Venue: Via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Nicola Headon
No. | Item |
Senior Management Arrangements PDF 96 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief
Executive gave Members an overview of the circulated report. In response to Member’s queries, it was explained that additional
work would be taken forward as part of recovery planning to ensure there was a
strengthened approach to community development. This would ensure alignment
between Local Area Co-ordination and other community development and
place-based work across the Council. Members questioned whether the responsibility of Community Safety
should sit with Social Services. The
Chief Executive clarified that the function synergy with Social Services and
Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning. On balance there was more capacity
likely to be available in DELLL at the present time to sustain the current
work. It was explained that Community Safety did not fit into just one area, it
spanned the Social Services and Education agendas. Members queried whether there would be a conflict of interest with
the Director of Finance and Corporate Services chairing the Corporate
Governance Group. The Chief Executive
reassured Members that essentially the Corporate Governance Group co-ordinated
and provided professional oversight of the governance arrangements of the
Council and took responsibility for preparing the Annual Governance Statement
which came before Cabinet once a year and is also endorsed by Audit Committee
as part of the finalisation of accounts processes. A discussion took place regarding combining roles of Legal
Services, Democratic Services and Electoral Services. The Chief Executive explained that Democratic
Services had a close operational relationship with Legal Services, which
included wide-ranging liaison between the Head of Legal Services and the
Democratic Services Team. In regards to
Electoral Services it was highlighted that the Council had an experienced
Elections Manager, but for succession planning and resilience planning reasons
the proposals would provide for the Head of Legal Services to become more
involved in this work. Members questioned whether there was an impact on officer
remuneration arising from the proposals. It was confirmed that there were no
such impacts arising from the proposals for the affected Heads of Service or
Directors. RESOLVED: that the following recommendations are
approved: 1.
That the post of Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital
Officer be deleted. 2. That a new post at head of service grade be
created of Chief Digital
Officer, reporting directly to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services. 3. That the Chief
Executive, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for
Equalities and Corporate Services be authorised to prepare a suitable job description and person specification for the role of Chief Digital Officer and to
initiate the processes necessary to recruit a suitable person to the role. 4. That line management of the Digital
Services Division be incorporated into the portfolio of the Chief Digital
Officer. 5. That the responsibility for developing the Council’s
Income Generation Strategy be vested in the role of the Head of Finance. Line management of the Commercial Co-ordinator be
transferred to the Head of Finance. The Head of Finance to also be responsible
for chairing the Capital Programme Steering Group and reporting to the Corporate Directors’ ... view the full minutes text for item 1. |