Agenda and draft minutes

Licensing and Gambling Acts Sub Committee - Monday, 10th March, 2025 10.00 am

Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot & Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Naidine Jones  Email:

No. Item


Chairpersons Announcements


The Chair, Councillor A. J. Richards welcomed all to the meeting.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest received.


Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence pdf icon PDF 217 KB

Additional documents:


Members were asked to consider an application made by the following representative.



Premises Name

Gnoll's Stores

Premises Address

48 Gnoll Park Road, Neath, SA11 3DB

Applicant Name

Keerthi Sanaka

Applicant Address

43 Pentwyn Avenue, Mountain Ash, CF45 4YE

DPS Name

Sai Babu Gattam


Ms Cath Cody, Legal Regulatory Services Officer, introduced the report and referred to representations made by South Wales Police, the Legal Regulatory Service and Other Persons.


The Responsible Authorities nor the Other Persons attended the meeting.


The applicant’s agent Mr. Rajesh along with the DPS, Mr Gattam, were in attendance, made submissions and answered questions.




With a view to ensuring the promotion of the four licensing objectives, and in accordance with the principles of the Council’s own ‘Statement of Licensing Policy (2021)’, and the provisions of the Statutory Guidance issued under s.182 of the Licensing Act 2003, the Sub-Committee Resolved to Approve the application for the new premises licence, subject to the conditions outlined in the report which had been agreed between the Applicant, South Wales Police and the Legal Regulatory Service.



In reaching a determination, the Sub-Committee concluded the following:

  1. Overall, the Sub-Committee considered the representations and evidence from the Responsible Authorities, the Applicant, and Other Persons was compelling and relevant.


  1. Members considered that the robust conditions had been agreed upon with the Responsible Authorities and that the Licence did not cause them any concern. The Licence was in-line with the Policy and Guidance. 


  1. The best and most efficient solution was to accept all the conditions proposed by the Police, LRS, and the Applicant.


  1. The Sub-Committee considered the licensing objectives to be of paramount and that the Applicant had met the standards of those objectives. The conditions proposed and attached to the Licence were proportionate.



Urgent Items

Any urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


There were no urgent items.