Contact: Tammie Davies
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chairperson 22-23 Minutes: Prior
to the election of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, Mr C.Griffiths
opened the meeting. RESOLVED: That Councillor E.V.Latham be appointed Chairperson of the Margam Crematorium Joint Committee for the Civic Year
2022/23. |
Appointment of Vice Chairperson 22-23 Minutes: RESOLVED: That Councillor P.Davies
be appointed Vice Chairperson of the Margam
Crematorium Joint Committee for the Civic
Year 2022/23. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There
were none. |
Report of the Clerk – Mr Craig Griffiths Minutes: Officers gave an update with the Management Restructuring in Neath Port
Talbot Council and designation of Clerk to Joint Committee of Margam Crematorium, as detailed in the circulated report. There was a proposed amendment which was made by members for the
recommendation 13(b), the amendment was that the Clerk to the Joint Committee
of Margam Crematorium be retained as the current Head
of Legal and Democratic Services of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council. Members proposed and seconded the amendment and approved the motion. |
Participating in the Institute of Cemetery and Cremation Management Scheme PDF 427 KB REPORT OF
THE SUPERINTENDENT REGISTRAR – Mr Clive Phillips Minutes: Officers gave an update with the Participating in the Institute of
Cemetery and Cremation Management Scheme, as detailed in the circulated report. RESOLVED: Members agreed
to support a charity for the current year which was Ty Hafan. |
Report of the Report of the Clerk – Mr
Craig Griffiths Minutes: Officers gave an update with regards to the Medical Referee. Members wanted to thank officers for the great work that goes on in the
Crematorium. Members asked if they could have a visit to Margam
Crematorium. RESOLVED: Members to note the appointment of new
medical referees. |
Cremation Figures for the period 1st January 2022 to 30th June 2022 PDF 114 KB Report of the Superintendent – Mr Clive Phillips Minutes: Officers
gave an update with the Cremation Figures for the period 1st January
2022 to 30th June 2022, as detailed in the circulated report. RESOLVED: That members note the report. |
Outturn Report and Annual Return 2021/22 PDF 618 KB REPORT OF THE TREASURER –
HUW JONES Minutes: Officers
gave an update with the Outturn Report and Annual Return 2021/22, as detailed
in the circulated report. Members
asked for an item in relation to Pure Cremations and also asked for a Forward
Work Programme to be added to the agenda. RESOLVED: That the Outturn report for 2021/22, be approved. That the Annual Return, prior to external audit certification,
for the year ended 31st March 2022, be approved and signed by the Chairman of
this Committee. That the Annual Governance Statement be confirmed. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 Minutes: There
were none. |