Agenda and draft minutes

Annual Meeting, Margam Crematorium Joint Committee - Friday, 2nd June, 2023 2.15 pm

Contact: Tammie Davies 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were received.


Appointment of Chairperson 2023-24


RESOLVED:               That Councillor E.V.Latham be appointed Chairperson of the Margam Crematorium Joint Committee for the Civic Year 2023/24.


Appointment of Vice Chairperson 2023-24


RESOLVED:               That Councillor P.Davies be appointed Vice Chairperson of the Margam Crematorium Joint Committee for the Civic Year 2023/24.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 106 KB


The minutes of the meeting of 17 February 2023, were agreed as an accurate record.



Margam Crematorium Service Level Business Plan 2023 2024 pdf icon PDF 406 KB

Additional documents:


The Head of Legal Services gave an overview of the circulated Business Plan, and Members thanked him for all his work around it.


Members discussed the timescale for the refurbishment of the outside toilet block, and noted that the work itself might not begin until the early part of 2024.


The Head of Legal Services would find out a timescale for the external painting of Margam Crematorium, and report back to Members outside of the meeting.


It was noted that there was currently a backlog of memorial bench availability, and the Superintendent was trying to reduce the carbon footprint of importing the benches from China. Other options of memorials would be explored, in addition to the benches and the kerbside memorials.


RESOLVED:               That the Margam Crematorium Service Level Business Plan 2023-24, be approved.


Outturn Report and Annual Return 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 617 KB


Officers gave an update with the Outturn Report and Annual Return 2022/23, as detailed in the circulated report.


RESOLVED:                1.   That the Outturn report for 2022/23, be approved.


                                      2.   That the Annual Return, prior to external audit certification, for the year ended 31st March 2023, be approved and signed by the Chairman of this Committee.


                                      3.   That the Annual Governance Statement be confirmed.


Urgent Items

Any urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


No urgent items were received.