Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot & Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Tammie Davies Email:
No. | Item |
Chairs Announcements Decision: The
Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes: The
Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Decision: There
were no declarations of interests received. Minutes: There
were no declarations of interests received. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 18 KB Decision: That
the minutes of the meeting held on 2 September 2024, be approved as an accurate
record. Minutes: RESOLVED: The
minutes of the meeting held on 2 September 2024 were approved as an accurate
record. |
Annual Equalities Report 2023 2024 PDF 589 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That
the Equalities Employment Information for the year 2023-2024, contained within the
circulated report, be approved. Minutes: The
Committee were provided with the Equalities Employment Information for the year
2023-2024. It
was noted that this report formed part of the Council’s Public Sector Equality Duty
and contained all of the relevant data that the Council must publish as part of
that duty. RESOLVED: The
Equalities Employment Information for the year 2023-2024, contained within the
circulated report, was approved. |
Social Partnership Duty Annual Report PDF 232 KB Additional documents: Decision: That
the Social Partnership Duty Annual Report be approved and submitted to the
Social Partnership Council. Minutes: Members
received the Social Partnership Duty Annual Report, which had been prepared in
line with the Social Partnership Duty as set out in the Social Partnership and
Public Procurement (Wales) Act 2023. It
was explained that Local Authorities were required to seek consensus or compromise with their
recognised Trade Unions when setting their well-being objectives, and making
decisions of a strategic nature about the reasonable steps they intend to take
to deliver those objectives. Members were informed that the circulated report
set out how Neath Port Talbot Council sought to do that with the recognised Trade
Unions. It was added that those recognised Trade Unions had endorsed the
content of the circulated report. RESOLVED: The
Social Partnership Duty Annual Report was approved and submitted to the Social
Partnership Council. |
Christmas and New Year Holiday Arrangements 2025 2026 and 2026 2027 PDF 481 KB Additional documents: Decision: That
the proposals in relation to Christmas / New Year holiday arrangements for
2025/2026 and 2026/2027, contained within the circulated report, be approved. Minutes: Officers
provided a report in regard to the opening and closing arrangements for the
main Civic Offices during the Christmas and New Year Holiday periods for 2025/2026
and 2026/2027. It
was noted that consultation had taken place with Chief Officers and Trade
Unions regarding the preferred options. RESOLVED: The
proposals in relation to Christmas / New Year holiday arrangements for
2025/2026 and 2026/2027, contained within the circulated report, were approved.
Volunteering Policy PDF 224 KB Additional documents: Decision: That
the implementation of a Volunteering Policy, as detailed in the circulated report,
be approved. Minutes: Officers
presented a report which sought to seek approval for a new Volunteering Policy
to be implemented across the Council. It
was explained that the development of the Volunteering Policy was detailed as
one of the commitments made in the Councils Strategic Workforce Plan and the
Delivery Action Plan, for year two of the Workforce Strategy. Members
were informed that the Council already used volunteers across many services,
however there wasn’t a standard framework for recruiting and managing those
volunteers; developing a policy, would help to ensure a consistent approach and
make sure that arrangements, such as pre-employments checks, were adhered to.
Officers also highlighted the benefits to wellbeing, as volunteers gained a lot
from volunteering experiences. Officers
stated that the Volunteering Policy will create opportunities across the
Council and can be taken up by those external to the Council, as well as
Council employees; it would be another measure in the range of benefits that
the Council provides. A
discussion took place in regard to monitoring and mapping impacts of this
policy across the Council. It was noted that Officers did not currently capture
data in relation to volunteers; however, arrangements will be made to monitor
the consistency of the approach, and the relevant data will be captured moving
forward. It was mentioned that Officers had engaged with services that
currently used volunteers and had, for example, made sure that services such as
schools were aware of the pre-employment checks. Members
asked for a better understanding of some of the finer details of the policy and
what could be achieved. It was explained that the services themselves would
create a list of volunteering opportunities and advertise them, inviting people
to present themselves to undertake a particular role; before a member of staff
decided to volunteer, they should discuss the role with their Line Manager to
ensure there weren’t any conflicts of interest. Officers stated that
volunteering roles would not take away paid employment and would be
supplementary to the Councils core services; a volunteer would not be
undertaking the work of a paid employee. In
addition to the above, it was highlighted that the Council already used a lot
of volunteers across services such as schools, parks and theatres; however, the
policy would hopefully increase the opportunities and provide a framework in
order to be able to publicise those opportunities. Officers confirmed that it
was a helpful way for people to gain experience and go on to gain employment,
or for those who just want to help. Members queried the practical arrangements in terms of monitoring and training the volunteers, and referenced the use of this policy for those who were at risk of losing employment. It was stated that volunteers would not be left unsupervised within any of the workplaces, especially those regarding children or adult services; there would always be a paid officer working alongside them. Officers highlighted that in circumstances where someone was at risk of losing their employment, they would primarily use other ways to ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Workforce Information Quarter 2 PDF 329 KB Additional documents: Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: Members
received the Quarter 2 Workforce Information report for 2024/25. Officers
raised that there had been an increase in sickness absence; talking to
colleagues across Wales, this seemed to be a National trend rather than
specific to Neath Port Talbot. It was noted that this data had been shared with
Senior Management Teams across the Council to enable them to identify the
reasons for sickness absence across their services, and to ensure that sickness
absence was being managed appropriately. RESOLVED: The
report was noted. |
Employers for Carers, Carer Confident Benchmark Scheme PDF 402 KB Additional documents: Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: Members
were informed that Neath Port Talbot Borough Council had successfully been
awarded the Employers for Carer’s, Carer Confident Scheme, benchmark of Level 2
(Accomplished). It
was noted that in 2022, Members approved the Council’s Employers for Carers (EfC) subscription membership; Officers across the People
and Organisational Development Team had been working to implement the Councils
arrangements in supporting employees who have caring responsibilities outside
of work. Officers highlighted that the arrangements had been submitted for
assessment, and the results came back as achieving benchmark Level 2
(Accomplished). It was noted that Officers intended to continue to build on this
work. Officers
referred to the range of evidence that was submitted for consideration, some of
this evidence included: ·
Communication arrangements for employees who were carers and the
Councils commitment to supporting carers within the workforce. ·
Carers Wales Award - Home Care were successful in securing the Line
Manager recognition award for the ongoing support provided to employees at the
Carers Wales’ Carers Week Awards. This demonstrated
the bespoke support that they provided. ·
Presentations to demonstrate that a range of people, including Line
Mangers, were briefed to ensure they were aware of how to support carers in the
workforce. ·
Carers staff survey to find out vital information in regard to what
support they need and what more the Council could do to help them. ·
Campaign to recruit Carers Champions, who were able to signpost carers
to avenues of support and increase awareness. ·
Drop-in sessions for Carers Rights Day to increase awareness of support
available. ·
The development of a Viva Engage Carers Channel, with weekly promotions
of self-awareness and support materials. ·
How EfC had been included in the on boarding
and induction for new starters. It
was highlighted that the criteria for benchmarking mainly related to awareness
raising; making sure that people who can support carers in the workplace knew
what support to provide, and people who had caring responsibilities knew where
to go when they needed that support. Members
asked what the additional actions were required in order to reach the next
level. Officers provided the following list in order to achieve Level 3:
Committee congratulated the Team on their achievements. RESOLVED: The
report was noted. |
Employment Rights Bill PDF 406 KB Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: Officers
provided Members with information on the new Employment Rights Bill. It
was noted that the Bill was not yet in legislation as it was currently out for
consultation. Members were informed that the circulated report identified the
changes that would be needed across the Council, as a result of this
legislation being implemented. RESOLVED:
report was noted. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Decision: There
were no urgent items received. Minutes: There
were no urgent items received. |
Access to Meetings That
pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the
public be excluded for the following item of business which involves the likely
disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 15 of Part 4 of
Schedule 12A of the above Act. Decision: That pursuant to Section
100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded for
the following item of business which involved the likely disclosure of exempt
information as defined in Paragraph 15 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the above
Act. Minutes: RESOLVED: That pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be
excluded for the following item of business which involved the likely
disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 15 of Part 4 of
Schedule 12A of the above Act. |
National Pay Negotiations Update (Exempt under Paragraph 15) Decision: That
the report be noted. Minutes: An
update was provided in relation to national pay negotiations. RESOLVED: The
report was noted. |