The partnership part of the post was to have the time to work with partners such as health and children’s services ... view the full minutes text for item 1. |